Hi all,
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean's search for additional UAP material in the National Archives of Australia (NAA) has produced another digitised file which we can all look at.
File series PP956/1 control symbol 45/38 titled "Observations - General by outside authorities (includes UFO)" has a date range of 1972-1981. It is located in the Perth office of the NAA and its barcode is 1854167.
It is a large file of 297 pages, and consists of:
(a) Reports of meteorological phenomena.
(b) Reports of apparent astronomical phenomena.
(c) Reports of UAP.
(d) Various pieces of correspondence.
An example of this is a report from a Mr C R Barnett-Lennard, Cane River Station, via Carnarvon. He found an unusual ground mark, 13 kilometres long, on the station. The vegetation had been stripped leaving bare ground. Inspection of the mark revealed that the most probable cause was a tornado touching down.
There are reports of stars, satellite re-entry, meteors and aurora.
In Late Jun 1981 multiple people from localities including Bunbury, Albany and Esperance reported bright lights in the sky, which were probably due to a meteor or a satellite re-entry.
On the 12 Jun 1981 an aurora was sighted between 1545 and 1605z from both Esperance and Kalgoorlie.
Tammin, WA was the location on 6 Aug 1986 for a possible meteor. To the south-east came a green orb visible for 3-5 seconds, travelling across the sky with no visible trail.
1. Mr G Neads of Kelmscott, WA took a picture in New Zealand about 1979. In the picture were bright circles of light. The Bureau passed the photograph to RAAF Base Pearce.
2. 14 Mar 1979. The Bureau sent a letter to a G Hume of UFO Research Group, Perth. It said that the photograph you forwarded "...does not appear to show any object which could be recognised as part of a balloon train...I am not able to offer any alternative meteorological explanation of the object in the photograph." The associated letter from PUFORG dated 28 Feb 1979 stated that the object was photographed at Ceduna, SA in Dec 1977. The photo is not on file.
3. 27 May 1978. Kings Rocks, Hyden, WA. 2050hrs. Dull orange object, low on the eastern horizon travelling north to south. Faster than an aircraft, slower than a meteor. No sound. Duration 1.5 to 2 minutes. Moved from north-east to south-south-west. Above clouds. Long orange tail. 3-4 weeks before, at dusk, a similar object was seen travelling in the opposite direction in the eastern sky.
4. 19& 20 May 1977. Letter from Unexplained Phenomena Investigation Bureau of Bunbury, WA. Re sightings between 0930 and 1200 hrs on both days. The observations were labelled as Venus. "Through binoculars it seemed to be spinning on an axis and two disk like shapes which seemed to be joined, merged into a ball at intervals.
5. 1 May 1977. Pingaring, WA. Letter reporting a light in the sky between 1930 and 2030hrs in the north-eastern sky for the last 6 weeks.
6. Letter dated 29 Mar 1977 from UPIB, Bunbury re three reports:
a. 26 Feb 1977. 2215hrs. Withers, WA. 5 mins. 15 degrees elevation. Stationary light in the sky for 15-30 seconds then moved across the sky.
b. 2 Feb 1977. 2100hrs-2130hrs. Bunbury. Fuzzy light in the sky moving around yellow/white colour.
c. 15-18 Feb 1977. 2000hrs. Perth, WA. Domed object with red and green lights.
7. Letter from UPIB with two reports:
a. 20 Feb 1977. Collie, WA. 1700hrs. A white ball with a white tail, burst through clouds in the sky and was lost to sight behind a hill.
b. 4 Mar 1977. 2300hrs. Brunswick Junction, WA. 10mins. Two witnesses saw an object in the north-western sky. It was bright ball with a blazing tail, brighter than the Moon. It appeared to speed up, slow down and later, at one point, almost faded away.
8. 16 Dec 1976. 1225WST. Kalgoorlie meteorological office. M Winterbourne saw a object travelling north-est to south-west. It passed south of overhead. It was white in colour, glowing, fuzzy at the edges and slightly pulsating. The shape was like a rugby ball, with an angular size of about half a degree. Sighting duration was 10-12 seconds. When at about 50 degree elevation in the south-west it seemed to stop for five seconds then dissolved in the same spot.
On the same day at 1330WST Winterbourne received a telephone call from Dave Bower at the Scotia Mine, near Kalgoorlie reporting a "Strange object in the sky which was hardly moving. He gave me the bearings, but I failed to locate it at that time."
The same day at 1445WST Winterbourne saw the same object as at 1225hrs. This one flashed across the sky from east to west. It was lost to sight as it diminished in angular size apparently due to distance. Duration 12 seconds.
