Hi all,
The Adelaide Advertiser newspaper of 30 January 2014 carried a headline "Mysterious green light seen in sky off Adelaide coast."
The story told how residents of sea front suburbs of Adelaide, including Tennyson, West Beach and Hallet Cove had reported sightings on the previous night.( Latitude 34.9 deg south; 138.6 deg east..)
The light in the sky was described as white or orange/red, or green in colour. It was said to be "high in the sky" and was seen about 2200hrs in the western sky. There was no associated sound.
It was also seen from country South Australia, including Beachport (latitude 37.5 deg south; 140 deg east.)
In other words, although the headline said it was seen from Adelaide suburbs it was actually seen over a much wider area of our state.
The Astronomical Society of South Australia suggested the light was either a meteor or a satellite re-entry. This fits all the known data in the newspaper article.
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia - UAP officer from 1973 interviewed
Hi all,
Recent blog readers will be aware that Melbourne based researcher Paul Dean and I, have been conducting a "cold case" investigation of the intriguing event which is reported to have happened on 25 October 1973 at the US Base at North West Cape, Western Australia.
If you have just commenced reading this blog, it would be useful to read three earlier posts on this incident. These may be found here, here and here. This will bring you up to date on our research. Now for some new information.
Report form used in the NW Cape incident:
In an earlier post, we noted that the format (page 2) of the RAAF UAP report form used in the North West Cape incident, did not conform to the format (page 2) of forms used by RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia, in October 1973. This suggested to us that the incident was not reported through Pearce, the nearest RAAF base with an intelligence officer, part of whose duties was to process incoming UAP reports.
The question then arose in our minds as to whether the North West Cape form came from another RAAF Base? We therefore browsed through a large number of 1973 RAAF UAP report forms, which were generated by RAAF bases in Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales (as well as more from Western Australia.) None had the same format (page 2) as the forms used for reporting the North West Cape incident. The mystery of exactly where the North West Cape report form came from, remains unanswered.
Paul Dean interview:
We had previously found the name of the RAAF Base Pearce, UAP officer in 1973, on a file in the National Archives of Australia. Paul Dean recently located this individual and spoke to him by telephone. Mr (at the time Flight Officer) Pyers, confirmed that he was indeed the RAAF Base Pearce UAP officer in 1973.
Paul then asked him if he recalled a UAP sighting from North West Cape in 1973? Pyers responded that he did not recall such an incident. Even after Paul described the event to him, Pyers did not recall coming across it. This would appear to confirm our deduction that the North West Cape report form did not originate from RAAF Base Pearce, but from elsewhere.
Interestingly, Pyers said he was surprised that such an incident would have made it onto the RAAF system/proforma at all. He thought it would have been handled by Canberra or someone higher up.
RAAF UAP files:
The North West Cape sighting, is not on the current RAAF files series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 parts 1-35 held by the National Archives of Australia, even though they extend to the end of 1973. The papers we received courtesy of Bill Chalker, were not on these files when Bill reviewed these same files in 1982.
Harry Turner:
In 1973, Harry Turner was a physicist working in the Department of Defence's Joint Intelligence Bureau/Joint Intelligence Organisation. Turner had a long interest in the subject of UAP, in fact since 1954 when the RAAF asked him to review their UAP files. Turner was the unofficial liaison between JI/JIO and the RAAF's Directorate of Air Force Intelligence (DAFI.) For a detailed interview with Turner click here.
We wondered whether or not Turner had been aware of the North West Cape incident? Our understanding, via Bill Chalker, is that Turner was not aware of the incident. This, like Pyers' comment ,suggests that the report may have been processed outside of the normal UAP reporting system. However, there remains the fact, that the sighting is recorded on what appear to be two RAAF UAP report forms!
Moira McGhee:
McGhee was a member of the civilian, Sydney based UFOIC in the 1970's. Our understanding is that she was the individual who first received the North West Cape documents. I therefore went back to my notes of a telephone conversation I had with her on 18 January 2013. I asked Moira for her recollections of how the documents came to be in her possession? She informed me that she had received them from a Ron Rayner, a Public Relations Officer with the RAAF.
Henry Ross Rayner:
An Internet search (click here) reveals that Henry Ross Rayner (1914-1989) was appointed to the position of director of Public Relations, Department of Air, in Canberra in 1959. In 1965 he was then appointed Director of Public Relations, Department of Defence. He retired in 1979.
So, in 1973, the date of the North West Cape sighting; and also in 1975, the year UFOIC received the documents, Rayner was indeed Director of Public Relations, Department of Defence.
Where do we go from here?
Paul Dean has been unsuccessful, in tracking down Bill Lynn, and Lt Commander Moyer, the US Navy personnel who reported the incident. Paul is still trying to locate the US Navy Base commander, whose name we located in a 1973 newspaper article. Given their ranks and ages at the time, it may be that one or indeed all three of these individuals may have already passed way.
We are continuing with a few other leads we have on this intriguing report. Any assistance from blog readers would be very much appreciated.
Recent blog readers will be aware that Melbourne based researcher Paul Dean and I, have been conducting a "cold case" investigation of the intriguing event which is reported to have happened on 25 October 1973 at the US Base at North West Cape, Western Australia.
If you have just commenced reading this blog, it would be useful to read three earlier posts on this incident. These may be found here, here and here. This will bring you up to date on our research. Now for some new information.
Report form used in the NW Cape incident:
In an earlier post, we noted that the format (page 2) of the RAAF UAP report form used in the North West Cape incident, did not conform to the format (page 2) of forms used by RAAF Base Pearce, Western Australia, in October 1973. This suggested to us that the incident was not reported through Pearce, the nearest RAAF base with an intelligence officer, part of whose duties was to process incoming UAP reports.
The question then arose in our minds as to whether the North West Cape form came from another RAAF Base? We therefore browsed through a large number of 1973 RAAF UAP report forms, which were generated by RAAF bases in Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales (as well as more from Western Australia.) None had the same format (page 2) as the forms used for reporting the North West Cape incident. The mystery of exactly where the North West Cape report form came from, remains unanswered.
Paul Dean interview:
We had previously found the name of the RAAF Base Pearce, UAP officer in 1973, on a file in the National Archives of Australia. Paul Dean recently located this individual and spoke to him by telephone. Mr (at the time Flight Officer) Pyers, confirmed that he was indeed the RAAF Base Pearce UAP officer in 1973.
Paul then asked him if he recalled a UAP sighting from North West Cape in 1973? Pyers responded that he did not recall such an incident. Even after Paul described the event to him, Pyers did not recall coming across it. This would appear to confirm our deduction that the North West Cape report form did not originate from RAAF Base Pearce, but from elsewhere.
