Hi all,
Eddie Bullard:
In his 2010 book, "The Myth and Mystery of UFOs," US researcher Eddie Bullard listed his thoughts on categories of people who study UAP. Among his categories were "skeptics," "activists," and "scientific ufologists."
What did Bullard write about "scientific ufologists?" In part he wrote:
"For this group UFOs are a phenomenon accessible to rational inquiry. These people pursue in-depth case investigations, critical examination of the evidence, comparison of collected data and rigorous research projects to determine if any UFO reports describe an unknown phenomenon...Exemplified by Hynek and McDonald, professed by the leading UFO organisations, this scientific approach represents ufology in the purist sense of a scientific or scholarly discipline." (p.15.)
My own approach:
In looking at my own approach to the subject, I clearly fit into being a "scientific ufologist." I have conducted in-depth case investigations, and equally as important in my view, I have extensively published my research findings. Readers of my blog will be aware of my numerous "cold case" reviews (for a listing and links to these, click here.) I also have published in-depth reports on current cases I have been involved in, e.g. the 19 March 2014 Perth, Western Australia aircraft near-miss with an "unknown object" (click here to read the NARCAP technical report.) or the 29 May 2014 very unusual incident on the south coast of New South Wales (click here.)
Each of my "cold case" reviews involved a critical re-examination of the evidence, almost always drawn from tracking down and closely looking at original documentation, some of which no-one else had seen before.
"Hot air":
The opposite of my scientific approach to the subject, is to be seen in the work of some "investigators" who also claim to be researching the subject using a "scientific" approach. Here, in my opinion, there is much "hot air," and little or no substance.
Recently, I have tried to locate any written, detailed case reports published by three individuals who claim to be following a "scientific" approach. Two are Australian and one is American. I failed to find a single published, detailed case report of theirs on the Internet, or in UAP Magazines/Newsletters/Journals. This is suggestive that, despite their claim to follow a "scientific" approach, they fail to live up to this approach.
My process:
Attracting raw reports via electronic Internet forms on websites, is simply the first step in the process. It is too easy these days for anyone to submit an electronic report to UAP groups. A look at the types of reports being made to various electronic databases, reveals the questionable nature of some of them, e.g. how many are straight out hoaxes?
Once reported to an electronic system, or indeed via telephone, the old fashioned letter, or any other means, the next stage in the process should be to conduct an investigation by contacting the witness. Some raw reports are made anonymously and therefore no follow up is possible. In my opinion, an un-investigated anonymous report has little value.
When contact details are given, it is then necessary to speak to the witness in person. Reporting by someone in Australia, to an overseas database may mean no local interview is performed by anyone.
This face to face interview is critical. Besides taking note of the details of the reported occurrence, an experienced investigator will also gain a "feel" for the genuineness of the reporter and hence the report. My preference is to conduct this face to face interview at the site of the incident, wherever possible.
Once details of the event are recorded, the next step is to critically examine of these details. A check for aircraft movements; planets; stars; satellites needs to be made. The weather at the time should be investigated. For a full list of investigative tools, click here. By this analysis, I am looking to see if a mundane explanation could explain the observation. My experience, and that of others, is that 95% of incoming raw reports have conventional explanations.
As I mentioned above, I rate publishing the details of investigations and research, equally as important as carrying out a detailed investigation. This allows for a scientific "peer review" of both your data and your conclusions, a very important part of the scientific process.
Sometimes, this also attracts the attention of members of the mass media. An example of this are remarks I made at the 2014 Melbourne, VUFOA conference, about the need for an Australian quick response team. The following morning, newspaper and radio items appeared about my remarks. I did not seek this publicity, it simply followed me presenting a conference paper. As a result I was asked to go on a number of radio shows to be interviewed about my thoughts. I carefully selected those on which to appear, and turned other requests down.
Similarly, the mass media picked up on aspects of the research conducted by myself about the 19 March 2014 Perth near-miss, between an aircraft and an unknown object. I did not seek out this publicity, it simply followed publication of my research. I turned down a number of requests to be interviewed about the case. I find it odd, therefore, that an Australian researcher recently has suggested that I am "seeking publicity." This is not so. I reject something like 9 out of 10 mass media requests for interviews, including one recent approach from Channel 9 television to discuss pilot observations.
My process:
So, my process is, collect incoming raw reports; conduct a personal interview (on site if possible); document the evidence presented by the witness; followed by an analysis; then preparing a detailed, written case report, and finally publishing it for peer review. This process produces a small, but screened, number of examples of the "core" UAP each year.
The above is how I believe that a scientific investigation of UAP should be conducted. Looking around, both overseas and here in Australia, I see far too many people who state they are following a "scientific" approach, who fall short of the standards I expect of my own research. I realise that this is not something that some people will like to hear, but I tell it as I see it.
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Frederick Phillip Stone - An unpublished book manuscript emerges from the past
Hi all,
For those of you who may be new readers of this blog, I tend to wander over all sorts of topics in my posts. I present "cold case" reviews; Australian Government UAP files; monthly compilations of current Australian UAP cases; analyse new books, and occasionally there is something different. Today's post is something different.
The South Australian UFO Story:
In 2007, I published a lengthy piece titled "The South Australian UFO Story." (Click here to read it.) It documented the history of sixteen South Australian UAP research groups; and provided details of a number of individuals who have participated in UAP research. One of those individuals was Frederick (Fred) Phillip Stone.
Fred Stone:
Fred Stone was born on 23 Sep 1903 in Parkside, an Adelaide suburb, and was enlisted in the Defence forces between 1939 and 1948. He had an intense interest in the subject of "flying saucers," which lasted between 1953 and 1976. He started the Australian Flying Saucer Club in 1953, following a personal sighting. Then, in 1954 he formed a South Australian branch of the Sydney based, Australian Flying Saucer Bureau (AFSB). The 1954 state electoral roll shows his profession as "Trimmer." Later, in 1955, the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (AFSRS) was initiated by Stone, who also started a New South Wales branch in that same year. However, by 1956 this NSW branch became the UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC).
Stone's 1955 view of flying saucers was:
"We know and can reasonably prove:
(a) That UFOs exist and that they are extra terrestrial
(b) That they are manned and controlled by beings of a high order of intelligence, mentally and spiritually."
Between 7 Mar 1955 and 7 Mar 1956, 15 piece of correspondence between Fred Stone and the RAAF's Director of Air Force Intelligence (DAFI) in Melbourne, are to be found on RAAF files 114/1/197 and 554/1/30 part 1, held in the National Archives of Australia (NAA). Stone's correspondence initially advised the RAAF that the AFSRS had been formed, but went on to seek a liaison with the RAAF about flying saucers. Later on, he sought information from the RAAF about two members of the AFSRS; and was later granted an interview with DAFI in September 1955. Following this meeting, Stone stated that the RAAF promised closer liaison with civilian UAP groups.
In 1962, the year that ASIO wrote a report on the AFSRS, Stone started up another group, called UFO Phenomena Investigation Australia (UFOPIA). At the 1965 Ballarat, Victoria, UAP convention, Stone called for unity among Australian UAP groups.
By 1969, Stone decided that it was time to wind down, citing age and ill health. Stone advised his committee that he intended to resign. In Mar 1971 he resigned as President. By May 1972, UFOPIA went into permanent recession and never came back. Stone passed away in 1976.
A meeting with Fred Stone's son:
In late 2014, I was contacted by Sue and Rod Stone, who advised me that they wished to donate a small collection of Rod's father's UAP books to someone interested in the topic. I visited Rod and Sue in their Adelaide Hill's home and spent several very pleasant hours discussing the topic of flying saucers with them both.
Later, while going through the small cardboard box of books, I came across an unpublished book manuscript, written by Fred Stone, in 1954 (with additional material at various later dates, up to 1976.)
An unpublished manuscript:
The manuscript consists of approximately 130 fragile, typed pages. It is titled "The Message of the Saucers." The chapter headings reveal the nature of the hypothesis he puts forward in this early work. They are:
1. I see the flying saucer.
2. The evidence from past history.
3. The witness of the great pyramid.
4. The evidence of the occult world.
5. The evidence of current world affairs.
6. The evidence of the bible.
7. The vision of Fatima and the flying saucers.
8. A strange vision.
9. Communications with space people and the contactees.
10. The message of the saucers.
11. The occupants.
12. Friend or foe, from heaven or hell.
13. Objections answered.
14. Epilogue.
15. A summing up.
There is a foreword, attributed to George Hunt Williamson, dated 6 April 1958, Lima, Peru. The following are some notes I made while reading the manuscript.
Personal observation:
Prior to his own sighting in 1953, Stone tells us that "I did not believe in them and considered them a lot of "hooey." (P.8.) However, in 1953 at about 6.30pm in an Adelaide suburb, he noted "... a very long strange dark cloud in the west, in an otherwise cloudless sky...within this dark cigar shaped cloud, there was a squat shaped saucer-like object."
To his amazement he could "...see four more of these objects running from the south to the north quite stationary..." After a while "...the southernmost object suddenly shot away at an angle of ninety degrees from the cloud into the west and disappeared at an amazing speed." Sometime later, "...the second one shot away as did the first..." Stone then boarded a bus and lost sight of the remaining objects.
Australasian Post magazine:
The Australasian Post magazine carried a series of articles on the subject of "flying saucers" and Stone wrote to the magazine seeking other individuals with which to discuss the topic. He soon had a considerable number of correspondents; and started to research the claims of Adamski. He set out to "...interpret the meaning of the message he received from the 'Venusian.'" (p.12.)
Stone's thought:
When researching Adamski Stone came to the opinion that "...the burden of feeling that I was holding a warning message from mankind was not pleasant, so like the prophets, I give you that message..." (p.14.)
In arriving at his conclusions, Stone reviewed the biblical accounts of the great flood; checked into aspects about the great pyramid in Egypt; discussed 1950's concerns about the environment and the atomic bomb; and recounted dire warnings contained in the bible. Chapter nine, written in 1961, reviews the testimony of contactees, through both mental and telepathic means. Stone recounts a personal experience of what to him, was an incident of telepathy.
Stone concluded that "...the Venusian and his message is one of warning to this earth and a fulfilment of prophecy, and if he fulfils one part of it the other must likewise be very real and about to happen." (p.71.)
By page 80, Stone writes: "In the previous chapters an honest attempt has been made to show you my readers that there is a strong relationship to the "saucer people" and the visitors from "heaven" spoken of in Holy writs, and therefore they are not a modern phenomena."
On page 85, "The writer is convinced...that no one will reach a proper true explanation of the mystery unless they are prepared to delve in to the "spiritual" aspects of the matter, and that the identity of the space men are closely allied with religious history and their visits at the present time is strongly connected with International, Terrestrial, and Cosmic events which the records of sacred writings refer to..."