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
H. P. Lovecraft and alien hybrids
Hi all,
One of the books which I am currently reading my way through, is "The Dream World of H P Lovecraft" written by Donald Tyson and published by Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota. 2010. ISBN 978-0-7387-2284-9.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) (click here to take a look at the Lovecraft archive) was an American fiction writer who drew inspiration, among other things, from his detailed recall of his own dreams, which were frequently of a lucid nature.(To read about lucid dreams click here.)
Lovecraft created his own mythology as part of his story telling. Part of this mythology involved numerous alien races visiting the Earth, some of which "...rely on the magic of wizards to breed with mortal women and produce hydrid offspring who will aid them in their purposes..." (p.134.)
Hudson writes:
"The inherent power of Lovecraft's modern myth of alien-human hydrids cannot be doubted when you see it arise spontaneously in the form of UFO abduction accounts.
One of the central themes of the modern UFO mythology is that the aliens who visit our planet are breeding hybrids with the human species. Women abducted by aliens are sometimes impregnated by them, and men abducted sometimes have their sperm extracted.
Abductees are allowed from time to time to see the hybrid babies of this alien breeding program. There are half a dozen speculations by UFO experts as to why these hybrids may be being bred, but the most interesting with respect to Lovecraft's story "The Dunwich Horror" is that the aliens know of some future event or condition that we humans in our present nature could not survive, and they are breeding the more hearty hybrids to withstand and survive this future ordeal." (p.136.)
To read more on alien hybrids take a look at this or this.
Don't forget that all of Lovecraft's mythology proceeded Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting by many years.
One of the books which I am currently reading my way through, is "The Dream World of H P Lovecraft" written by Donald Tyson and published by Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota. 2010. ISBN 978-0-7387-2284-9.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) (click here to take a look at the Lovecraft archive) was an American fiction writer who drew inspiration, among other things, from his detailed recall of his own dreams, which were frequently of a lucid nature.(To read about lucid dreams click here.)
Lovecraft created his own mythology as part of his story telling. Part of this mythology involved numerous alien races visiting the Earth, some of which "...rely on the magic of wizards to breed with mortal women and produce hydrid offspring who will aid them in their purposes..." (p.134.)
Hudson writes:
"The inherent power of Lovecraft's modern myth of alien-human hydrids cannot be doubted when you see it arise spontaneously in the form of UFO abduction accounts.
One of the central themes of the modern UFO mythology is that the aliens who visit our planet are breeding hybrids with the human species. Women abducted by aliens are sometimes impregnated by them, and men abducted sometimes have their sperm extracted.
Abductees are allowed from time to time to see the hybrid babies of this alien breeding program. There are half a dozen speculations by UFO experts as to why these hybrids may be being bred, but the most interesting with respect to Lovecraft's story "The Dunwich Horror" is that the aliens know of some future event or condition that we humans in our present nature could not survive, and they are breeding the more hearty hybrids to withstand and survive this future ordeal." (p.136.)
To read more on alien hybrids take a look at this or this.
Don't forget that all of Lovecraft's mythology proceeded Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting by many years.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Previously unknown Department of Aviation UAP file now available
Hi all,
The Disclosure Australia Project (2003-2008) located a number of UAP files originating with the Australian government Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). These were:
1. File series B595 control symbol 21/1/387 Part 2. Date range 1962-1965. Held in Canberra NAA office. Barcode 9044809.
2. File series C273/227 control symbol 1957/619. Date range 1954-1960. Held in the Sydney NAA office. Barcode 3348107.
3. File series J23/35 control symbol 1970/3877 Part 1. date range 1967-1967. Held in the Brisbane NAA office. Bar code 170641.
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has recently located another file, this time belonging to the Department of Aviation, namely file series K95 control symbol 1986/871. Date range 1982-1986. Held in the Perth NAA office. Barcode 1886625.
This latest, never before seen file, it titled by the NAA as "Aerial Phenomenon - UFO sightings [Department of Civil Aviation - Transport.] Paul Dean paid for it to be digitised and thus available to us all to read.
The file cover says it is a Department of Aviation file with an actually cover title of "Aerial Phenomenon: General." The cover says the file was created on 17 Jul 1982.
The digitised copy on the NAA website has 18 pages. Pages 1 and 2 are images of the file cover. Pages 3 to 5 are an NAA "Statement of reasons under section 40(5) of the Archives Act" telling us why we can't have access to all the folios on the file.
Five folios have been kept from public access. Two of these are not within the open access date range and three apparently provide details of "personal affairs of a named person." Thus we are not allowed access to these pages.