Interestingly, Pyers said he was surprised that such an incident would have made it onto the RAAF system/proforma at all. He thought it would have been handled by Canberra or someone higher up.
RAAF UAP files:
The North West Cape sighting, is not on the current RAAF files series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 parts 1-35 held by the National Archives of Australia, even though they extend to the end of 1973. The papers we received courtesy of Bill Chalker, were not on these files when Bill reviewed these same files in 1982.
Harry Turner:
In 1973, Harry Turner was a physicist working in the Department of Defence's Joint Intelligence Bureau/Joint Intelligence Organisation. Turner had a long interest in the subject of UAP, in fact since 1954 when the RAAF asked him to review their UAP files. Turner was the unofficial liaison between JI/JIO and the RAAF's Directorate of Air Force Intelligence (DAFI.) For a detailed interview with Turner click here.
We wondered whether or not Turner had been aware of the North West Cape incident? Our understanding, via Bill Chalker, is that Turner was not aware of the incident. This, like Pyers' comment ,suggests that the report may have been processed outside of the normal UAP reporting system. However, there remains the fact, that the sighting is recorded on what appear to be two RAAF UAP report forms!
Moira McGhee:
McGhee was a member of the civilian, Sydney based UFOIC in the 1970's. Our understanding is that she was the individual who first received the North West Cape documents. I therefore went back to my notes of a telephone conversation I had with her on 18 January 2013. I asked Moira for her recollections of how the documents came to be in her possession? She informed me that she had received them from a Ron Rayner, a Public Relations Officer with the RAAF.
Henry Ross Rayner:
An Internet search (click here) reveals that Henry Ross Rayner (1914-1989) was appointed to the position of director of Public Relations, Department of Air, in Canberra in 1959. In 1965 he was then appointed Director of Public Relations, Department of Defence. He retired in 1979.
So, in 1973, the date of the North West Cape sighting; and also in 1975, the year UFOIC received the documents, Rayner was indeed Director of Public Relations, Department of Defence.
Where do we go from here?
Paul Dean has been unsuccessful, in tracking down Bill Lynn, and Lt Commander Moyer, the US Navy personnel who reported the incident. Paul is still trying to locate the US Navy Base commander, whose name we located in a 1973 newspaper article. Given their ranks and ages at the time, it may be that one or indeed all three of these individuals may have already passed way.
We are continuing with a few other leads we have on this intriguing report. Any assistance from blog readers would be very much appreciated.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Another anomaly with the North West Cape incident
Hi all,
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean and I are continuing our examination of the 25 October 1973 incident, reported to have happened at the US Base at North West Cape, Western Australia. The details we have on the incident are recorded both in the form of written statements by both US Navy personnel observers, and on standard RAAF UFO report forms.
As the North West Cape incident occurred in Western Australia, then it would be logical that it was reported through the RAAF Base Pearce, in Perth, Western Australia. I would therefore expect that the format of the NW Cape report form would be identical to those used by RAAF Base Pearce in October 1973. Have we any examples of the report form used by Pearce in October 1973? It turns out we do.
National Archives:
I went to the National Archives of Australia website and on file 580/1/1 part 33, the RAAF's central files on UFO sightings, I found two reports which were processed through Pearce in October 1973.
22 October 1973 Dianella, WA (0045-0100hrs) 31 deg 53 s; 115 deg 55 e.
Mr C Lacey reported a 3-4 second observation of an object which came from the north-west, travelling rapidly to the south-east. It was a reddish colour, and there was no sound. The RAAF Unit Evaluation section of the report form states that the cause of the sighting was "A re-entering vehicle of some kind." The official Head Quarters explanation was "space debris."
26 October 1973 Geraldton, WA 1820hrs 20 secs 27deg 50 s; 114deg 06 e.
Mrs M King, sighted in clear sky to the west, at 45 deg elevation, a white object, the angular size of the moon. At its closest approach it was at 45 deg elevation, to the south. There was no sound. It was last seen at 45 deg elevation in the south-east. Lost behind trees. The report form was completed by the RAAF Pearce base UFO officer over the phone. The RAAF Unit Evaluation stated that there were no civilian or military aircraft in the vicinity. A meteorological balloon had been launched from Geraldton at 1900hrs.The RAAF Pearce investigating officer wrote on the form, the object may have been "An aircraft, although none were under the control of Geraldton FS at that time. Mrs king was interviewed over the phone and appeared quite sensible." The investigating officer was R R J Pyers, flight officer, HQ Pearce. On 10 December 1973, C J Odgers, Director of Public Relations wrote to Mrs King "...it has been determined that the most probable cause was space debris re-entering the Earth's atmosphere."
Report form comparison:
I looked at the report forms used by RAAF Pearce for Mr Lacey and Mrs King to see if they were identical to those used for the North West Cape incident. They were not. The difference lay in the number of questions on the first three pages.
In both the Lacey and King forms, page one listed questions 1 to 10; page two listed questions 11 to 23, and page three listed questions 24 to 31. Below I reproduce, courtesy of the National Archives of Australia website, page two of Mrs King's report form, which shows questions 11 to 23.
In both of the North West Cape incident report forms, page one listed questions to number 10; page two listed questions 11 to 25; and page three questions 26 to 31. Below I reproduce, courtesy of Sydney based researcher Bill Chalker, page two of one of the North West Cape witness' report form showing it lists questions 11 to 25. The second witness' form is identical in format.
It appears to me, that the form which was used to record the North West Cape incident details, did not come from RAAF Base Pearce.
The question in my mind, is why the form used for the North West Cape incident did not come from RAAF Pearce? I welcome your thoughts on this matter.
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean and I are continuing our examination of the 25 October 1973 incident, reported to have happened at the US Base at North West Cape, Western Australia. The details we have on the incident are recorded both in the form of written statements by both US Navy personnel observers, and on standard RAAF UFO report forms.
As the North West Cape incident occurred in Western Australia, then it would be logical that it was reported through the RAAF Base Pearce, in Perth, Western Australia. I would therefore expect that the format of the NW Cape report form would be identical to those used by RAAF Base Pearce in October 1973. Have we any examples of the report form used by Pearce in October 1973? It turns out we do.
National Archives:
I went to the National Archives of Australia website and on file 580/1/1 part 33, the RAAF's central files on UFO sightings, I found two reports which were processed through Pearce in October 1973.
22 October 1973 Dianella, WA (0045-0100hrs) 31 deg 53 s; 115 deg 55 e.
Mr C Lacey reported a 3-4 second observation of an object which came from the north-west, travelling rapidly to the south-east. It was a reddish colour, and there was no sound. The RAAF Unit Evaluation section of the report form states that the cause of the sighting was "A re-entering vehicle of some kind." The official Head Quarters explanation was "space debris."