Stone goes on to refer to "...two forces at work, positive and negative." (p.86.) On the negative side, Stone relates in some detail the curious cases of American Albert Bender, Australian Edgar Jarrold, and several other unnamed researchers.
By page 133 Stone is summing up his research findings:
(a) Historical records - "...great cataclysmic changes" in the earth which were caused by conditions which are similar to those prevailing today.
(b) "The Great Pyramid tells of A Plan of the Great Architect in which the world was to progress to a certain stage."
(c) Current world history - "...there is no hope for humanity unless there is brought about some salvation by Divine intervention."
(d) The bible - refers to our time and age, with warnings and promise of deliverance.
(e) "And finally the saucers evidence shows clearly that the intention of at least the Adamski visitors and those of his kind are surely for our help and good, for their's is a message of warning, and also who knows of deliverance..."
(f) "...on the other hand if there are more than one kind of saucer people interested in this world, and as some declare some not for our good then the presence of any opposite force of similar character means that at least one type is here for our aid and help and to overthrow the others."
My comment:
I would like to thank Sue and Rod Stone for the opportunity to read this unpublished manuscript by one of the main drivers of early UAP research in this state. Seen from the year 2015, it is plain that Stone's work and conclusions are a product of that era. There was great concern about the future of humanity, due to the atomic bomb and other social and physical factors. This was the message of many a contactee from that era.
For those of you who may be new readers of this blog, I tend to wander over all sorts of topics in my posts. I present "cold case" reviews; Australian Government UAP files; monthly compilations of current Australian UAP cases; analyse new books, and occasionally there is something different. Today's post is something different.
The South Australian UFO Story:
In 2007, I published a lengthy piece titled "The South Australian UFO Story." (Click here to read it.) It documented the history of sixteen South Australian UAP research groups; and provided details of a number of individuals who have participated in UAP research. One of those individuals was Frederick (Fred) Phillip Stone.
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An early Adelaide newspaper article re Stone |
Fred Stone:
Fred Stone was born on 23 Sep 1903 in Parkside, an Adelaide suburb, and was enlisted in the Defence forces between 1939 and 1948. He had an intense interest in the subject of "flying saucers," which lasted between 1953 and 1976. He started the Australian Flying Saucer Club in 1953, following a personal sighting. Then, in 1954 he formed a South Australian branch of the Sydney based, Australian Flying Saucer Bureau (AFSB). The 1954 state electoral roll shows his profession as "Trimmer." Later, in 1955, the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (AFSRS) was initiated by Stone, who also started a New South Wales branch in that same year. However, by 1956 this NSW branch became the UFO Investigation Centre (UFOIC).
An edition of one of Stone's early UAP magazines |
"We know and can reasonably prove:
(a) That UFOs exist and that they are extra terrestrial
(b) That they are manned and controlled by beings of a high order of intelligence, mentally and spiritually."
Between 7 Mar 1955 and 7 Mar 1956, 15 piece of correspondence between Fred Stone and the RAAF's Director of Air Force Intelligence (DAFI) in Melbourne, are to be found on RAAF files 114/1/197 and 554/1/30 part 1, held in the National Archives of Australia (NAA). Stone's correspondence initially advised the RAAF that the AFSRS had been formed, but went on to seek a liaison with the RAAF about flying saucers. Later on, he sought information from the RAAF about two members of the AFSRS; and was later granted an interview with DAFI in September 1955. Following this meeting, Stone stated that the RAAF promised closer liaison with civilian UAP groups.
In 1962, the year that ASIO wrote a report on the AFSRS, Stone started up another group, called UFO Phenomena Investigation Australia (UFOPIA). At the 1965 Ballarat, Victoria, UAP convention, Stone called for unity among Australian UAP groups.
By 1969, Stone decided that it was time to wind down, citing age and ill health. Stone advised his committee that he intended to resign. In Mar 1971 he resigned as President. By May 1972, UFOPIA went into permanent recession and never came back. Stone passed away in 1976.
A meeting with Fred Stone's son:
In late 2014, I was contacted by Sue and Rod Stone, who advised me that they wished to donate a small collection of Rod's father's UAP books to someone interested in the topic. I visited Rod and Sue in their Adelaide Hill's home and spent several very pleasant hours discussing the topic of flying saucers with them both.
Two books from Fred Stone's collection. |
Later, while going through the small cardboard box of books, I came across an unpublished book manuscript, written by Fred Stone, in 1954 (with additional material at various later dates, up to 1976.)
An unpublished manuscript:
The manuscript consists of approximately 130 fragile, typed pages. It is titled "The Message of the Saucers." The chapter headings reveal the nature of the hypothesis he puts forward in this early work. They are:
1. I see the flying saucer.
2. The evidence from past history.
3. The witness of the great pyramid.
4. The evidence of the occult world.
5. The evidence of current world affairs.
6. The evidence of the bible.
7. The vision of Fatima and the flying saucers.
8. A strange vision.
9. Communications with space people and the contactees.
10. The message of the saucers.
11. The occupants.
12. Friend or foe, from heaven or hell.
13. Objections answered.
14. Epilogue.
15. A summing up.
There is a foreword, attributed to George Hunt Williamson, dated 6 April 1958, Lima, Peru. The following are some notes I made while reading the manuscript.
Personal observation:
Prior to his own sighting in 1953, Stone tells us that "I did not believe in them and considered them a lot of "hooey." (P.8.) However, in 1953 at about 6.30pm in an Adelaide suburb, he noted "... a very long strange dark cloud in the west, in an otherwise cloudless sky...within this dark cigar shaped cloud, there was a squat shaped saucer-like object."
To his amazement he could "...see four more of these objects running from the south to the north quite stationary..." After a while "...the southernmost object suddenly shot away at an angle of ninety degrees from the cloud into the west and disappeared at an amazing speed." Sometime later, "...the second one shot away as did the first..." Stone then boarded a bus and lost sight of the remaining objects.
Australasian Post magazine:
The Australasian Post magazine carried a series of articles on the subject of "flying saucers" and Stone wrote to the magazine seeking other individuals with which to discuss the topic. He soon had a considerable number of correspondents; and started to research the claims of Adamski. He set out to "...interpret the meaning of the message he received from the 'Venusian.'" (p.12.)
Stone's thought:
When researching Adamski Stone came to the opinion that "...the burden of feeling that I was holding a warning message from mankind was not pleasant, so like the prophets, I give you that message..." (p.14.)
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Front cover of Stone's UFOPIA magazine |
In arriving at his conclusions, Stone reviewed the biblical accounts of the great flood; checked into aspects about the great pyramid in Egypt; discussed 1950's concerns about the environment and the atomic bomb; and recounted dire warnings contained in the bible. Chapter nine, written in 1961, reviews the testimony of contactees, through both mental and telepathic means. Stone recounts a personal experience of what to him, was an incident of telepathy.
Stone concluded that "...the Venusian and his message is one of warning to this earth and a fulfilment of prophecy, and if he fulfils one part of it the other must likewise be very real and about to happen." (p.71.)
By page 80, Stone writes: "In the previous chapters an honest attempt has been made to show you my readers that there is a strong relationship to the "saucer people" and the visitors from "heaven" spoken of in Holy writs, and therefore they are not a modern phenomena."
On page 85, "The writer is convinced...that no one will reach a proper true explanation of the mystery unless they are prepared to delve in to the "spiritual" aspects of the matter, and that the identity of the space men are closely allied with religious history and their visits at the present time is strongly connected with International, Terrestrial, and Cosmic events which the records of sacred writings refer to..."
Stone goes on to refer to "...two forces at work, positive and negative." (p.86.) On the negative side, Stone relates in some detail the curious cases of American Albert Bender, Australian Edgar Jarrold, and several other unnamed researchers.
By page 133 Stone is summing up his research findings:
(a) Historical records - "...great cataclysmic changes" in the earth which were caused by conditions which are similar to those prevailing today.
(b) "The Great Pyramid tells of A Plan of the Great Architect in which the world was to progress to a certain stage."
(c) Current world history - "...there is no hope for humanity unless there is brought about some salvation by Divine intervention."
(d) The bible - refers to our time and age, with warnings and promise of deliverance.
(e) "And finally the saucers evidence shows clearly that the intention of at least the Adamski visitors and those of his kind are surely for our help and good, for their's is a message of warning, and also who knows of deliverance..."
(f) "...on the other hand if there are more than one kind of saucer people interested in this world, and as some declare some not for our good then the presence of any opposite force of similar character means that at least one type is here for our aid and help and to overthrow the others."
My comment:
I would like to thank Sue and Rod Stone for the opportunity to read this unpublished manuscript by one of the main drivers of early UAP research in this state. Seen from the year 2015, it is plain that Stone's work and conclusions are a product of that era. There was great concern about the future of humanity, due to the atomic bomb and other social and physical factors. This was the message of many a contactee from that era.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
UAP dives at car - the 27 July 1965 Carnarvon, Western Australia - incident
Hi all,
One of my long term projects has been that of maintaining a 100 plus page, master listing of the more interesting Australian UAP cases throughout the years. The current Internet version may be read here.
However, I am constantly updating entries, as I come across additional original material. At the moment I am working on cases from the 1960's using a copy of James E McDonald's handwritten interview notes from his 1967 visit to Australia. There is much unexplored material here, for anyone willing to spend time reading this fascinating material.
NICAP version of the Carnarvon incident:
"Australian encounter.
During the first week of August, two residents of Nedlands, West Australia jumped from their car, fearing a UFO was about to hit it. It was close to 8pm, and Dr Antonin Kulka, formerly a physician in Europe, and Mrs Audrey Lawrence were driving near Carnarvon when a flying object dived towards their headlights. Dr Kulka hurriedly stopped and switched off the lights. As he and Mrs Lawrence ran to the side of the road, the UFO stopped and hovered over the highway.
'It was rocking gently' Dr Kulka said later. 'And its orange color as it dived had changed to a fluorescent green, glow.'
The doctor's bull terrier, usually first out of the car when it stopped, was crouched in the back seat, hackles up. It refused to budge.
Dr Kulka said the object was shaped like a 'squashed football.' "I had the fear that whatever it was, it was not man-made' he reported after the UFO had left the scene.
The sighting appeared partly confirmed by resident Ron Butler owner of nearby Mooka station. Butler said that his entire camp had been lit up by a greenish glow when 'something' passed over it, though he could not be sure of the time."
(The source of the NICAP article, which appeared on page 4 of the Aug-Sep 1965 issue of the NICAP "The UFO Investigator" newsletter, was not given.)
Details from McDonald's interview:
James E McDonald's hand written notes (courtesy of Dr Michael Swords' file collection) showed that McDonald interviewed both witnesses by telephone on 4 July 1967. His notes included the following information, which greatly expands on the NICAP material.