Page 6 is an acid free mask which the NAA use to hide papers we can't see. It indicates that inside are two folios with a date range of 1986-1986, outside of the 30 year access time frame.
Page 7 is an undated newspaper clipping with a headline of "RAAF gives up chase for UFOs." The text is about a 1984 decision by the RAAF to only follow up UAP cases which had a national security angle.
Page 8 is a letter from DCA to an undisclosed person living in Watheroo, Western Australia, dated 18 Mar 1983 informing that person that that person's UAP report of 25 Feb 1983 has been sent to Pearce RAAF base for action.
Page 9 is a DCA memo dated 18 Mar 1983 referring the above report to RAAF Pearce.
Page 10 is a Department of Aviation, Western Australian Region handwritten note dated 15 Mar 1983 addressed to "OPSC" which states an attached report should be sent to RAAF Pearce. It cites the reporter's name as a Mr Burnett.
Interesting report:
Pages 11 and 12 refer to a UAP report which occurred on 25 Feb 1983. A cover letter to a sketch is from "Crop Protection Consultants" of Watheroo, WA, and says in part:
"This is confirmation of my phoned report to the Flight Services Officer at Perth briefing at 2030 on 25th February.
The attached sketch contains most of the details as I recall them.
The initial sighting was made by my passenger Mr (deleted) a Senior Technical Officer with (deleted) Ltd. Simultaneous to his exclamation to look I picked up a fast moving set of 3 intense silver gold lights about 20-30 degrees above the horizon at what I felt was about 2 miles distance.These traversed an arc about 60 degrees at an estimated speed of in excess of 350 knot, with a 10-20 degree downward trajectory, moving from north to south. It disappeared whilst still above the horizon (a ridge) but the impression was one of turn and/or acceleration at this point.
We both felt or heard absolutely nothing. We both made notes of location of Sun, wires, houses, other cars etc but could see no possibility of reflections from the Sun - which had set behind us. We could find no windscreen flaws.
Other points of note are on my sketch.
The phenomena did not appear to be a fast moving military jet (no noise, no after burner, no smoke.) Neither Mr (deleted) nor my self could identify any source of light or reflected light which was evidently causing this effect.
I might add that we were both of sound and sober mind and that both of us would be highly embaressed should there be any release of this report.
I have been a CPL for 18 years and 3500 hours experience in Australia and New Guinea. My eyesight is still 20/20, so you can be assurred that I really did see the effect as described (attached.)"
Page 12 is a sketch and shows three, ovoid shaped objects in formation. The two witnesses were in a motor vehicle travelling at a speed of 90-100 kph at the time, travelling in an easterly direction. They were 0.75km from an Esso fuel depot on the Mogumber to Bindoon Road. The objects were in the eastern sky travelling north to south. The time is given as 1100hrsz.
Page 13 is another blue acid free mask stating that there are three folios dated 1983 which are withehld from access.
1982 report:
Page 14 is a letter dated 30 Jul 1982 to a Mr D Ferguson of Australind, WA from the Department of Aviation. It states in part "The only civil radar for ATC purposes is located at Kalamunda and has a range of 160 nautical miles." "As to the matter you referred to on the 11.3.82 our initial understanding was advice given by the Observatory that the light was caused by Jupiter rising."
Pages 15 and 16 are a letter dated 17 Jul 1982 from Mr Ferguson to the Department asking a number of questions and advising of a UAP report. This report happened on 11 Mar 1982 at Wagin, WA. The event involved a nocturnal light which seemed to interfer with the radio of a car, and "...apparently nearly ran the car off the road at about 0400hours local. The witness contacted a police officer who also sighted the object. He contacted you."
Pages 17 and 18 are merely images of the back cover of the file.
One wonders how many other DCA files there are in the NAA of which we know nothing at present?
The Disclosure Australia Project (2003-2008) located a number of UAP files originating with the Australian government Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). These were:
1. File series B595 control symbol 21/1/387 Part 2. Date range 1962-1965. Held in Canberra NAA office. Barcode 9044809.
2. File series C273/227 control symbol 1957/619. Date range 1954-1960. Held in the Sydney NAA office. Barcode 3348107.
3. File series J23/35 control symbol 1970/3877 Part 1. date range 1967-1967. Held in the Brisbane NAA office. Bar code 170641.
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has recently located another file, this time belonging to the Department of Aviation, namely file series K95 control symbol 1986/871. Date range 1982-1986. Held in the Perth NAA office. Barcode 1886625.
This latest, never before seen file, it titled by the NAA as "Aerial Phenomenon - UFO sightings [Department of Civil Aviation - Transport.] Paul Dean paid for it to be digitised and thus available to us all to read.