26 October 1973 Geraldton, WA 1820hrs 20 secs 27deg 50 s; 114deg 06 e.
Mrs M King, sighted in clear sky to the west, at 45 deg elevation, a white object, the angular size of the moon. At its closest approach it was at 45 deg elevation, to the south. There was no sound. It was last seen at 45 deg elevation in the south-east. Lost behind trees. The report form was completed by the RAAF Pearce base UFO officer over the phone. The RAAF Unit Evaluation stated that there were no civilian or military aircraft in the vicinity. A meteorological balloon had been launched from Geraldton at 1900hrs.The RAAF Pearce investigating officer wrote on the form, the object may have been "An aircraft, although none were under the control of Geraldton FS at that time. Mrs king was interviewed over the phone and appeared quite sensible." The investigating officer was R R J Pyers, flight officer, HQ Pearce. On 10 December 1973, C J Odgers, Director of Public Relations wrote to Mrs King "...it has been determined that the most probable cause was space debris re-entering the Earth's atmosphere."
Report form comparison:
I looked at the report forms used by RAAF Pearce for Mr Lacey and Mrs King to see if they were identical to those used for the North West Cape incident. They were not. The difference lay in the number of questions on the first three pages.
In both the Lacey and King forms, page one listed questions 1 to 10; page two listed questions 11 to 23, and page three listed questions 24 to 31. Below I reproduce, courtesy of the National Archives of Australia website, page two of Mrs King's report form, which shows questions 11 to 23.
In both of the North West Cape incident report forms, page one listed questions to number 10; page two listed questions 11 to 25; and page three questions 26 to 31. Below I reproduce, courtesy of Sydney based researcher Bill Chalker, page two of one of the North West Cape witness' report form showing it lists questions 11 to 25. The second witness' form is identical in format.
It appears to me, that the form which was used to record the North West Cape incident details, did not come from RAAF Base Pearce.
The question in my mind, is why the form used for the North West Cape incident did not come from RAAF Pearce? I welcome your thoughts on this matter.
Monday, January 27, 2014
A detailed look at the 1974 St Helens, Tasmania, car stop event
Hi all
There are some UAP cases which stick in your memory, and which you return to time and time again, wondering what the cause of the event actually was. For me, one of these cases happened on 16 September 1974, near a place called St. Helens (latitude 41deg 20mins S, longitude 148deg 15mins E) , in North Eastern Tasmania (click here.)
Recently, I obtained a copy of the full report on the event, from Keith Roberts of the Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre (TUFOIC click here.) A TUFOIC investigator, Mr Roger Brooks, who was a senior master in English at St Marys District School visited the Richards' remote farm on 21 September 1974 and conducted an excellent investigation. The vehicle involved was a 1968 Toyota Crown manual.
The location:
Below is an image from Google maps which shows the location of St Helens (bottom left hand corner;) and Ansons Bay Road. The event happened near a bridge, 4-5 miles north of St Helens on the Ansons Bay Road. On this map, the bridge is located at the intersection of the road (marked in gray) and the river (marked in blue.) .
Below is an image from Google maps, satellite view, which shows an overhead shot of the road bridge over the George River.
The following is a photograph showing the road and bridge, which I took whilst visiting the site in 1975.
Investigation report by Roger Brooks:
"A. Background details:
1. People present:
Mrs A Richards - housewife of "The Marshes" via St Helens (aged about 34)
Janine Richards - her daughter, aged 8
Kathleen Richards - her daughter, aged 5.
2. Location:
4-5 miles along Anson's Bay Road, north of St Helens, and 8 miles south of their home.
3. Times etc:
Sept 16 1974 9.15pm. Sky - black. Light drizzle.
4. Events before experience:
They had journeyed from Launceston and Kathleen was very tired. Stopped at sister-in-law's house (another Mrs Richards) who reported that they were all well on departure just before 9.00. Kathleen slept in the car during the visit. The car was running well.
B. Sequence of event:
1. Car approached a bridge, 4-5 miles N of St Helens, when radio went static (Prev. on good reception & hasn't done this before.)
2. The sky lighted brightly in an area roughly marked out by one's direct vision, i.e. sky ahead was bright. This was directly after radio went static.
3. As the car crossed the bridge it lost power on a gentle incline, then stopped dead and all lights of the car went out: headlights, wireless, heater, dashboard. Total dark, except for light in sky.
4. Mrs Richards tried to start car, but after 10 secs, a deafening, vibrating noise enveloped the car "like 30-40 large jets", "I felt my head was splitting open, and thought the world was coming to an end." The noise forced her to cover her ears with her hands (During this Kathleen was asleep but Janine said the noise was "deafening.") This lasted approx 1 min.
5. Almost simultaneously, quite painful electric shocks began penetrating their bodies - like electric vibrations, far worse than shock from an electric kettle (Mrs Richards guessed at about 400-500 volts.) This lasted for about a minutes, during which she thinks she screamed.
6. Then the car was filled by an invisible, chocking smell - a penetrating gas, far stranger than commercial bottled gas, and nothing recognisable. Janine smelt it too, and both leaped out of the car for air. ("All I wanted was fresh air and to breathe properly.") They dragged Kathleen, who was dazed, half awake from the car, and fled down the road. By this time there was only light in the sky.
7. They reached a house 2 miles away, at about 9.45pm where the owner, Mr Harvey Chappel, was alarmed by Mrs Richards' uncontrolled state. Then Mr Chappel and his brother Derek and Mrs Richards returned to the car. It started faultlessly, despite there being little water in the radiator. Harvey is a mechanic and at that time, could find nothing wrong with the car, except a hot bonnet; probably the radiator had boiled.
8. The chn. were collected and Mr C drove them home.
9. The next day a St Helens garage prop. Mr Graham Stone, examined the car thoroughly and could fins nothing wrong. Radio worked, no electrical short circuits etc.
10. At the time of the experience Mr Richards who was waiting at home, saw lights in the sky and heard a distant roar. He thought it was his wife driving along the farm road, and took little notice, expecting her to arrive at any minute. He was surprised when the car did not come over the hill.
C. Other points:
1. Mrs Richards has been quite ill since the experience, despite tranquillisers. She has had a numb right side face and a red mark (2 cent piece size) above her right eyebrow. She claims she did not bruise herself, but that the vibrations did it. The day after the event, her arms and fingers were badly swollen and she had difficulty in walking. Her "nerves have been in a shocking state."
2. However she says he greatest frustrations have come from trying to convince people of what happened. She has never had any form of mental disorder or delusion nor is she physically weak or sick. Doesn't drink.