* Driving from Carnarvon to Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia. (Suggests witnesses were heading east at the time - KB)
* Time was between 7.30 and 8pm local time (GMT plus 8hrs - KB)
* Total 30 minutes (total duration of event? - KB)
* Travelling with his fiancée Audrey Lawrence
* Started with a green light in the sky.
* He first thought it was an aircraft, fiancée said nothing ... till light disappeared and he asked her if she'd seen it and she so indicated...
* After a few minutes suddenly the light changed course and dived directly towards them. Red glowing light
* Threw hands up and put brakes on
* She frightened and both got out and ran into bush
* How close? About 1/2 to 3/4 mile
* After 10 minutes went back to car for monocular. Watched it for 5 minutes in monocular. Handed monocular to fiancée she looked
* It looked clear edged, sharp, like football. Hovering and manoeuvring. Rested monocular on car
* Size? Hard to tell. Much longer than a few feet
* Oscillated around and up and down. Would have been from ground less than 100 feet
* Shape - squashed rugby football. Shadows. Lens shaped. Symmetrical. Glowing like fluorescent tube. Changed to orange color when moving
* When they stopped car and engine it changed to fluorescent green
* How disappear? After hovering and looping left to right and up and down for at least 20 minutes. When it disappeared it shot off horizontally to east, ie to the sea
* She said object they'd seen on 7/27/65 looked at first take green satellite, changed from W to E direction after it turned due south, then heading due north, and dived at car and headed at them. He threw hands off steering wheel. Changed from green to an orange-red at fastest it was close
* Circled three times after diving and hovering over the middle of the road 20 feet up. very hard to tell, she felt but less than 1/4 mile
* When circling it lit up tops of two trees 18-20 feet. "EIDGIDGEE"
* Watches stopped for exactly the half hour
* Dog ...no psychological effects. Completely cured her ulcer for several days. Should have been opposite effect.
*Car engine? Took a bit longer to start the car when got back in. May have been...took a half a minute to start it, and object gone by then
* Kulka still sceptical. But she is interested and is sure it is something from elsewhere."
Newspaper article:
I came across a copy of an unsourced, undated newspaper article about the event, on page 18 of the Australian Flying Saucer Review (Victoria) number 4, dated December 1965. Included in the article was the following additional information:
* Kulka was aged 43 years
* They were on a rock hunting trip
* Kulka lived in Bedford Street, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia
* The incident occurred 12 miles north of Pimbie Station
* No sound was heard at any stage
* He had a camera in the car, plus the monocular
* The time of the event was 7.40pm
* The night sky was fine, with a few scattered clouds
* Their vehicle was a Land cruiser
* Initially a green light was seen moving slowly then disappeared into cloud
* Some minutes later they saw an orange light
* When at about 40 degrees elevation, the object changed course with a right angled turn and then dived towards the car
* It was glowing red when it approached their vehicle
* At times the object descended below the tree line then reappeared
* At times it hovered in a banked attitude, other times on edge
* Mooka Station owner, Ron Butler - entire camp lit up by a greenish glow. He heard a "roaring hissing" sound
1. All the above information now paints a better picture than just the original NICAP account.
2. There is a Pimbee Station, in the Gascoyne region, but no Pimbie Station. Pimbee Station is at latitude 25deg 30min south and longitude 114deg 54min east. This is in the correct location, just south of Gascoyne Junction.
Update: 14 November 2016
I can now add a summary drawn from an audio interview which McDonald conducted in 1967, with the two witnesses. Here is the summary:
One of my long term projects has been that of maintaining a 100 plus page, master listing of the more interesting Australian UAP cases throughout the years. The current Internet version may be read here.
However, I am constantly updating entries, as I come across additional original material. At the moment I am working on cases from the 1960's using a copy of James E McDonald's handwritten interview notes from his 1967 visit to Australia. There is much unexplored material here, for anyone willing to spend time reading this fascinating material.
NICAP version of the Carnarvon incident:
"Australian encounter.
During the first week of August, two residents of Nedlands, West Australia jumped from their car, fearing a UFO was about to hit it. It was close to 8pm, and Dr Antonin Kulka, formerly a physician in Europe, and Mrs Audrey Lawrence were driving near Carnarvon when a flying object dived towards their headlights. Dr Kulka hurriedly stopped and switched off the lights. As he and Mrs Lawrence ran to the side of the road, the UFO stopped and hovered over the highway.
'It was rocking gently' Dr Kulka said later. 'And its orange color as it dived had changed to a fluorescent green, glow.'
The doctor's bull terrier, usually first out of the car when it stopped, was crouched in the back seat, hackles up. It refused to budge.
Dr Kulka said the object was shaped like a 'squashed football.' "I had the fear that whatever it was, it was not man-made' he reported after the UFO had left the scene.
The sighting appeared partly confirmed by resident Ron Butler owner of nearby Mooka station. Butler said that his entire camp had been lit up by a greenish glow when 'something' passed over it, though he could not be sure of the time."
(The source of the NICAP article, which appeared on page 4 of the Aug-Sep 1965 issue of the NICAP "The UFO Investigator" newsletter, was not given.)
Map showing Carnarvon and Gascoyne Junction |
Details from McDonald's interview:
James E McDonald's hand written notes (courtesy of Dr Michael Swords' file collection) showed that McDonald interviewed both witnesses by telephone on 4 July 1967. His notes included the following information, which greatly expands on the NICAP material.
Section of McDonald's notes |
* Driving from Carnarvon to Gascoyne Junction, Western Australia. (Suggests witnesses were heading east at the time - KB)
* Time was between 7.30 and 8pm local time (GMT plus 8hrs - KB)
* Total 30 minutes (total duration of event? - KB)
* Travelling with his fiancée Audrey Lawrence
* Started with a green light in the sky.
* He first thought it was an aircraft, fiancée said nothing ... till light disappeared and he asked her if she'd seen it and she so indicated...
* After a few minutes suddenly the light changed course and dived directly towards them. Red glowing light
* Threw hands up and put brakes on
* She frightened and both got out and ran into bush
* How close? About 1/2 to 3/4 mile
* After 10 minutes went back to car for monocular. Watched it for 5 minutes in monocular. Handed monocular to fiancée she looked
* It looked clear edged, sharp, like football. Hovering and manoeuvring. Rested monocular on car
* Size? Hard to tell. Much longer than a few feet
* Oscillated around and up and down. Would have been from ground less than 100 feet
* Shape - squashed rugby football. Shadows. Lens shaped. Symmetrical. Glowing like fluorescent tube. Changed to orange color when moving
* When they stopped car and engine it changed to fluorescent green
* How disappear? After hovering and looping left to right and up and down for at least 20 minutes. When it disappeared it shot off horizontally to east, ie to the sea
* She said object they'd seen on 7/27/65 looked at first take green satellite, changed from W to E direction after it turned due south, then heading due north, and dived at car and headed at them. He threw hands off steering wheel. Changed from green to an orange-red at fastest it was close
* Circled three times after diving and hovering over the middle of the road 20 feet up. very hard to tell, she felt but less than 1/4 mile
* When circling it lit up tops of two trees 18-20 feet. "EIDGIDGEE"
* Watches stopped for exactly the half hour
* Dog ...no psychological effects. Completely cured her ulcer for several days. Should have been opposite effect.
*Car engine? Took a bit longer to start the car when got back in. May have been...took a half a minute to start it, and object gone by then
* Kulka still sceptical. But she is interested and is sure it is something from elsewhere."
Newspaper article:
I came across a copy of an unsourced, undated newspaper article about the event, on page 18 of the Australian Flying Saucer Review (Victoria) number 4, dated December 1965. Included in the article was the following additional information:
Unsourced, undated newspaper article |
* Kulka was aged 43 years
* They were on a rock hunting trip
* Kulka lived in Bedford Street, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia
* The incident occurred 12 miles north of Pimbie Station
* No sound was heard at any stage
* He had a camera in the car, plus the monocular
* The time of the event was 7.40pm
* The night sky was fine, with a few scattered clouds
* Their vehicle was a Land cruiser
* Initially a green light was seen moving slowly then disappeared into cloud
* Some minutes later they saw an orange light
* When at about 40 degrees elevation, the object changed course with a right angled turn and then dived towards the car
* It was glowing red when it approached their vehicle
* At times the object descended below the tree line then reappeared
* At times it hovered in a banked attitude, other times on edge
* Mooka Station owner, Ron Butler - entire camp lit up by a greenish glow. He heard a "roaring hissing" sound
1. All the above information now paints a better picture than just the original NICAP account.
2. There is a Pimbee Station, in the Gascoyne region, but no Pimbie Station. Pimbee Station is at latitude 25deg 30min south and longitude 114deg 54min east. This is in the correct location, just south of Gascoyne Junction.
Update: 14 November 2016
I can now add a summary drawn from an audio interview which McDonald conducted in 1967, with the two witnesses. Here is the summary:
" Identification
Code/CD Number: 3T1S103/CD53
Recorded: July 1967
File Size: 28.2
Interview Duration
(m:s): 29:22
Details: James McDonald interviews Antoin Kukla and Audrey Lawrence
Sighting Date:
27 July 1965
Sighting Time:
Ca 1730hrs
Location of
Sighting: Near Carnarvon, Western Australia, Australia
Duration of
Sighting: Ca. 30 minutes
Antoin Kukla and Audrey Lawrence
Kukla was interviewed first.
The couple
were driving towards Gascoyne Junction, and had their Bull Terrier dog in the
vehicle. Antoin saw a green light in the
sky which he thought was an aircraft. His
fiancée didn’t say anything at first, then when the green light disappeared she
asked if he had seen what she had seen? They continued driving and after two minutes, suddenly,
they saw an object. He braked the
vehicle, and they both got out.
He estimated
the object was a half to three quarters of a mile away (one kilometre). After about ten minutes he went back to the
car and got out a monocular to view the object.
It filled the field of view of the monocular. He watched it for five minutes, then handed
the monocular to his fiancée. He was
unable to estimate the size of the object, apart from being big, perhaps bigger
than a few feet (one metre). All this
time it oscillated in the sky. He
thought it was approximately 80 feet (24 metres) high.
In shape,
it appeared like a rugby football, being symmetrical about its axes. When it was moving, its colour changed to red. When the car was stopped, it was green in
colour. Finally, after moving up and
down, and from side to side, it moved to the west. The next day they visited the location where
they saw the object and found nothing to explain the sighting. They were terrified.
recounted another sighting made by men at the property of his fiancée’s brother. He claimed that the Bureau of Meteorology and
the Carnarvon tracking station had also observed this object.
Lawrence was then interviewed.
Audrey had
told her brother the story of what happened to Antoin and herself. Later, her brother said that some Aboriginal
workers on his station had seen a, ‘Funny light,’ come from the south-west,
high in the sky. There were two long
tracks in the sky. It travelled across
the sky and had been visible for 30 minutes.
Someone had telephoned the Carnarvon tracking station and been told that
they and the Bureau of Meteorology had seen the light.