The file cover says it is a Department of Aviation file with an actually cover title of "Aerial Phenomenon: General." The cover says the file was created on 17 Jul 1982.
The digitised copy on the NAA website has 18 pages. Pages 1 and 2 are images of the file cover. Pages 3 to 5 are an NAA "Statement of reasons under section 40(5) of the Archives Act" telling us why we can't have access to all the folios on the file.
Five folios have been kept from public access. Two of these are not within the open access date range and three apparently provide details of "personal affairs of a named person." Thus we are not allowed access to these pages.
Page 6 is an acid free mask which the NAA use to hide papers we can't see. It indicates that inside are two folios with a date range of 1986-1986, outside of the 30 year access time frame.
Page 7 is an undated newspaper clipping with a headline of "RAAF gives up chase for UFOs." The text is about a 1984 decision by the RAAF to only follow up UAP cases which had a national security angle.
Page 8 is a letter from DCA to an undisclosed person living in Watheroo, Western Australia, dated 18 Mar 1983 informing that person that that person's UAP report of 25 Feb 1983 has been sent to Pearce RAAF base for action.
Page 9 is a DCA memo dated 18 Mar 1983 referring the above report to RAAF Pearce.
Page 10 is a Department of Aviation, Western Australian Region handwritten note dated 15 Mar 1983 addressed to "OPSC" which states an attached report should be sent to RAAF Pearce. It cites the reporter's name as a Mr Burnett.
Interesting report:
Pages 11 and 12 refer to a UAP report which occurred on 25 Feb 1983. A cover letter to a sketch is from "Crop Protection Consultants" of Watheroo, WA, and says in part:
"This is confirmation of my phoned report to the Flight Services Officer at Perth briefing at 2030 on 25th February.
The attached sketch contains most of the details as I recall them.
The initial sighting was made by my passenger Mr (deleted) a Senior Technical Officer with (deleted) Ltd. Simultaneous to his exclamation to look I picked up a fast moving set of 3 intense silver gold lights about 20-30 degrees above the horizon at what I felt was about 2 miles distance.These traversed an arc about 60 degrees at an estimated speed of in excess of 350 knot, with a 10-20 degree downward trajectory, moving from north to south. It disappeared whilst still above the horizon (a ridge) but the impression was one of turn and/or acceleration at this point.
We both felt or heard absolutely nothing. We both made notes of location of Sun, wires, houses, other cars etc but could see no possibility of reflections from the Sun - which had set behind us. We could find no windscreen flaws.
Other points of note are on my sketch.
The phenomena did not appear to be a fast moving military jet (no noise, no after burner, no smoke.) Neither Mr (deleted) nor my self could identify any source of light or reflected light which was evidently causing this effect.
I might add that we were both of sound and sober mind and that both of us would be highly embaressed should there be any release of this report.
I have been a CPL for 18 years and 3500 hours experience in Australia and New Guinea. My eyesight is still 20/20, so you can be assurred that I really did see the effect as described (attached.)"
Page 12 is a sketch and shows three, ovoid shaped objects in formation. The two witnesses were in a motor vehicle travelling at a speed of 90-100 kph at the time, travelling in an easterly direction. They were 0.75km from an Esso fuel depot on the Mogumber to Bindoon Road. The objects were in the eastern sky travelling north to south. The time is given as 1100hrsz.
Page 13 is another blue acid free mask stating that there are three folios dated 1983 which are withehld from access.
1982 report:
Page 14 is a letter dated 30 Jul 1982 to a Mr D Ferguson of Australind, WA from the Department of Aviation. It states in part "The only civil radar for ATC purposes is located at Kalamunda and has a range of 160 nautical miles." "As to the matter you referred to on the 11.3.82 our initial understanding was advice given by the Observatory that the light was caused by Jupiter rising."
Pages 15 and 16 are a letter dated 17 Jul 1982 from Mr Ferguson to the Department asking a number of questions and advising of a UAP report. This report happened on 11 Mar 1982 at Wagin, WA. The event involved a nocturnal light which seemed to interfer with the radio of a car, and "...apparently nearly ran the car off the road at about 0400hours local. The witness contacted a police officer who also sighted the object. He contacted you."
Pages 17 and 18 are merely images of the back cover of the file.
One wonders how many other DCA files there are in the NAA of which we know nothing at present?
"Are we being watched?"
Hi all,
For those who know me personally, you will be aware that I like to read widely. I find this helps place my studies of UAP within a wider context.