3. The chn. suffered no after-effects.
4. Janine said that during the experience, she thought the car was on fire.
5. My opinion:
Mrs Richards is badly shaken by the occurrence. Whereas some precise details might have become confused, she has been genuinely frightened by something and as she said "I'm hardly likely to make up a story like this! Why should I?"
People I spoke to ( her sister-in-law, 2 neighbours) described her and Janine as sane, healthy, hard working, sincere people, and were emphatic that this was not a made up story. One thing confuses me: why didn't Kathleen wake up? However, I believe her story."
Newspaper article:
Brook's report was also carried in detail, in the 21September 1974 issue of the Hobart, Mercury, newspaper. Included in this source was additional material.
"Two nights later Mr Richards was driving home after visiting a neighbour when he noticed a light in the sky. It paced his car and "seemed attracted by the headlights." When he slowed and drove with only the parking lights, the object fell behind. It followed him on the thirty-minute drive home. At the house it zoomed in from an estimated height of 2,500 feet to about 80 feet just above some trees 100 yards from the house. His wife, Janine and son Ricky (11) watched it through a window. At one stage Ricky went outside the house for a closer look but when the object came closer, the family dragged him inside. They described it as crescent shaped and a as crescent shaped and a 'vibrant egg-yellow' in colour. They watched it for five minutes. It seemed attracted by the lights of the house. When they turned the house lights off the object soon "faded out." The family have seen odd lights about the sky in the area for years, but had taken little notice of them.
Other reports around that time:
There were a number of other interesting reports from around this time:
1. Tayene. 22 September 1974. Latitude 41deg 10mins south, Longitude 146 deg 30secs east.
Sitting in her car at 1720hrs a woman heard a radio announcer give the time on he car's radio, then all of a sudden her surroundings lit up. The radio developed a high pitched whistling noise. An object approached the car from the top of a nearby hill. As it came closer, the woman started the car and backed it up along the road until the car became bogged in mud.
The object, meanwhile continued to approach and hovered for a short while before sweeping around the road junction then back to the position in which it was first seen. The speed up until then had been fairly slow, but when it swept around the hill a tubular shaped thing on the bottom of it opened up in sections and the object sped upwards at a rapid pace.
The woman then left the car and ran to her house. Her husband and son returned to the car but could find nothing wrong. The next day a tow truck collected the vehicle. The front of it was exceptionally clean although the rest of the body was dirty. There had previously been cats' prints all over the bonnet but the bonnet was clean when the car was brought back. (Source: Investigation by John Dean, TUFOIC. TUFOIC's annual report 1975. Flying Saucer Review Vol 21. No 5. 1975.)
Below is a photograph I took of the location, whilst visiting Tasmania, in 1975.
2. Ledgerwood September 1974.Latitude 41deg 13mins south, Longitude 147 deg 42mins east.
"Two other witnesses taking a short cut to the Tasman Highway from Ledgerwood got more than they bargained for late one evening during the same September. The driver rounded a sharp curve in the road only to be confronted by an object about 50m from the roadside. The driver slowed the car down for a better look but, his friend said they should get out of there. Hovering just above the ground was a disc shaped object with a dome and a line of portholes or lights. It was estimated as being 10 to 15m in diameter. Coming from below was a bright beam of light which covered a 5m area on the ground. The road ahead entered an area of bush so that the UFO was rapidly obscured from view." (Source: "Tasmania A UFO HIstory." TUFOIC. 2013.)
3. The Sideling November 1974. 2300hrs. Latitude 41deg 15mins south, Longitude 147deg 23mins east.
On his way home to Scottsdale, a man saw an object the size of an enormous building about half a kilometre away to his left, in the north. There was no related sound. His car (a 1971 Mitsubishi Colt) engine, lights, and radio cut out, and the figures on his watch lit up brightly. The object travelled along and was last seen going straight upwards. The witness was able to restart the car and head for home. The watch broke down shortly after the event. The left hand mudguard of the car changed colour from red to orange and stayed that colour. (Source: "Tasmania A UFO History." TUFOIC. 2013. )
I'd appreciate hearing from any blog readers who might have ideas on this case.
There are some UAP cases which stick in your memory, and which you return to time and time again, wondering what the cause of the event actually was. For me, one of these cases happened on 16 September 1974, near a place called St. Helens (latitude 41deg 20mins S, longitude 148deg 15mins E) , in North Eastern Tasmania (click here.)
Recently, I obtained a copy of the full report on the event, from Keith Roberts of the Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre (TUFOIC click here.) A TUFOIC investigator, Mr Roger Brooks, who was a senior master in English at St Marys District School visited the Richards' remote farm on 21 September 1974 and conducted an excellent investigation. The vehicle involved was a 1968 Toyota Crown manual.
The location:
Below is an image from Google maps which shows the location of St Helens (bottom left hand corner;) and Ansons Bay Road. The event happened near a bridge, 4-5 miles north of St Helens on the Ansons Bay Road. On this map, the bridge is located at the intersection of the road (marked in gray) and the river (marked in blue.) .
Below is an image from Google maps, satellite view, which shows an overhead shot of the road bridge over the George River.
The following is a photograph showing the road and bridge, which I took whilst visiting the site in 1975.
Investigation report by Roger Brooks:
"A. Background details:
1. People present:
Mrs A Richards - housewife of "The Marshes" via St Helens (aged about 34)
Janine Richards - her daughter, aged 8
Kathleen Richards - her daughter, aged 5.
2. Location:
4-5 miles along Anson's Bay Road, north of St Helens, and 8 miles south of their home.
3. Times etc:
Sept 16 1974 9.15pm. Sky - black. Light drizzle.
4. Events before experience:
They had journeyed from Launceston and Kathleen was very tired. Stopped at sister-in-law's house (another Mrs Richards) who reported that they were all well on departure just before 9.00. Kathleen slept in the car during the visit. The car was running well.
B. Sequence of event:
1. Car approached a bridge, 4-5 miles N of St Helens, when radio went static (Prev. on good reception & hasn't done this before.)
2. The sky lighted brightly in an area roughly marked out by one's direct vision, i.e. sky ahead was bright. This was directly after radio went static.
3. As the car crossed the bridge it lost power on a gentle incline, then stopped dead and all lights of the car went out: headlights, wireless, heater, dashboard. Total dark, except for light in sky.
4. Mrs Richards tried to start car, but after 10 secs, a deafening, vibrating noise enveloped the car "like 30-40 large jets", "I felt my head was splitting open, and thought the world was coming to an end." The noise forced her to cover her ears with her hands (During this Kathleen was asleep but Janine said the noise was "deafening.") This lasted approx 1 min.