When it got
overhead of the brother’s property it appeared to be going straight up, towards
the Moon, and then disappeared. It was
seen over a very wide area, from Carnarvon to North Hampton and Port Headland. The sighting was not reported in the
newspapers. Television station Channel 9
had got the whole story but it was all ‘hushed up’ and presented at night
around the end of 1966.
During their
sighting the object initially looked like a green coloured light and then it
disappeared. It then appeared as an
orange coloured light. They stopped the
car, and saw it in the north, travelling from west to the east. It grew from, ‘Bread and butter plate, size
to three feet across (one metre).’ Antoin
said that he thought it would crash. It
dived at their car, and kept ahead of them.
It circled three times and came back to its original position. It hovered over the road at times, 20 feet (six
metres) high. When it was circling, she
saw a green glow, that illuminated the tree tops.
During the
event Antoin’s watch stopped for about 30 minutes. Their dog was disturbed, and wouldn’t get out
of their car during the event. There
were no effects on the car and no physiological effects noted by them."
Monday, February 16, 2015
The Coyle photographs - Hallam, Victoria - 5 March 1967
Hi all,
A recent post about John and Miriam Coyle's sighting on 8 July 1967, of a large number of UAP and several light aircraft, made me take another look at their earlier sighting of 5 March 1967, during which a number of photographs were taken.
Original material:
I located a copy of the Australian Flying Saucer Review (Victoria) number 7, dated December 1967. On page 17 there is an article about the 5 March 1967 incident. The headline reads "UFO Photographed over Hallam." The text reads:
"A series of six photographs showing an aerial object has been handed to the VFSRS by a society member. The member, John Coyle of Alexander Street, Hallam says he took the photographs on the 5th March last about 5.30pm while in the company of his sister Miriam.
John's report to the Society read as follows:
'Miriam and I were walking across a paddock near our home when we saw a UFO. I had just bought a camera for one dollar to Coles and we got started off to the station to take photographs of the trains. However, before getting to the station we realised it was too late and decided to turn back.
As we were crossing the paddock, Miriam suddenly noticed what she thought was a fast-moving plane. When I saw it, I said "Oh, it's a UFO" and she replied "Don't be silly."
I got the camera ready and took six photographs. The UFO came very close and circled round us for about two and a half minutes. When I first saw the UFO it was only about 15 degrees above the eastern horizon. It came in a straight line, turned fast and circled over us and then went away into the west near enough to the sunset.
When it was circling round us it was going very slowly, almost at stalling speed. In fact, if it had been a small aircraft it certainly would have crashed.
We felt that the object had seen us when it started circling around us, otherwise it wouldn't have stayed around - there was nobody else in sight. We heard no sound from the UFO at any stage. In appearance, it was silver like aluminium or polished aluminium. It had a slight rise on top and was very black underneath. It was shaped like a disc and was approximately the size of a five cent piece held at arms length.
The sky was very overcast at the time and the weather was cold. The UFO kept right below the clouds at all times and when it disappeared out of sight on the horizon, it was still below the clouds. Apart from that I am unable to estimate the altitude of the object.'
The report continues:
Miriam Coyle corroborates her brother's report as follows:
"When I first saw the object I thought it was a plane. I didn't believe in UFOs and when John said that was what it was I laughed. But when I looked at it again I realised that it was a UFO. We became very excited and John took some photographs.
The UFO looked like a disc with a slight rise on top. It was silver coloured and very dark underneath. I heard no sound from it.
It circled around us for about two and a half minutes at a very slow speed - it was hardly moving - and then it went away towards the Sun at the same speed it came to us."
John and Miriam's mother, Mrs Coyle takes up the story from the time John and Miriam returned home after seeing the UFO. "I heard shouting and saw John running down the road. He was waving his arms around and I couldn't see Miriam and I thought there had been an accident to Miriam. I was quite concerned and ran out and said 'What is it?' and he said 'Mum, we saw a flying saucer' and I said 'Calm down' because I thought I'd better talk to him a little bit more about this and he was so excited that I just wanted him to calm down so that I could speak to him. Normally he doesn't get excited about anything. Then he told me about the photographs and asked me to take the film to McKeon's pharmacy in Dandenong to be developed. John told me that in his excitement he had broken a knob on the camera and because of this he couldn't get the film out. So I took the camera to the store and they removed the film and developed the photographs.
Photographic experts:
The article continues:
"The Hallam photographs have been submitted to VFSRS photographic experts for analysis and a full report will be published in our next issue.
However, other experts have cursorily examined the prints and have been impressed by their apparent authenticity as were several American scientists who were shown the photographs by Mr Paul Norman during his recent visit to the US.
Investigators (including Professor McDonald) who have spent many hours with John and Miriam Coyle feel completely satisfied with John and Miriam's statements which have been given in a sincere and entirely self-conscious manner.
Mrs Coyle's testimony of John's state of mind immediately after the incident is further strong evidence of the photographs' authenticity."
Photo analysis:
The next issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Review (Victoria), number 8 came out in October 1968, but did not contain any report of an analysis of the Coyle photographs.
McDonald investigates:
A second original source of material about this incident comes from the files of James E McDonald who visited Australia in 1967. The following text is from a draft manuscript of the 2003 book, "Firestorm" by Ann Druffel.
"One series of photographs had been taken on March 5th 1967 by a 15 year old boy, John Coyle. John and his sister Miriam, age 13, were walking on a clear, cloudless day towards a wooded area 3/4 mile from their home. The time was about 5.30pm. John was carrying his first camera - a 95 cent Anny. The winding knob was jamming, so John decided to use up the film shooting pictures of trains, his favourite hobby. He then planned to take the roll of film to be developed and get the camera fixed at the same time.
As they approached the wooded area, a glint of light in the south east caught Miriam's eye. She glanced over and saw a silvery object moving very fast, which she first thought was a plane. She quickly realized that its appearance was very different and called her brother's attention to it.
John hadn't seen the original glint but saw the object as it quickly came closer - the teenagers could not estimate the distance. It was waving up and down "in a peculiar way" as it circled them, repeatedly at about 45 degree elevation. The bottom of the UFO was dark, and the top was an "aluminium" color. It slowed while circling. They estimated it took about ten seconds per revolution and circled them about seven times. Then it went off towards the west, sped up and in 4-7 seconds was gone. John took six photos of the object, as it approached and also as it circled them. His last picture was taken when the object was almost out of sight.
Judith Magee and Paul Norman took McDonald to the sighting location, where he interviewed John and Miriam. He staked off the position from where John Coyle had photographed the object and later measured the shadows of a fence post and nearby trees. He confirmed that John was standing where he'd said he was when he photographed the object.
When the photos were enlarged, a dark rim could be seen around the object during its nearest approach. John however, had not been aware of seeing this dark rim. McDonald doubtless found the dark rim very interesting. He'd been working for over a year with the Los Angeles NICAP subcommittee (LANS), participating in the study of UFO photos from Santa Ana, California which also involved a black ring...McDonald was given copies of Coyle's photographs to bring back to the States.
'McDonald analysed the Coyle photos," states Paul Norman. "They remain unknown. (36)"
[Reference (36) reads "Letter from Paul Norman to author dated August 30, 1994."]
APRO Bulletin:
The May-June 1967 edition of the APRO Bulletin, page 10 covers a report on this incident, including:
"APRO's Australian representative Peter Norris forwarded the photos, and the following information to Headquarters. Kodak company examined the photos and were impressed by the consistent shape of the UFO shown in the six prints. Mr Norris and his colleagues spent considerable time with the children who seemed to be completely sincere about the incident. The photographs were developed by a local chemist so that there was no possibility of any tampering having taken place with the negatives. Hallam is a small, semi-rural town about 25 miles from Melbourne. Six photos were taken but the object is barely visible in the sixth."
A search of the Internet revealed that John Coyle had himself posted some of the photographs to the website flickr:
On 20 November 2009 one photograph appeared with the following text:
"John Coyle
A UFO that I saw in March 1967 at Hallam, Victoria. John Coyle photo.
This is one of six photos taken of the UFO. NASA in the US investigated the photos but "lost" the negatives! About 90% of photos on this Flickr pages are transport related, but I thought that a few non-transport photos might interest people..."
To take a look at the photograph click here.
On 27 January 2013 two photographs were posted:
"John Coyle
UFO photo taken on the 5th of March 1967. John Coyle photo.
"I was with my sister, walking to the Hallam Railway station, over paddocks, when a silver disk flew overhead and circled the area. I had a cheap camera but the photos turned out OK. Thw disk flew right over farm, and the farmer saw it. The negatives were taken to the US but "lost" over there. Yeah, lost, confiscated is a better word. The photo was publish at least twice in a newspaper and book at the time."
To see the photographs click here.
In summary:
A sighting, and a set of six photographs from 1967, with original documentation based on an at the time investigation.
If any reader has any further information, or is aware of the current location of John or Miriam Coyle, I would appreciate hearing from them.
1. I found no mention of the specific type of Anny camera used to take the photographs. However, http://www.diana-camera.com/cameras.php provided some general details of Anny cameras as follows:
There were two versions of Anny No W.20 cameras. a) had a fixed focus and a fixed f11 aperture. b) Had three aperture settings of f11, f13 and f19. It was a camera made of plastic. The shutter speed was 1/60th of a second. There were 16 images per roll of film. Made between the 1960's and 1970's.
A recent post about John and Miriam Coyle's sighting on 8 July 1967, of a large number of UAP and several light aircraft, made me take another look at their earlier sighting of 5 March 1967, during which a number of photographs were taken.
Original material:
The cover of AFSRS Number 7 showing three of the Hallam photographs |
"A series of six photographs showing an aerial object has been handed to the VFSRS by a society member. The member, John Coyle of Alexander Street, Hallam says he took the photographs on the 5th March last about 5.30pm while in the company of his sister Miriam.
John's report to the Society read as follows:
'Miriam and I were walking across a paddock near our home when we saw a UFO. I had just bought a camera for one dollar to Coles and we got started off to the station to take photographs of the trains. However, before getting to the station we realised it was too late and decided to turn back.
A 1966 Melway street directory map showing the location of the Hallam railway station |
I got the camera ready and took six photographs. The UFO came very close and circled round us for about two and a half minutes. When I first saw the UFO it was only about 15 degrees above the eastern horizon. It came in a straight line, turned fast and circled over us and then went away into the west near enough to the sunset.
When it was circling round us it was going very slowly, almost at stalling speed. In fact, if it had been a small aircraft it certainly would have crashed.
We felt that the object had seen us when it started circling around us, otherwise it wouldn't have stayed around - there was nobody else in sight. We heard no sound from the UFO at any stage. In appearance, it was silver like aluminium or polished aluminium. It had a slight rise on top and was very black underneath. It was shaped like a disc and was approximately the size of a five cent piece held at arms length.
