Saturday, May 28, 2016

New book alert - Contact Down Under - McGhee

Hi all,

An excellent new Australian book has just been published, titled "Contact Down Under: A century of UFO sightings in Australasia and the Western Pacific." Its author is Moira McGhee, and it is published by Independent Network of UFO Researchers (INUFOR); ISBN is 978-0646-305-042.

Moira has been interested in the subject for many years, and is an extremely dedicated researcher. She founded INUFOR and still coordinates it today. In the past, Moira has been associated with  the British UFO Research Association  in the United Kingdom; UFO Research Australia; the Australian Centre for UFO Studies; and the Mutual UFO Network in the USA.

This book is aimed at members of the general public, and as such, gives a representative overview of sightings in Australasia and the Western Pacific, over the last hundred years, focusing on Australia.

It is packed full of both well-known (eg Mundrabilla, WA, 20 January 1988; pp 152-156) and little-known (eg Portland, NSW, 12 March 1997; pp 104-108) observations. The spectrum of sightings range from anecdotal (eg Queensland, June 1984 "UFO crash;" p127) to well documented (eg Llangothlin, NSW, 19 October 1975: pp 78-81.) Some are sketchy (eg Trunkey Creek, NSW, 1997; p 104); while others are described in detail (eg Roma, Qld, 1963; pp 231-235.) There are sightings where mundane stimuli are the likely cause ( eg Ivy Tank, SA, September 1973; p 150); while others remain a mystery after a competent investigation (eg Boianai, Papua New Guinea, June 1959 pp 206-208.)

There are cases which cry out for a much longer treatment, eg Mundrabilla, WA; pp 152-156; but in a general work of this nature, this is not possible. There are others which Moira outlines, especially from central Australia, which I would like to see further investigated, documented and published.

As with all works, there are errors; eg page 3 tells us that the American A-12 aircraft could "hover"; not so. There are two versions, dated 28 May 1963 and 1965, of the same case on page 209. However, these do not really detract from the main thrust of the book, namely, sighting reports.

A long term blog reader will be aware that I enjoy a book which has plenty of factual information, together with analysis. This book has all of this. It is a treasure trove of Australian material.

I found that the book provides a great introduction to the topic. I thoroughly recommend you obtain, and read, a copy of this book. Details of how you may purchase it can be found at

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