5. Almost simultaneously, quite painful electric shocks began penetrating their bodies - like electric vibrations, far worse than shock from an electric kettle (Mrs Richards guessed at about 400-500 volts.) This lasted for about a minutes, during which she thinks she screamed.
6. Then the car was filled by an invisible, chocking smell - a penetrating gas, far stranger than commercial bottled gas, and nothing recognisable. Janine smelt it too, and both leaped out of the car for air. ("All I wanted was fresh air and to breathe properly.") They dragged Kathleen, who was dazed, half awake from the car, and fled down the road. By this time there was only light in the sky.
7. They reached a house 2 miles away, at about 9.45pm where the owner, Mr Harvey Chappel, was alarmed by Mrs Richards' uncontrolled state. Then Mr Chappel and his brother Derek and Mrs Richards returned to the car. It started faultlessly, despite there being little water in the radiator. Harvey is a mechanic and at that time, could find nothing wrong with the car, except a hot bonnet; probably the radiator had boiled.
8. The chn. were collected and Mr C drove them home.
9. The next day a St Helens garage prop. Mr Graham Stone, examined the car thoroughly and could fins nothing wrong. Radio worked, no electrical short circuits etc.
10. At the time of the experience Mr Richards who was waiting at home, saw lights in the sky and heard a distant roar. He thought it was his wife driving along the farm road, and took little notice, expecting her to arrive at any minute. He was surprised when the car did not come over the hill.
C. Other points:
1. Mrs Richards has been quite ill since the experience, despite tranquillisers. She has had a numb right side face and a red mark (2 cent piece size) above her right eyebrow. She claims she did not bruise herself, but that the vibrations did it. The day after the event, her arms and fingers were badly swollen and she had difficulty in walking. Her "nerves have been in a shocking state."
2. However she says he greatest frustrations have come from trying to convince people of what happened. She has never had any form of mental disorder or delusion nor is she physically weak or sick. Doesn't drink.
3. The chn. suffered no after-effects.
4. Janine said that during the experience, she thought the car was on fire.
5. My opinion:
Mrs Richards is badly shaken by the occurrence. Whereas some precise details might have become confused, she has been genuinely frightened by something and as she said "I'm hardly likely to make up a story like this! Why should I?"
People I spoke to ( her sister-in-law, 2 neighbours) described her and Janine as sane, healthy, hard working, sincere people, and were emphatic that this was not a made up story. One thing confuses me: why didn't Kathleen wake up? However, I believe her story."
Newspaper article:
Brook's report was also carried in detail, in the 21September 1974 issue of the Hobart, Mercury, newspaper. Included in this source was additional material.
"Two nights later Mr Richards was driving home after visiting a neighbour when he noticed a light in the sky. It paced his car and "seemed attracted by the headlights." When he slowed and drove with only the parking lights, the object fell behind. It followed him on the thirty-minute drive home. At the house it zoomed in from an estimated height of 2,500 feet to about 80 feet just above some trees 100 yards from the house. His wife, Janine and son Ricky (11) watched it through a window. At one stage Ricky went outside the house for a closer look but when the object came closer, the family dragged him inside. They described it as crescent shaped and a as crescent shaped and a 'vibrant egg-yellow' in colour. They watched it for five minutes. It seemed attracted by the lights of the house. When they turned the house lights off the object soon "faded out." The family have seen odd lights about the sky in the area for years, but had taken little notice of them.
Other reports around that time:
There were a number of other interesting reports from around this time:
1. Tayene. 22 September 1974. Latitude 41deg 10mins south, Longitude 146 deg 30secs east.
Sitting in her car at 1720hrs a woman heard a radio announcer give the time on he car's radio, then all of a sudden her surroundings lit up. The radio developed a high pitched whistling noise. An object approached the car from the top of a nearby hill. As it came closer, the woman started the car and backed it up along the road until the car became bogged in mud.
The object, meanwhile continued to approach and hovered for a short while before sweeping around the road junction then back to the position in which it was first seen. The speed up until then had been fairly slow, but when it swept around the hill a tubular shaped thing on the bottom of it opened up in sections and the object sped upwards at a rapid pace.
The woman then left the car and ran to her house. Her husband and son returned to the car but could find nothing wrong. The next day a tow truck collected the vehicle. The front of it was exceptionally clean although the rest of the body was dirty. There had previously been cats' prints all over the bonnet but the bonnet was clean when the car was brought back. (Source: Investigation by John Dean, TUFOIC. TUFOIC's annual report 1975. Flying Saucer Review Vol 21. No 5. 1975.)
Below is a photograph I took of the location, whilst visiting Tasmania, in 1975.
2. Ledgerwood September 1974.Latitude 41deg 13mins south, Longitude 147 deg 42mins east.
"Two other witnesses taking a short cut to the Tasman Highway from Ledgerwood got more than they bargained for late one evening during the same September. The driver rounded a sharp curve in the road only to be confronted by an object about 50m from the roadside. The driver slowed the car down for a better look but, his friend said they should get out of there. Hovering just above the ground was a disc shaped object with a dome and a line of portholes or lights. It was estimated as being 10 to 15m in diameter. Coming from below was a bright beam of light which covered a 5m area on the ground. The road ahead entered an area of bush so that the UFO was rapidly obscured from view." (Source: "Tasmania A UFO HIstory." TUFOIC. 2013.)
3. The Sideling November 1974. 2300hrs. Latitude 41deg 15mins south, Longitude 147deg 23mins east.
On his way home to Scottsdale, a man saw an object the size of an enormous building about half a kilometre away to his left, in the north. There was no related sound. His car (a 1971 Mitsubishi Colt) engine, lights, and radio cut out, and the figures on his watch lit up brightly. The object travelled along and was last seen going straight upwards. The witness was able to restart the car and head for home. The watch broke down shortly after the event. The left hand mudguard of the car changed colour from red to orange and stayed that colour. (Source: "Tasmania A UFO History." TUFOIC. 2013. )
I'd appreciate hearing from any blog readers who might have ideas on this case.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
A West Australian "balloon" observation from 1894
Hi all,
A while ago I received an email from Peter Bridge of Hesperian Press (click here) in Western Australia. Peter told me that in 2004 he had reprinted L R Menzies' book "A Gold Seekers Odyssey" first printed in 1937. Peter read a number of old newspapers for biographical details on prospectors and found the following account, and added it as an appendix.
It comes from the "Australian Advertiser" dated 15 October 1894 (a precursor of the "Albany Advertiser".) It is to be found on page 156 of "A Gold Seekers Odyssey."