The sky was very overcast at the time and the weather was cold. The UFO kept right below the clouds at all times and when it disappeared out of sight on the horizon, it was still below the clouds. Apart from that I am unable to estimate the altitude of the object.'
The AFSRS article on the 5 March 1967 incident |
The report continues:
Miriam Coyle corroborates her brother's report as follows:
"When I first saw the object I thought it was a plane. I didn't believe in UFOs and when John said that was what it was I laughed. But when I looked at it again I realised that it was a UFO. We became very excited and John took some photographs.
The UFO looked like a disc with a slight rise on top. It was silver coloured and very dark underneath. I heard no sound from it.
It circled around us for about two and a half minutes at a very slow speed - it was hardly moving - and then it went away towards the Sun at the same speed it came to us."
John and Miriam's mother, Mrs Coyle takes up the story from the time John and Miriam returned home after seeing the UFO. "I heard shouting and saw John running down the road. He was waving his arms around and I couldn't see Miriam and I thought there had been an accident to Miriam. I was quite concerned and ran out and said 'What is it?' and he said 'Mum, we saw a flying saucer' and I said 'Calm down' because I thought I'd better talk to him a little bit more about this and he was so excited that I just wanted him to calm down so that I could speak to him. Normally he doesn't get excited about anything. Then he told me about the photographs and asked me to take the film to McKeon's pharmacy in Dandenong to be developed. John told me that in his excitement he had broken a knob on the camera and because of this he couldn't get the film out. So I took the camera to the store and they removed the film and developed the photographs.
Photographic experts:
The article continues:
"The Hallam photographs have been submitted to VFSRS photographic experts for analysis and a full report will be published in our next issue.
However, other experts have cursorily examined the prints and have been impressed by their apparent authenticity as were several American scientists who were shown the photographs by Mr Paul Norman during his recent visit to the US.
Investigators (including Professor McDonald) who have spent many hours with John and Miriam Coyle feel completely satisfied with John and Miriam's statements which have been given in a sincere and entirely self-conscious manner.
Mrs Coyle's testimony of John's state of mind immediately after the incident is further strong evidence of the photographs' authenticity."
Photo analysis:
The next issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Review (Victoria), number 8 came out in October 1968, but did not contain any report of an analysis of the Coyle photographs.
A December 1963 aerial photograph of Hallam (compare with street directory map below.) |
McDonald investigates:
A second original source of material about this incident comes from the files of James E McDonald who visited Australia in 1967. The following text is from a draft manuscript of the 2003 book, "Firestorm" by Ann Druffel.
"One series of photographs had been taken on March 5th 1967 by a 15 year old boy, John Coyle. John and his sister Miriam, age 13, were walking on a clear, cloudless day towards a wooded area 3/4 mile from their home. The time was about 5.30pm. John was carrying his first camera - a 95 cent Anny. The winding knob was jamming, so John decided to use up the film shooting pictures of trains, his favourite hobby. He then planned to take the roll of film to be developed and get the camera fixed at the same time.
As they approached the wooded area, a glint of light in the south east caught Miriam's eye. She glanced over and saw a silvery object moving very fast, which she first thought was a plane. She quickly realized that its appearance was very different and called her brother's attention to it.
John hadn't seen the original glint but saw the object as it quickly came closer - the teenagers could not estimate the distance. It was waving up and down "in a peculiar way" as it circled them, repeatedly at about 45 degree elevation. The bottom of the UFO was dark, and the top was an "aluminium" color. It slowed while circling. They estimated it took about ten seconds per revolution and circled them about seven times. Then it went off towards the west, sped up and in 4-7 seconds was gone. John took six photos of the object, as it approached and also as it circled them. His last picture was taken when the object was almost out of sight.
A 1966 Melway street directory map showing Alexander Street where the Coyles lived |
When the photos were enlarged, a dark rim could be seen around the object during its nearest approach. John however, had not been aware of seeing this dark rim. McDonald doubtless found the dark rim very interesting. He'd been working for over a year with the Los Angeles NICAP subcommittee (LANS), participating in the study of UFO photos from Santa Ana, California which also involved a black ring...McDonald was given copies of Coyle's photographs to bring back to the States.
'McDonald analysed the Coyle photos," states Paul Norman. "They remain unknown. (36)"
[Reference (36) reads "Letter from Paul Norman to author dated August 30, 1994."]
APRO Bulletin:
The May-June 1967 edition of the APRO Bulletin, page 10 covers a report on this incident, including:
"APRO's Australian representative Peter Norris forwarded the photos, and the following information to Headquarters. Kodak company examined the photos and were impressed by the consistent shape of the UFO shown in the six prints. Mr Norris and his colleagues spent considerable time with the children who seemed to be completely sincere about the incident. The photographs were developed by a local chemist so that there was no possibility of any tampering having taken place with the negatives. Hallam is a small, semi-rural town about 25 miles from Melbourne. Six photos were taken but the object is barely visible in the sixth."
A search of the Internet revealed that John Coyle had himself posted some of the photographs to the website flickr:
On 20 November 2009 one photograph appeared with the following text:
"John Coyle
A UFO that I saw in March 1967 at Hallam, Victoria. John Coyle photo.
This is one of six photos taken of the UFO. NASA in the US investigated the photos but "lost" the negatives! About 90% of photos on this Flickr pages are transport related, but I thought that a few non-transport photos might interest people..."
To take a look at the photograph click here.
On 27 January 2013 two photographs were posted:
"John Coyle
UFO photo taken on the 5th of March 1967. John Coyle photo.
"I was with my sister, walking to the Hallam Railway station, over paddocks, when a silver disk flew overhead and circled the area. I had a cheap camera but the photos turned out OK. Thw disk flew right over farm, and the farmer saw it. The negatives were taken to the US but "lost" over there. Yeah, lost, confiscated is a better word. The photo was publish at least twice in a newspaper and book at the time."
To see the photographs click here.
In summary:
A sighting, and a set of six photographs from 1967, with original documentation based on an at the time investigation.
If any reader has any further information, or is aware of the current location of John or Miriam Coyle, I would appreciate hearing from them.
1. I found no mention of the specific type of Anny camera used to take the photographs. However, http://www.diana-camera.com/cameras.php provided some general details of Anny cameras as follows:
There were two versions of Anny No W.20 cameras. a) had a fixed focus and a fixed f11 aperture. b) Had three aperture settings of f11, f13 and f19. It was a camera made of plastic. The shutter speed was 1/60th of a second. There were 16 images per roll of film. Made between the 1960's and 1970's.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
A Westall aside: a previously unknown "similar" event
Hi all,
In a post dated 5 March 2012, I noted that Ann Druffel in her 2003 book "Firestorm," about the life and work of James E McDonald, had written (on page 184):
"While McDonald was still in Australia he learned of a July 8th sighting of multiple UFOs being pursued by several light aircraft, similar to the Andrew Greenwood case..."
The reference to Greenwood, is of course, a reference to the famous 6 April 1966 Westall incident.
This intriguing entry of "an aircraft chasing UFO story," sent me off to check with my book; digital data collection, and to contact other Australian researchers. However, I was unable to find any further details on this 1967 incident in Victoria.
However, today while browsing a USB stick full of material from the files of US researcher Dr Michael Swords, I came across a draft of the Druffel book. In this draft, but not in the completed work, are details of the 1967 incident.
The draft manuscript:
"He was extremely interested, however for among the witnesses to the July 8th sighting were John and Miriam Coyle and a 14 year old friend, Carol Clark.
The new sighting had occurred in broad daylight. Twelve to fourteen discs, with reflecting surfaces, were seen apparently being chased by several light planes. As the three young witnesses viewed the discs from the Coyle property, five other cars pulled up nearby and watched. John and the others were so engrossed that they failed to get the other witnesses' licence numbers.
The sighting had lasted 15-20 minutes. VUFORS immediately began the process of checking with airports and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to try to identify the planes, but met with no results. (61).
The sky had been clear, with some 'fluffy" clouds. Carol Clark saw the first object in the west and drew John's attention to it. The rest of the objects were seen coming from the north-west. Two aircraft were chasing this group. The witnesses saw one of the objects enter a cloud, and later reappear from the same cloud (62). The whole group of objects disappeared into the cloud, as other planes arrived on the scene. The witnesses estimated that, in total count, thirteen or fourteen objects and six planes were seen.
The preliminary investigation of the second Coyle sighting was detailed in McDonald's handwritten journal. The size of the objects was about 1/5 of the angular size of the full Moon, and their speed was about 2-3 times that of the planes. The aircraft were clearly visible but, by contrast, the objects were less distinct. The witnesses could see distinctly, however, that they were basically flat-bottomed with domed tops. McDonald's journal continues
"Objects came out of cloud bank & dropping into cloud bank. Always clearly defined (63). One oscillated side to side and appeared to be oscillating as an ellipse. Came in 3's and 5's mostly from NW to SE. Several different patterns and formations. Once was line astern. One was square, out in front. Other patterns cited. Playing-like, cavorting. (64)."
It was much too early in the investigation to draw any conclusions as to the value, or validity of the new report. It was planned to place ads in the daily paper to try and locate the additional witnesses and to continue checking nearby air bases. McDonald's journal continues:
"After 15-20 minutes [John and Miriam] ran 1/4 mile home, yelling to mother, pointed to sky. All she could see was aircraft.(65.)"
References cited:
"(61) McDonald. Op cit "Melbourne section." "Re sat July 8 1967 Coyle sighting entry."
(62) UFOs which are cloud-shrouded, or which appear out of clouds and disappear into the same clouds are commonly reported. In these incidents, the clouds are fairly large and remain in sight, unlike the smaller vanishing cloud described in reference (37).
(63) This statement may seem to be contradictory, but according to E.B. consultant on aviation matters for this book, the outline of a distant object could be clearly defined while the features on a disc may be less distinct.
(64) McDonald, Op cit, "July 8 1967 Coyle sighting."
(65) Ibid."
Forty eight years on:
So, after forty eight years, we now have details on this 1967 sighting, Druffel felt had similar aspects to the Westall event, i.e. objects being chased by light aircraft.
In a post dated 5 March 2012, I noted that Ann Druffel in her 2003 book "Firestorm," about the life and work of James E McDonald, had written (on page 184):
"While McDonald was still in Australia he learned of a July 8th sighting of multiple UFOs being pursued by several light aircraft, similar to the Andrew Greenwood case..."
The reference to Greenwood, is of course, a reference to the famous 6 April 1966 Westall incident.
This intriguing entry of "an aircraft chasing UFO story," sent me off to check with my book; digital data collection, and to contact other Australian researchers. However, I was unable to find any further details on this 1967 incident in Victoria.
However, today while browsing a USB stick full of material from the files of US researcher Dr Michael Swords, I came across a draft of the Druffel book. In this draft, but not in the completed work, are details of the 1967 incident.
