Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Royal Australian Air Force and UAS - the end of an era

Hi all,

From my research into the subject of what the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) refer to as Unusual Aerial Sightings (UAS), I know that the RAAF's official interest, ceased in December 1993 (click here.)

However, for many years after that, a Defence Instruction existed, which was effectively the Australian Department of Defence's continuing policy on UAS. As far as anyone outside of the Department was concerned, this Defence Instruction was still in existence. However, not so.

Melbourne researcher Paul Dean, was recently in correspondence with the office of the Chief of Air Force. Their response letter to Paul, included "Since 1996 the recording of any UAS has been a civil matter. The Defence Instruction that you have referred to was cancelled in March 2013 and Defence has no current policy on this issue."

This is well and truly the end of an era, which started around 1951, with the issue of a proforma by the Australian government, Air Board looking to capture details of UAS.

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