The account:
"A correspondent signing himself "Eye Witness" writes to the Victorian Express as follows from the Murchison goldfield:- Although rather late, I beg to inform you that about the second week in October, Mr Menzie, the manager of The Star of the East mine, was fixing the tram work of the battery, and when placing one of the uprights he caught the sight of a large balloon passing across the line of sight.
Naturally, such an extraordinary visitor caused an ejaculation of surprise from Mr Menzie. All hands (some ten of us) looked up and perceived the object that so surprised Mr Mezie to be a large balloon travelling at a terrific rate from north-west to south-east. Although at a great altitude, the balloon could be distinctly seen in every outline and was travelling at such a rate of speed that the body of the balloon was considerably in advance of the car. The ariel (sic) visitor created more than surprise at the time and every man was going to write to the paper about it but the old-old story every body's business invariably turns out to be no body's business and thus the matter was never published.
Joe Clarke and Quinn who are now shareholders in the Lady mine and myself were among the men working at The Star Of The East with Mr Menzie and witnessed the sight described. It would appear probable that the balloon escaped from any port of the Indies or the Strait settlements as it came from that direction. The general opinion at the time was that possibly it was being prepared for some experimental military work or probably for exhibition purposes when it broke adrift. It would indeed be interesting to know if it had been seen in any other part of the world and where it came from and where it has gone to."
A while ago I received an email from Peter Bridge of Hesperian Press (click here) in Western Australia. Peter told me that in 2004 he had reprinted L R Menzies' book "A Gold Seekers Odyssey" first printed in 1937. Peter read a number of old newspapers for biographical details on prospectors and found the following account, and added it as an appendix.
It comes from the "Australian Advertiser" dated 15 October 1894 (a precursor of the "Albany Advertiser".) It is to be found on page 156 of "A Gold Seekers Odyssey."
The account:
"A correspondent signing himself "Eye Witness" writes to the Victorian Express as follows from the Murchison goldfield:- Although rather late, I beg to inform you that about the second week in October, Mr Menzie, the manager of The Star of the East mine, was fixing the tram work of the battery, and when placing one of the uprights he caught the sight of a large balloon passing across the line of sight.
Naturally, such an extraordinary visitor caused an ejaculation of surprise from Mr Menzie. All hands (some ten of us) looked up and perceived the object that so surprised Mr Mezie to be a large balloon travelling at a terrific rate from north-west to south-east. Although at a great altitude, the balloon could be distinctly seen in every outline and was travelling at such a rate of speed that the body of the balloon was considerably in advance of the car. The ariel (sic) visitor created more than surprise at the time and every man was going to write to the paper about it but the old-old story every body's business invariably turns out to be no body's business and thus the matter was never published.
Joe Clarke and Quinn who are now shareholders in the Lady mine and myself were among the men working at The Star Of The East with Mr Menzie and witnessed the sight described. It would appear probable that the balloon escaped from any port of the Indies or the Strait settlements as it came from that direction. The general opinion at the time was that possibly it was being prepared for some experimental military work or probably for exhibition purposes when it broke adrift. It would indeed be interesting to know if it had been seen in any other part of the world and where it came from and where it has gone to."
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Time check for the North West Cape incident
Hi all,
In a previous post (click here) I presented the original data on the unusual UAP incident, which took place on the U.S. Navy base at North West Cape, near Exmouth, Western Australia, on 25 October 1973.
One part of the data was the time of the two observations by the U.S. Navy personnel. They gave the time of the incident as commencing at approximately 1920hrs and 1915hrs, respectively. One of the witnesses stated that he was "looking in the direction of the setting Sun" at the time of his observation. By the term "setting Sun" I take this to mean that the Sun was close to, but above, the horizon. If the witness meant to indicate that the Sun had already set, I would have expected his wording to be "in the direction where the Sun had (already) set."
In my post I noted that there was a problem with this timing, as an electronic Internet based star chart program showed that the Sun had set before (1915-1920)hrs. I subsequently wondered if the star chart program was in error.
However, some research I conducted today, reveals that the times given by at least one of the witnesses, possibly both the witnesses, do indeed appear incorrect!
The West Australian:
I visited the South Australian State Library and looked at copies of "The West Australian" newspaper for Thursday 25 October 1973. The paper records the time of sunset that night - as 1836hrs. Therefore there is a discrepancy in at least one of the elements presented by at least one of the two U.S. Navy personnel.
If the Sun set at 1836hrs that night, as both the newspaper and the Internet star chart suggests, then the one U.S. Navy individual could not have been looking at the "setting Sun" at 1920hrs.
This anomaly raises a number of issues, which cannot be resolved with the data to hand. It also raises a number of other questions in my mind, including whether any of the other points of data might be incorrect?
North West Cape and ASIO:
While at the State Library I checked issues of The West Australian dated between 24 October and 1 November 1973, to see if there were any UAP reported for that time frame. I failed to locate any, but I did find the following article, which reveals the then name of the Base commander for North West Cape. It may be possible to locate this individual and ask for any of their recollections of the incident.
The article was found on page 7 of the 27 October 1973 issue.
"US Navy: No inquiry on Latter.
The Commanding Officer of the US Navy Base at Exmouth yesterday denied a claim that the Navy had asked the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation for information about a WA trade union official.
Captain R Cunningham said there was no truth in the statement made on Thursday by Mr W S Latter, a vice-president of the WA Trades and Labour Council.
Mr Latter said he had learnt during a visit to Exmouth earlier this month that the US Navy had asked ASIO about his background.
He is a former member of the Communist Party.
(Security and the right of entry to the Exmouth Base are covered by the Australian Defence Special Undertakings Act. Australians must have a permit issued by Federal Authorities must have a permit issued by Federal Authorities before they can enter the base. Permits are issued in consultation with the Defence Department in Canberra.)
In conclusion:
I am surprised that no one since 1975 (when documents on the case emerged) has noted the timing anomaly mentioned in this blog post.
Assistance would be appreciated from blog readers in attempting to resolve this anomaly.
In a previous post (click here) I presented the original data on the unusual UAP incident, which took place on the U.S. Navy base at North West Cape, near Exmouth, Western Australia, on 25 October 1973.
One part of the data was the time of the two observations by the U.S. Navy personnel. They gave the time of the incident as commencing at approximately 1920hrs and 1915hrs, respectively. One of the witnesses stated that he was "looking in the direction of the setting Sun" at the time of his observation. By the term "setting Sun" I take this to mean that the Sun was close to, but above, the horizon. If the witness meant to indicate that the Sun had already set, I would have expected his wording to be "in the direction where the Sun had (already) set."
In my post I noted that there was a problem with this timing, as an electronic Internet based star chart program showed that the Sun had set before (1915-1920)hrs. I subsequently wondered if the star chart program was in error.