The draft manuscript:
"He was extremely interested, however for among the witnesses to the July 8th sighting were John and Miriam Coyle and a 14 year old friend, Carol Clark.
The new sighting had occurred in broad daylight. Twelve to fourteen discs, with reflecting surfaces, were seen apparently being chased by several light planes. As the three young witnesses viewed the discs from the Coyle property, five other cars pulled up nearby and watched. John and the others were so engrossed that they failed to get the other witnesses' licence numbers.
The sighting had lasted 15-20 minutes. VUFORS immediately began the process of checking with airports and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to try to identify the planes, but met with no results. (61).
The sky had been clear, with some 'fluffy" clouds. Carol Clark saw the first object in the west and drew John's attention to it. The rest of the objects were seen coming from the north-west. Two aircraft were chasing this group. The witnesses saw one of the objects enter a cloud, and later reappear from the same cloud (62). The whole group of objects disappeared into the cloud, as other planes arrived on the scene. The witnesses estimated that, in total count, thirteen or fourteen objects and six planes were seen.
The preliminary investigation of the second Coyle sighting was detailed in McDonald's handwritten journal. The size of the objects was about 1/5 of the angular size of the full Moon, and their speed was about 2-3 times that of the planes. The aircraft were clearly visible but, by contrast, the objects were less distinct. The witnesses could see distinctly, however, that they were basically flat-bottomed with domed tops. McDonald's journal continues
"Objects came out of cloud bank & dropping into cloud bank. Always clearly defined (63). One oscillated side to side and appeared to be oscillating as an ellipse. Came in 3's and 5's mostly from NW to SE. Several different patterns and formations. Once was line astern. One was square, out in front. Other patterns cited. Playing-like, cavorting. (64)."
It was much too early in the investigation to draw any conclusions as to the value, or validity of the new report. It was planned to place ads in the daily paper to try and locate the additional witnesses and to continue checking nearby air bases. McDonald's journal continues:
"After 15-20 minutes [John and Miriam] ran 1/4 mile home, yelling to mother, pointed to sky. All she could see was aircraft.(65.)"
References cited:
"(61) McDonald. Op cit "Melbourne section." "Re sat July 8 1967 Coyle sighting entry."
(62) UFOs which are cloud-shrouded, or which appear out of clouds and disappear into the same clouds are commonly reported. In these incidents, the clouds are fairly large and remain in sight, unlike the smaller vanishing cloud described in reference (37).
(63) This statement may seem to be contradictory, but according to E.B. consultant on aviation matters for this book, the outline of a distant object could be clearly defined while the features on a disc may be less distinct.
(64) McDonald, Op cit, "July 8 1967 Coyle sighting."
(65) Ibid."
Forty eight years on:
So, after forty eight years, we now have details on this 1967 sighting, Druffel felt had similar aspects to the Westall event, i.e. objects being chased by light aircraft.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
January 2015 - Monthly Australian reports roundup
January 2015 Australian national level sightings report listing.
Compiled by Keith Basterfield and Paul Dean.
This is the fourth in a series of listings of Australian national level UAP sightings, compiled from cases contributed by Australian groups, and other sources.
We wish to again remind readers that most of these reports are presented in their raw form, i.e. there has been no investigation conducted. The reasons for non investigation include:
* the witness did not provide their contact details, so no follow up was possible
* the receiving group lacks the resources to conduct a follow up.
Based on previous experience, we expect that up to 95% of the reports which we present here, would, upon investigation, turn out to have a mundane explanation and become an Identified Flying Object (IFO.) Eliminating IFOs allows us to concentrate on the more interesting reports, which are really the focus of our research.
We therefore urge readers, to select a case which interests them, conduct an investigation into it, and report details to us here.
The February listing will be published on 4 March 2015.Please forward any reports which you wish included, to keithbasterfield@yahoo.com.au by 3 March 2015. Thank you.
Case of the month:
21 September 2014 2042hrs Armidale, New South Wales 10mins Investigated - Unidentified
A group of people were returning home, when they saw, coming from the south-east, an object with three large orange lights. Two of the lights were in front and the third was behind these. It came from about the centre of town and moved to the north. The object was very close and heading towards a nearby large gum tree. It veered to the left to avoid the tree and then it slowly moved out of sight into the clouds in the distance. The main reporter's daughter and son-in-law, who live a block away on a hill, could still see it far into the distance until clouds obscured it. In total, five people, from two different locations, viewed the object. Three distinct orange lights travelling towards the north-north-east above homes on the northern suburban fringe of Armidale.
Paul Dean, and an associate, James, conducted an investigation. Witnesses were interviewed, and a package of data, including a map and estimates of angular elevations, and azimuths was completed by the witnesses. Satellites; the planets Mars and Saturn, and other astronomical causes were checked and eliminated. Meteorological data was obtained from the Armidale airport for the date and time concerned. Surface winds were blowing at 24km/hr from 80 degrees; (i.e. 10 degrees north of east) suggesting a non windborne cause. The possibility of a drone was checked by contacting three possible drone operators in the area. None were found to have been in the area at the time. A suggested cause of a night glider flight was eliminated after discussions with the Victorian Gliding Association.
The investigators concluded that "it seems reasonable to tentatively treat this as most likely a genuine UAP event."
A full report of the event may be found on Paul Dean's blog (click here.)
14 February 2014 2000hrs Off Flinders Island, Tasmania 30mins Investigated - Unidentified
Hobart Coast Radio "had a contact on the evening of February 14th from a yachtsman 40nm north-east of Flinders Island. The man reported that he had been followed by a number of white lights. Eventually, we were able to interview him when he finally arrived in Hobart. About 8pm on the 14th a flash had caught his eye from something to the stern of his yacht. To his amazement he saw a long grey sausage to cylinder shaped object at about a 20 degree elevation. There was a line of lights across the centre with some 7-9 small white lights moving about above the sausage. The object he claims was large and approaching. He estimated it as being 100m in length and maybe 20 thick. He contacted Coast Radio as he looked for some explanation. He said he was relieved when near 8.30pm the object receded into the north-east and disappeared near a cloud.
8 April 2014 Ca.2100hrs Jericho, Tasmania ?mins Investigated - Unidentified
The witness was driving south on the Midland Highway and was just south of Jericho on the approach to Spring Hill. Something caught his attention to the right of his car, mainly because it was close and low. A cylindrical shaped object, with a red light at the rear, was moving almost overhead, and looked to pace his car for 10 seconds before disappearing to the south of the Highway. He noticed a bright light towards the southern horizon and assumed this was the disappearing cylinder. He estimated the cylinder was about 30m long with a greenish silver colour with four darker panels along its side. The Centre was unable to uncover any explanation for the event from the data collected.
21 September 2014 1710hrs Latrobe, Tasmania ?mins Investigated - Unidentified
The event took place on the southern edge of Latrobe over paddocks and trees beyond the last of the houses. The weather was fine and mild with a light north-north-west breeze. The witness described the incident. "I was putting my daughter on her bike cross from my court. Something caught my eye. It was a bright glinting object 40 metres away and 40 metres high. It seems to ripple and wave as it seems to come into solid form. The object was travelling slowly towards the horizon in front of me on a 45 degree angle. The object quickly wavered twice more before it stayed fully solid in form. The object was bright crimson, a flat bottom that curved inward, then rounding into a dome with a very small dome at the very top. It was very hard to judge perspective viewing in relation to a nearby house and its position (estimate 2.5 metres long by an 80cm high.) In a nutshell it resembles a perfect flying saucer.
It made no sound in my very quiet street. As it moved it was always level even descending down on that 45degree angle. It was now 30 metres away and stopped 25 metres high. If I had a rock I could have thrown and hit it. Before it stopped it wobbled about 15 degrees on its axis and I could see most of its under belly perfectly smooth shiny chrome. The whole object was smooth in detail. It had no panels nor did it have any rivets or features. It seemed to stop deliberately in line with me. It stayed there for 10 seconds then travelled directly away from me with a speed of 25kph on a 15 degree incline. It was in perfect line, did not drift at all. It had calculated its path because it would have hit distant tree..."
TUFOIC inquired with local police and the Advocate newspaper, but neither were aware of the sighting. Local businesses were also contacted in relation to any event that may have caused the sighting, but there was a negative response.
January reports:
1 January 2015 ?hrs Cape Woolamai, Victoria ?mins Under investigation
We watched a flame type object fly across the sky from east to west, slowly across the sky before it went straight up into the sky until it disappeared. We also saw same object week before going from south to north. Object looked like a light plane was on fire, but it was not this. It made no sound, and other people on 1 January at 1215 saw the object and made comments that they saw it the week before going over San Remo which is the same sighting that we saw.
1 January 2015 ?hrs Inverloch, Victoria ?mins Under investigation
Merv and Heather Read Roger Thorrowgood's report in the Sentinel 13 January 2015 re moving objects in sky New Years Day over Inverloch. We too saw this from 12:03 am to 12:07am and have a phone photo and videos of the four objects if you are interested in looking at it. It's not top quality but provides some insight into what we viewed. Colour of objects caught our attention, which was a reddish orange colour, they seemed to move in formation and then abruptly changed direction and formation. Happy to provide other info if required.
1 January 2015 ?hrs Cranbourne, Victoria 45mins Under investigation
Vicky reports that myself, 2 of my children (11 &13) and my eldest son's 19 year old friend saw 3 bright orange orbs over a period of around 45 minutes. Clearly, not helicopters. The first one's movements were too erratic to be an aircraft, and although the first appeared toward the end of the fireworks it was very obviously not a firework. The first one came up in the south, then moved to the east and just stopped in one spot for about 10 mins before going higher then moving back toward the south where it disappeared behind light cloud. Within 5-10 minutes of that there was an odd flash of white light like lightning behind a cloud, cloud dispersed not long after and object had disappeared. 10 mins later another bright orange orb came from the east toward the spot the first one disappeared and as we watched it just vanished. There was no cloud!! Roughly 10 mins after that a 3rd bright orange orb appeared in the east followed the same path as the second and it too disappeared!!! I've never seen anything like it!!! My phone was inside the house and I didn't want to leave to get it because I didn't want to miss out on maybe seeing more!! I'm reporting it here because the couple of people I told think we're nuts!! I'm hoping and praying other people saw it too!
1 January 2015 0005hrs Hobart, Tasmania ?mins Raw
Beck McKinney-Petersen and husband, saw four lights "close together moving quite quickly in the sky." The lights "moved towards the eastern shore of Hobart."
TUFOIC note: A similar report on 3 January 2015 was due to a commercial aircraft overflight from Western Australia to New Zealand. TUFOIC suspect that this may also have the same explanation.
1 January 2015 0015hrs Philip Island, Melbourne, Victoria ?mins Raw
Fiona saw a "bright red fire like light was moving across the sky east to west over my house. It went straight up into the sky and disappeared. One week previously she had seen the same thing. Travelled to the north and then shot into the sky.