However, some research I conducted today, reveals that the times given by at least one of the witnesses, possibly both the witnesses, do indeed appear incorrect!
The West Australian:
I visited the South Australian State Library and looked at copies of "The West Australian" newspaper for Thursday 25 October 1973. The paper records the time of sunset that night - as 1836hrs. Therefore there is a discrepancy in at least one of the elements presented by at least one of the two U.S. Navy personnel.
If the Sun set at 1836hrs that night, as both the newspaper and the Internet star chart suggests, then the one U.S. Navy individual could not have been looking at the "setting Sun" at 1920hrs.
This anomaly raises a number of issues, which cannot be resolved with the data to hand. It also raises a number of other questions in my mind, including whether any of the other points of data might be incorrect?
North West Cape and ASIO:
While at the State Library I checked issues of The West Australian dated between 24 October and 1 November 1973, to see if there were any UAP reported for that time frame. I failed to locate any, but I did find the following article, which reveals the then name of the Base commander for North West Cape. It may be possible to locate this individual and ask for any of their recollections of the incident.
The article was found on page 7 of the 27 October 1973 issue.
"US Navy: No inquiry on Latter.
The Commanding Officer of the US Navy Base at Exmouth yesterday denied a claim that the Navy had asked the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation for information about a WA trade union official.
Captain R Cunningham said there was no truth in the statement made on Thursday by Mr W S Latter, a vice-president of the WA Trades and Labour Council.
Mr Latter said he had learnt during a visit to Exmouth earlier this month that the US Navy had asked ASIO about his background.
He is a former member of the Communist Party.
(Security and the right of entry to the Exmouth Base are covered by the Australian Defence Special Undertakings Act. Australians must have a permit issued by Federal Authorities must have a permit issued by Federal Authorities before they can enter the base. Permits are issued in consultation with the Defence Department in Canberra.)
In conclusion:
I am surprised that no one since 1975 (when documents on the case emerged) has noted the timing anomaly mentioned in this blog post.
Assistance would be appreciated from blog readers in attempting to resolve this anomaly.
Friday, January 10, 2014
New book alert - Timothy Good
Hi all
Timothy Good's latest book is titled "Earth An Alien Enterprise:The Shocking Truth behind the Greatest cover-up in Human History" published by Pegasus Books, New York. 2013. ISBN 978-1-60598-486-5.
From the introduction:
"This book examines in-depth claims that the United States in particular, and some other countries, including the U.K., have developed advanced spacecraft, thanks partly to the recovery of a number of crashed alien vehicles and, more comprehensively, an alien liaison program." (p.xxv.)
Opening chapters:
The first ten chapters of the book are dedicated to the in-depth exploration of encounters, dated from the 1930's to the 1960's. They include the story of Leo Dworshak from the USA; French man Pierre Monnet; Italian professor Johannis; US President Eisenhower; Margaret Fry from the UK; the 1966 Australian event at Westall; and the story of Philip Corso. Collectively, they demonstrate, in Good's opinion, the breadth of actual alien encounters.
Good's own alien encounters:
"...I should mention here my two encounters with presumed aliens in the United States. The first occurred on November 13 1963, while touring...we stopped at a restaurant near the Arizona/California border...My attention was drawn to an extraordinarily graceful, petite girl with blond bobbed hair and delicate pale features. The thought struck me that she might be one of those aliens living among us..." (pp102-103.)
In February 1967 while in New York, Good "...transmitted a telepathic request: If any of you people from elsewhere are in the New York vicinity, please come and sit right down next to me and prove it..." (p.103.) Half an hour later a man did arrive and sit right next to Good. Good asked him telepathically to carry out a certain gesture, which the man promptly did. The man then walked off never to be seen by Good again.
In 2006, while in Poland, Good noted an unusual man in the audience of a talk he was giving. "...it seems likely to me that he was one of a number of aliens who live and work among us." (p.106.)
Part one conclusion:
Part one of the book concludes with a detailed account from an informant, Good names as "Thomas."
Thomas relates an extraordinary account of his RAAF career between 1955 and 1957, and "Project Orange" in the UK. "Project Orange" turned out to have Thomas, and others, baby sitting two live aliens. After a period of time, the two aliens, simply vanished.
What does Good think of this incredible story, "Naturally, the questions arise: How much of the story is true?" (p.161.)
Part two:
In this part of the book, Good presents further detailed examples of apparent contact. There is the case of Swede Richard Hoglund, asked by aliens to go to the Bahamas to "...act as their contact man." (p.168.) Good writes "There is the possibility of course, that Richard Hoglund might simply have been insane, or been suffering from delusions engendered perhaps by the tumour..." (p.175.)
Then there is the curious incident which happened to Leonard Mantle of the UK. Mantle met an individual who called himself Iso Khan. Khan implied that he came from another world." (p.182.)
Chapter 13 describes a story "Spanning at least forty years, this is a saga comprising a large group of people...who were involved in an extensive alien liaison program..." (p.193.) Between 1956 and 1997, the group had face to face meetings with extraterrestrials. What does Good think of the story? "...it is at times outrageous, farcical and ludicrous..." (p.193.) Why then does Good include it in the book? "I would not be including it here were I not convinced of its relevance to our assessment of aliens and their motives regarding Earth." (p.193.)
Further chapters detail the accounts of Americans William Raulerson and Tommy Brown; Brad Sorensen and his 1988 account of three saucers held at Norton Air Force Base; Teresa Biagion Tresca's 1988 Vandenberg Air Force Base sighting of a "flying saucer," and others.
Australian connection:
Chapter seventeen describes the experience of one Marius Boirayon, a former Royal Australian Air Force engineer in the Solomon Islands; and multiple events from Puerto Rico. There is also a three page write up of the Peter Khoury "Alien hair" case.
Moving on:
The book progresses with a story from a Mrs Lucille Andrew of the USA who wrote to the Center for UFO Studies to tell them of an occasion where Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, showed her father "(1) Four large glass jars holding four creatures unknown to my father or Cordell, [and] (2) A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby." (p.348.) The incident probably occurred in 1939.
The rest of chapter 18 includes Soviet Marina Popovich's statement "...that the Soviet Air Force and KGB have fragments of five crashed UFOs..." (p.350.) Dr Eric Henry Wang "...who seems to have been a crucial link in the study of crashed alien vehicles..." (p.351;) ex British Army Harold Varnam who states he saw a film taken at the time of the Roswell crash." (p.354); and more on alien bases. "In 2011, a fellow researcher revealed to me that, according to an apparently reliable source, there is "a large area somewhere in Mexico, quarantined by the American military, where three hundred thousand aliens reside." (p.373.)