1 January 2015 0020hrs Ballarat, Victoria 5mins Raw
Robert reported "two huge orange lights" on a perfectly clear night. Stationary at first, and soundless. 20 degree elevation. "One of them moved, dimmed and appeared to either go behind or into the larger one."
1 January 2015 0404hrs Moe, Victoria 1min Raw
In a clear sky looking to the south Bruce noted a "fixed light, not flashing moving steadily from the north to south very high in the sky to the west of Moe, Victoria and not on Flight Aware Radar. Andrew Jacob of the Sydney Observatory suggested it was the Spot 4 rocket.
1 January 2015 2230hrs East Ballina, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Natalie Ackland reported seeing "2 orange bright, lights pulsing, heading south. Very bright and moving at a moderate speed." Captured on video.
2 January 2015 2125hrs Adelaide, South Australia ?mins Raw
While in a swimming pool witness noted "many orbs flashing in and fading out...we were having a CE5 and sky spotting...All activity sighted between 9pm and midnight, the orbs moved towards the fire area. There were about 8 orbs in total over a few hours...moving west to east...we saw another orb, I got the video which isn't night vision and videoed it. We witnessed the orb eject another ball and both orbs continued on the same trajectory."
MUFON Case management system http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=search_page
3 January 2015 Evening Bateau Bay, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Jon Wall, a fitness trainer, observed an object in the western sky, and took a photograph and a few seconds of video, using his phone. The witness said that the object looked metallic, and elongated, and moved slowly downward behind the ridgeway hills to his west. It resembled a star in some ways. The Tuggerah Lakes UFO group Facebook page, contained a post that advised that at 8pm this night, a UFO was reported to a local radio station.
Tuggerah Lakes UFO group.
3 January 2015 0015hrs Burton, Adelaide, South Australia 5secs Raw
At about 10 degrees elevation to the north, Paul saw "a flaming object fall from the sky from the west and travelled to the east. There was a "fiery tail which ignited significantly just before I lost sight of it falling behind the sight of house tops."
3 January 2015 0103hrs Northern suburbs Hobart, Tasmania. Sev mins Facebook, telephone & sighting form
A number of witnesses report flashing lights and a thin rectangle to triangle shape leaving a long thick smoke trail. The object in view for several minutes and disappeared towards the east. TUFOIC investigation suggests that the object was a commercial aircraft overflight Western Australia to New Zealand, leaving a substantial vapor trail.
3 January 2015 (0200-0300)hrs Bridport, Tasmania few secs. Raw
Witness sees a huge, white, flashing light crossing the sky. It appeared to fly through the sky but there was no sound. At first it was thought to be a lightning strike but there was no thunder. It only lasted a few seconds and disappeared.
TUFOIC note: Probable cause could be a meteor.
3 January 2015 0530hrs Walcha, New South Wales 48mins Raw
LJ reported that when facing south they saw an object similar to a star or a satellite, moving fast in an east-north-east direction. It travelled in a straight line, stopped short, stationary for 6-8 minutes. When he reported it at 0612hrs he said it was still there, sitting at 65 degree elevation.
3 January 2015 2324hrs Yass, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Vikkii reported seeing a "super bright" light travelling from north-west to south-east when she was 30kms south of Yass. In a clear sky "it travelled across the whole sky." It had "an amazing tail."
4 January 2015 2100hrs Deniliquin, New South Wales 30mins Raw
In the western sky was a very bright, blazing, ball "with stumpy forked tail." It was at 45 degree elevation travelling westwards. Over 30 minutes it gradually dropped below the horizon. Clear sky.
5 January 2015 2030hrs Lidcombe, Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Facing south-south-east George saw "what looked like the brightest star in the sky moving slowly and travel north-west at speed." 50 degree elevation.
5 January 2015 2200hrs Kingswood, Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Nicole observed a "bright, big, yellow light that suddenly shrunk to a tiny red light. I saw it a few times blink as it went through the clouds. Not long after, helicopters were heading over that way from the RAAF base. What ever this was though, it definitely wasn't a plane or helicopter."
6 January 2015 Midnight Port Augusta, South Australia ?mins Raw
A large light in the sky was seen travelling to the east. It turned into a red fireball with a large tail. It travelled fast and just disappeared over the Flinders Ranges. No sound. Clear night and a full Moon.
6 January 2015 2130hrs Franklin, Tasmania ?mins Facebook, telephone
Motorist travelling south through the town observed a red fiery, round, light approaching from over the Huon River. The witness stopped the car and alerted a pedestrian to the light in the sky. The light had an apparent size less than a full moon. The light went out but a dark shape was visible. It seemed to move quickly to the north and was lost to sight in the dusk. Three similar cases have occurred in the same area.
TUFOIC suggests a hoax balloon/chinese lantern explanation.
6 January 2015 2210hrs Nowra, New South Wales ?mins Raw
While viewing the sky the witness noted the Moon in the clear sky. "I observed what appeared to be a faint white star like dot racing across the sky...at first I concluded that it was a satellite, but then it suddenly turned to the east and swiftly moved out of view."
MUFON Case management system http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=search_page
6 January 2015 2330hrs New Norfolk, Tasmania ?mins Telephone, local inquiries
Two families report orange/red lights moving over the town on a number of evenings since New Year. Most lights appear to the north and are seen crossing the sky to the south before disappearing. A few appear to fall to the ground. A chinese lantern is found in a nearby park.
TUFOIC suggests hoax balloon or lanterns as the cause of the lights.
7 January 2015 ?hrs Geroa, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Petra noticed that the full Moon was in the north-eastern sky, and saw a strange light near the Moon. Yellowish orange in colour, and very bright. Sydney Observatory identified it as the planet Jupiter.
7 January 2015 1845hrs Upper Coomera, Queensland 15mins Raw
Looking towards 60 degrees west "saw an object moving up for 15 mins. It had a glowing tail behind it. Seen in clear sky. Also seen from Pacific Pines, Queensland. It was a "rectangle with a very bright jet stream. It was travelling from west to east...travelling very fast."
7 January 2015 2232hrs Wallacia, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Jen observed a red, green and white, flashing light, stationary in the sky to the north of her.
8 January 2015 2000hrs Glen Innes, New South Wales 5secs Raw
Four people were looking east on a clear night. They saw a light in the north-eastern sky at 40-50 degrees elevation. It appeared to accelerate and pulsed with light every half a second.
8 January 2015 ?hrs Gippsland, Melbourne 1/2sec Raw
"A spectacular lighting storm has sparked fires and cut power across Gippsland. Our camerman Ethan St Ellen took this footage of last night's storm." Some researchers have drawn attention to a blob in the sky at one point in the video.
8 January 2015 2040hrs Melbourne, Victoria 10secs Raw
"I had just picked my daughter up from work in Melton and was heading north along Melton Highway when my daughter and I both noticed a light zipping across the sky. We watched it as it headed south and then straight up and out of sight. It completely changed direction without any apprent change of speed."
MUFON Case management system http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=search_page
9 January 2015 0200hrs Symmons Plains, Tasmania ?mins Facebook, telephone
Three witnesses were returning from Hobart to Launceston on the Midland Highway about 2 am or later. A number of lights are noticed near the roadside. However, after leaving Campbell Town, two lights appeared above the road to the rear of the car. As the lights came towards the car the witnesses hurried off and the lights were lost to view. Near Symmons Plains raceway a bright yellow light appeared in the sky above. It moved across the sky behind their car as more lights formed around it. The lights then vanished but almost at once re-appeared as a triangle of yellow lights. It moved quickly ahead and was lost to sight behind trees. Initial investigation indicates the roadside lights were on irrigation equipment. The reports near Campbell Town and Symmons Plains await.TUFOIC investigation.
9 January 2015 2200hrs Cygnet, Tasmania 15mins Facebook, telephone
Witness notices an orange light to the south of the town which was visible for almost 15 minutes as it slowly went north. The light which seemed to be distant, just seemed to blink out in the sky.
TUFOIC notes third similar report in the area. Probably persons unknown are releasing hot air balloons.
11 January 2015 0000hrs Mudjimba Beach, Queensland ?mins Raw
Looking east, Caleb reported seeing, on the horizon, bright light moving left to right, and up and down. Occasionally disappeared from view beneath the horizon. Below the bright light was a smaller, dimer one.
12 January 2015 0000hrs Sunshine, Melbourne, Victoria 2mins Raw
Alex notice stationary, flashing red ,blue and green light in the western sky. It started to flash white light only, "and it slowly moved towards my house... It was a very dark triangular shape spaceship if u would call it, it literally flew above my house, so from where we initially saw it, it was at least 5kms away in the west..it made the vacuum, suction noise as it flew above and past my house, it was very quiet but loud enough for us to hear it." Then it travelled towards the north-east low in the sky and then flew north-west."
12 January 2015 2215hrs Northern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria ?mins Raw
Rachael saw one object with a bright, white head and massive tail arc across the eastern sky. It exploded into a ring of red and yellow, turned west and made "little stars like a fire work."
12 January 2015 2300hrs East Kew, Melbourne, Victoria ?mins Raw
While looking east, Stan saw a "red and yellow ball shooting up into the sky, it had a yellow tail." Then it disappeared.
12 January 2015 ?hrs Kew East, Victoria 1sec Under investigation
It was like a fireball, red and yellow. The tail was more yellow. It was shooting diagonally up into the sky and just disappeared. I was facing east, walking down my driveway. It appeared from over my neighbour's roof and just disappeared within a second. It looked as big as my little finger nail. I want to know if anyone else has reported it.
12 January 2015 2325hrs Bracken Ridge, Brisbane, Queensland 27mins Raw
On a partly cloudy night, three people looking to the north-east saw a light hovering in the sky. By 2352hrs it had dimmed but remained hovering. It swayed from side to side and up and down. No sound. Footage captured on a camera.
14 January 2015 0028hrs Perth, Western Australia 2mins Personal observation
While getting ready for bed, Kelly saw a massive orange ball of light, while looking south towards the Armidale Hills. "It was stationary and sparks seemed to be coming out of it. After watching for a couple of minutes it just winked out like someone turned off a switch. Then all of a sudden an even brighter, slightly pinker orb of the same size appeared in the carport of a neighbour across the road. It just appeared, it was very bright and I was trying to work out if it was a carport light when it suddenly took off at high speed and disappeared."
Perth UFO Casebook Facebook page. Thank you to Kelly for her permission to publish this sighting.
14 January 2015 1600hrs New Farm, Brisbane, Queensland 7secs Raw
In an extremly clear blue sky, Mason Stewart saw what appeared to be a "space rock" cross the sky. Appeared to have smaller pieces breaking off." Heading southwards.
15 January 2015 ?hrs Westmead, New South Wales 5mins Raw
Tilo reported seeing a buish-white bright lights in the sky, about 4-5 in number . "These lights were moving really fast and seemed hovering together in ann odd circular/oval motion."
15 January 2015 1800hrs Landsborough, Queensland Few secs Raw
Fenella saw "a very fast bright luminous green light shot through the sky, due north, travelling east to west." Lost to view behind trees, at 45 degree elevation. The sun was still up and the sky blue.
15 January 2015 1825hrs West Bundaberg, Queensland ?mins Raw
West Bundaberg resident Ryan Peat was in his backyard when he saw "a bright blue flash of light making its way across the sky...It was travelling much like a shooting star but not as fast...It then started to turn green and little specks of light started to trail behind it before it disintegrated..I now think it might have been a meteor or some sort of space junk."
(Bundaberg News Mail newspaper http://www.news-mail.com.au/news/watch-bundaberg-man-tells-ufo-sighting/2513729/
15 January 2015 ?hrs Melbourne, Victoria Ca.4mins Raw
Lynda H published a 4min34sec video on You Tube on 15 January.
16 January 2015 Night Hobart, Tasmania 9mins Raw
"A rectangular light brighter than the rest of the sky moving st some speed." Travelled north-east over Hobart. Anonymouis witness took footage. Relatively clear although raining on and off. It travelled across east of the 'big dipper."
TUFOIC note - was it the International Space Station, which crossed over at 2219hrs from SW to NE at high elevation?
17 January 2015 2120hrs Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw
While star gazing, Nicole reported "It looked at first like a satellite passing by...It was a dull but very clear light at first then suddenly became a much brighter light..then it returned to a duller light..it vanished completely without a trace...It stopped just under Orion's belt."
18 January 2015 0100hrs North Sydney, New South Wales 90mins Raw
Georgina Wenborn saw, from her balconey, an object hovering over Neutral Bay/Mosman. "It shot down from the sky, hovered and landed on the ground and then shot back up again and was flying and orbiting around the height of the buildngs. " Seen to the north-east. It was "a large green light then would turn dim into an orange and sometimes red...' Clear night.
18 January 2015 2130hrs Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw
Mith reported to the north-east "a red and yellow light travel east to west very quickly, then it suddenly slowed down and the light got smaller...it travelled north."
20 January 2015 2210hrs Para Hills, Adelaide, South Australia ?mins raw
Bill and his wife Suzy saw a "bright white light in the sky as big as a 5 cent piece, was not a star or plane, wasn't flashing. I see planes at night all the time, it wasn't a plane...after 5 seconds of being stationary it started moving north from where I was. At first when I saw it I thought it was a falling star coming at me up high but no stream of light behind it like falling stars, then it changed direction going back up and north. I rang the police and informed the sighting because I've never seen something like that before."
20 January 2015 ?hrs Sydney, New South Wales 3m30sec Raw
Lazlo Novak shot an infra red video and this is the clip.
23 January 2015 2020hrs Perth, Western Australia ?mins Personal observation
"Anyone else see the satellite size object over perth? It has so far done 2 large arched loops over perth, very high in the sky (at least satellite height), sometimes pulses red, can also make out greeny blue and white." "Came in from the west, went north, looped to the south east then back to the north, then last seen back to south went back out over the ocean."
"Rich Bice" Perth UFO Casebook Facebook page.
23 January 2015 2215hrs Coober Pedy and areas of South Australia ?mins IFO?
There was an extremely bright red/blue flash in the sky visible from Coober Pedy through to Port Germain, followed by a rumbling sound which lasted several minutes. The object was travelling north-east to south-west. There were also reports that the flash was seen as far from Coober Pedy as Adelaide.
24 January 2015 2321hrs North Hobart, Tasmania Email, telephone
Two reports of a slowly moving orange/red light over the city. Both reports noted the light lit up and started flashing before it moved suddenly south before just disappearing in mid-sky. A photograph submitted just shows an orange blob in the dark sky.
TUFOIC note: probably a hoax balloon.
26 January 2015 Night Hobart, Tasmania 3mins Facebook
Two witnesses saw what appeared to be an orange glow in the sky that seemed to come out of nowwhere. It appeared to be in a southerly direction and was visible for three minutes before looking to fall away or dim.
TUFOIC note: The Aurora Australia was visible over the state and this may account for the glow.
27 January 2015 Sunset Perth, Western Australia 30mins IFO?
(a) "Saw what we think was a high altitude balloon. Visible just after sunset and lasting about half an hour. Moved from about 60 degrees above the west horizon in a south-south-westerly direction. Much slower than a satellite."
(b) While out delivering newspapers, a man, looked south from Ashby, and saw a bright object in the distance. "It was white in colour like it was reflecting the setting sun.." Clouds were mid-level altocumulus. "The object was just sitting there, then very slowly began to move...I got the impression it was elongated..." His son also saw it. Clouds were moving to the east. Not a helicopter or aircraft.
(Email from witness to Keith Basterfield.)
(c) Nicole Dennis of Perth reported "We saw it too and got the telescope out, saw it around 5.30pm and was visible until the sun went down. Looked really cool in telescope." In describing the telescopic view, Nicole posted a photograph of a white high altitude balloon (not the small weather balloons) to illustrate what she saw.
Perth UFO Casebook Facebook page.
(d) The Perth UFO Casebook page carried a number of other observations of the same object.
29 January 2015 2100hrs Mt Direction, Tasmania Hours Telephone
Two witnesses living at a country residence report viewing a light over several evenings. The light is seen in the eastern sky and the witnesses say it remains in the area most of the night. It has appeared to "move about" and seems to come closer. On some occasions it has still been in the sky when the witnesses ceased observation. It is claimed that the dogs have been barking a lot.
TUFOIC investigation has yet to be completed.
Older cases:
31 December 2014 Ca midnight Inverloch, Victoria ?mins Case under investigation
Jacqui was at her neighbour's house waiting for the fireworks to start at midnight from the RACV club at Inverloch on New Years Eve. She spotted about three or four objects, high in the sky. She thought they were lanterns. They were moving in a south/west direction.
31 December 2014 2115hrs West End, Brisbane ?mins Raw
Antoinette O'Brien " Approx west maybe 1km high very large cylinder, 4 lights, quivering jellyfish like edges, very fast and silent."
30 December 2014 2030hrs Windsor, Brisbane, Queensland ?mins Raw
"A man came across a police road block so diverted through an industrial estate and came upon a formation of 20 to 30 small white lights blinking randomly and moving slowly in the the sky about low helicopter height. These lights were in a cone shaped formation about the size of a house. He stopped his vehicle and got out to have a look and noticed the formation was followed by a second smaller blinking light that he thought could possibly be a light aircraft. He heard an electronic buzzing noise coming from the direction of the group of lights which he observed for 30 seconds before the formation disappeared. As it moved from view it seemed to pass over the area of the road block."
UFO Research Queensland
27 December 2014 2200hrs Sorrento, Victoria ?mins Raw
Ngaire reported observing a "bright red light" which passed to the north of her house. Initially she thought it was "the local police helicopter. It emitted light in all directions" and was a solid and very slightly pulsating red colour. Then another one was seen travelling in the same direction at the same speed. They turned towards Queenscliff and "faded almost immediately." Two more were seen a few minutes later. No noise. On 28 December at 2200hrs two more were seen.
25 December 2014 ?hrs Tocumwal, Victoria ?hrs Under investigation
Matt saw three objects in a tight triangle formation moving across the sky. Each a single white , star like light, brighter tahn any star or satellite in the sky. Moving two or three times faster than any satellite I've ever seen. All three objects slowed to astop not suddenly, but stopped for less than one second. All threeobjects immediately shot in three different directions (no sound) and were all gone over each respective horizon within the blink of an eye. The objects did not seem to be close to the ground at all.
14 December 2014 2118hrs Adelaide, South Australia ?mins Raw
During a thunderstorm a witness was filming. "I saw a vague shape go over me, transparent but my backyard light uplit it. Happened within a few seconds. It was around 30 feet long and about 50 feet high above me and made no noise...I have captured on video transparent UFOs in the past."
MUFON Case management system http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=search_page
11 December 2014 ?hrs Northern suburbs, Adelaide, South Australia ?mins Raw
Matt noticed an anomalous light, flashing multiple colours . It was moving horizontally and vertically. Soundless. "Only 3kms from big airforce base."
27 November 2014 1500hrs Landsborough Nova, Victoria ?hrs Under investigation
As we saw the last time (on 9th Nov.) a twin-tailed meteor crossed the sky, appearing to cirumnavigate the earth. Two shortish tails, close together, white in colour, (just like the last two meteors we saw.) Happened around three in the afternoon. And then we saw another one, (identical), at around six in the evening on the same day. And it was heading in the exact same direction . Cannot find plausible explanation for these objects (or meteors) on the Net.
20 October 2014 ?hrs Grantville, Victoria ?mins Under investigation
Brett. I have 2 photos I did not see it at the time but it stands out in 2 of the many photos we took, can I get your opinion please.
29 September 2014 1200hrs Great Ocean Road, Victoria ?hrs Under investigation
We were travelling on Great Ocean Road (possibly somewhere between Lorne and Apollo Bay) when we stopped to admire the view. My daughter (11) took some pics with her iphone 4. Not sure what this is - could be a bird? I was also looking at the view but in the other direction and didn't notice this but it came up on her photo. Could be nothing - just thought I'd seek opinion.
5 September 2013 ?hrs Brookvale, Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw
"I had a phone call on December 11th 2014 from a fellow called Jeff in Tasmania who was watching a rugby league game on TV - 5th September 2013. Manly playing Melbourne at Brookvale. At the 43mins 28 seconds into the game, suddenly a white orb appeared and veered left as he watched the screen. It went straight toward the gaol line, in amongst the players just before a tackle occurred. He reckoned it was travelling at about 50kmh. The orb then took off in a northerly direction. It was white, solid and tennis ball size..." Mariana Flynn of UFORNSW advises that Jeff phoned Tim Allen at Fox Sports who viewed the clip and also saw the orb. Jeff secured a copy of the relevant footage and sent it to Mariana.
UFO Research New South Wales
Groups contributing to this issue:
Website: http://www.acern.com.au
Website: http://tufoic.eu.pn
Facebook page.
Tuggerah Lakes UFO group
Facebook page
UFO Research Queensland
Hotline number: 07 3376 1780
Website: http://www.uforq.asn.au
Facebook page.
UFO Research New South Wales
Website: http://www.ufor.asn.au
Victorian UFO Action
Website: http://www.vufoa.com
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Who is talking about UAP these days?
Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...

Introduction Anomalist Books have just published the sixth in the series of Jacques Vallee's "Forbidden Science" diaries. It...
Conference The 2024 conference of the U.S. based American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) AVIATION Forum and 2024 ASCEND ...
Introduction On a recent episode of the "WEAPONIZED" podcast , titled " The UFO Hearing-What Happened? What's Next, ...