What does Good think?
What do all these stories add up to, in Good's opinion?
"It seems to me that at least some groups of aliens have always been here..." (p.401.)
"I have endeavoured in this book to stress the wide diversity of alien beings populating the cosmos, and the diversity of their motives regarding the planet we inhabit." (p.406.)
"As to what the future will bring, I do not pretend to know. But I have been assured by those who do know - that the alien situation presents the most profound dilemma facing humankind on Earth..." (p.407.)
My comments:
There are many stories in this book, which border on the unbelievable. Even Good himself cautions readers several times, about the believability of some of the accounts, but then spends pages telling us about them anyway, as they add to his hypothesis that multiple alien species are interacting with us, here on Earth.
Readers will have to decide for themselves, based on the evidence which Good provides, which of the accounts they accept.
Personally, I found many of the stories, especially of the "contactee" era, hard to accept. I was very uncomfortable reading of Good's own "alien" encounters, which I felt stretched what happened, to infer an alien presence.
All in all, for me, this book was the least enjoyable, of the series of books which Good has written over the years.
Timothy Good's latest book is titled "Earth An Alien Enterprise:The Shocking Truth behind the Greatest cover-up in Human History" published by Pegasus Books, New York. 2013. ISBN 978-1-60598-486-5.
From the introduction:
"This book examines in-depth claims that the United States in particular, and some other countries, including the U.K., have developed advanced spacecraft, thanks partly to the recovery of a number of crashed alien vehicles and, more comprehensively, an alien liaison program." (p.xxv.)
Opening chapters:
The first ten chapters of the book are dedicated to the in-depth exploration of encounters, dated from the 1930's to the 1960's. They include the story of Leo Dworshak from the USA; French man Pierre Monnet; Italian professor Johannis; US President Eisenhower; Margaret Fry from the UK; the 1966 Australian event at Westall; and the story of Philip Corso. Collectively, they demonstrate, in Good's opinion, the breadth of actual alien encounters.
Good's own alien encounters:
"...I should mention here my two encounters with presumed aliens in the United States. The first occurred on November 13 1963, while touring...we stopped at a restaurant near the Arizona/California border...My attention was drawn to an extraordinarily graceful, petite girl with blond bobbed hair and delicate pale features. The thought struck me that she might be one of those aliens living among us..." (pp102-103.)
In February 1967 while in New York, Good "...transmitted a telepathic request: If any of you people from elsewhere are in the New York vicinity, please come and sit right down next to me and prove it..." (p.103.) Half an hour later a man did arrive and sit right next to Good. Good asked him telepathically to carry out a certain gesture, which the man promptly did. The man then walked off never to be seen by Good again.
In 2006, while in Poland, Good noted an unusual man in the audience of a talk he was giving. "...it seems likely to me that he was one of a number of aliens who live and work among us." (p.106.)
Part one conclusion:
Part one of the book concludes with a detailed account from an informant, Good names as "Thomas."
Thomas relates an extraordinary account of his RAAF career between 1955 and 1957, and "Project Orange" in the UK. "Project Orange" turned out to have Thomas, and others, baby sitting two live aliens. After a period of time, the two aliens, simply vanished.
What does Good think of this incredible story, "Naturally, the questions arise: How much of the story is true?" (p.161.)
Part two:
In this part of the book, Good presents further detailed examples of apparent contact. There is the case of Swede Richard Hoglund, asked by aliens to go to the Bahamas to "...act as their contact man." (p.168.) Good writes "There is the possibility of course, that Richard Hoglund might simply have been insane, or been suffering from delusions engendered perhaps by the tumour..." (p.175.)
Then there is the curious incident which happened to Leonard Mantle of the UK. Mantle met an individual who called himself Iso Khan. Khan implied that he came from another world." (p.182.)
Chapter 13 describes a story "Spanning at least forty years, this is a saga comprising a large group of people...who were involved in an extensive alien liaison program..." (p.193.) Between 1956 and 1997, the group had face to face meetings with extraterrestrials. What does Good think of the story? "...it is at times outrageous, farcical and ludicrous..." (p.193.) Why then does Good include it in the book? "I would not be including it here were I not convinced of its relevance to our assessment of aliens and their motives regarding Earth." (p.193.)
Further chapters detail the accounts of Americans William Raulerson and Tommy Brown; Brad Sorensen and his 1988 account of three saucers held at Norton Air Force Base; Teresa Biagion Tresca's 1988 Vandenberg Air Force Base sighting of a "flying saucer," and others.
Australian connection:
Chapter seventeen describes the experience of one Marius Boirayon, a former Royal Australian Air Force engineer in the Solomon Islands; and multiple events from Puerto Rico. There is also a three page write up of the Peter Khoury "Alien hair" case.
Moving on:
The book progresses with a story from a Mrs Lucille Andrew of the USA who wrote to the Center for UFO Studies to tell them of an occasion where Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, showed her father "(1) Four large glass jars holding four creatures unknown to my father or Cordell, [and] (2) A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby." (p.348.) The incident probably occurred in 1939.
The rest of chapter 18 includes Soviet Marina Popovich's statement "...that the Soviet Air Force and KGB have fragments of five crashed UFOs..." (p.350.) Dr Eric Henry Wang "...who seems to have been a crucial link in the study of crashed alien vehicles..." (p.351;) ex British Army Harold Varnam who states he saw a film taken at the time of the Roswell crash." (p.354); and more on alien bases. "In 2011, a fellow researcher revealed to me that, according to an apparently reliable source, there is "a large area somewhere in Mexico, quarantined by the American military, where three hundred thousand aliens reside." (p.373.)
What does Good think?
What do all these stories add up to, in Good's opinion?
"It seems to me that at least some groups of aliens have always been here..." (p.401.)
"I have endeavoured in this book to stress the wide diversity of alien beings populating the cosmos, and the diversity of their motives regarding the planet we inhabit." (p.406.)
"As to what the future will bring, I do not pretend to know. But I have been assured by those who do know - that the alien situation presents the most profound dilemma facing humankind on Earth..." (p.407.)
My comments:
There are many stories in this book, which border on the unbelievable. Even Good himself cautions readers several times, about the believability of some of the accounts, but then spends pages telling us about them anyway, as they add to his hypothesis that multiple alien species are interacting with us, here on Earth.
Readers will have to decide for themselves, based on the evidence which Good provides, which of the accounts they accept.
Personally, I found many of the stories, especially of the "contactee" era, hard to accept. I was very uncomfortable reading of Good's own "alien" encounters, which I felt stretched what happened, to infer an alien presence.
All in all, for me, this book was the least enjoyable, of the series of books which Good has written over the years.
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