A new 2013 book by astronomer Paul Murdin, ( click here) is my latest read. It is titled "Are We Being Watched: The Search for Life in the Cosmos." The book is published by Thomas and Hudson of London. Its ISBN is 978-0-500-51671-3.
The book takes a look at astrobiolgy; the search for extraterrestrial intelligence; and explores the possibility of life elsewhere than on Earth. Naturally, I checked the index for reference to UAP but found nothing listed. However, I did find one piece of interest.
Flying saucer:
On page 209 Murdin writes about the fact that astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev (click here) proposed three levels of civilizations, and Murdin says "It seems that some of the advanced extraterrestrial aliens would have developed interstellar transportation methods and ought to be with us here on Earth now. They are not. (2)"
Footnote (2)
Footnote 2 on page 235 says:
"Here I am setting aside the unverified testimony of individuals who claim to have seen strange craft in the sky, to have participated in autopsies of small humanoids from crashed spacecraft, or to have been subjected to internal medical examinations on board a flying saucer. I will believe such stories when they have been backed up by important and credible scientific evidence for public verification."
For those who know me personally, you will be aware that I like to read widely. I find this helps place my studies of UAP within a wider context.
A new 2013 book by astronomer Paul Murdin, ( click here) is my latest read. It is titled "Are We Being Watched: The Search for Life in the Cosmos." The book is published by Thomas and Hudson of London. Its ISBN is 978-0-500-51671-3.
The book takes a look at astrobiolgy; the search for extraterrestrial intelligence; and explores the possibility of life elsewhere than on Earth. Naturally, I checked the index for reference to UAP but found nothing listed. However, I did find one piece of interest.
Flying saucer:
On page 209 Murdin writes about the fact that astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev (click here) proposed three levels of civilizations, and Murdin says "It seems that some of the advanced extraterrestrial aliens would have developed interstellar transportation methods and ought to be with us here on Earth now. They are not. (2)"
Footnote (2)
Footnote 2 on page 235 says:
"Here I am setting aside the unverified testimony of individuals who claim to have seen strange craft in the sky, to have participated in autopsies of small humanoids from crashed spacecraft, or to have been subjected to internal medical examinations on board a flying saucer. I will believe such stories when they have been backed up by important and credible scientific evidence for public verification."
Woomera test range and UAP - a file digitised for viewing
Hi all,
A large area of the state of South Australia, the state in which I live, has, since the late 1940's, been used as a test range for missiles, bombs, manned aircraft and drones. It is still in use today. It is known as the Woomera rocket range; the Woomera test range; the Woomera prohibited area, or simply Woomera for short. It has been used by the British, the Americans and Australians. The area over the years has produced a number of reports of UAP.
File digitised:
Melbourne based researcher, Paul Dean, recently requested the National Archives of Australia (NAA) to digitise file series D250, control symbol 56/483, titled "Reports on unidentified aircraft, strange occurrences etc." The file was originally held by the former Australian government Department of Supply, is 174 pages long, and has a date range of 1952-1968. Although the Disclosure Australia Project (2003-2008) originally located and read the file, it did not have the file digitised for anyone to read.
Unidentified aircraft:
As a secret test area, similar to other countries the Australian authorities were concerned with the possibility of foreign powers spying on what was going on in the area. One area of concern was aircraft overflying the area. As the title of the file suggests, the file contains reports of both identified and unidentified aircraft which were reported by individuals at the range.
One example of this type of report is documented by range security staff as having taken place on 26 Oct 1953. There were reports of an unidentified aircraft. One observer was a Captain Taylor who at the time was flying a civilian passenger flight nearby, The plane was a TAA DC4 on a commercial flight. Taylor reported what he took to be an unknown aircraft in the Cape Elizabeth area at 1915z. Range A radar picked up what seemed to be an aircraft 40 nautical miles north-east of the radar site. An aircraft was sent to investigate but found nothing unusual at the location.
On 9 Sep 1966, Squadron Leader Johnston at Evettsfield, reported another unidentified aircraft, red in colour, at 1120hrs. It was never identified.
These sort of reports are scattered throughout the file.
Conventional phenomena:
The file also contains numerous reports of such things as:
* 28 Apr 1952. Woomera West. Bright light seen at 45 degrees elevation travelling south-east to west/ north-west. Duration 15 seconds. Possible meteor.
* 24 Jan 1962. Coober Pedy, SA. A Mrs Brewster reported seeing orange and blue lights breaking up in the north-western sky. Possible meteor.
* 15 Apr 1962. Woomera. Three witnesses reported seeing a well defined brilliant green, round, object for 8-9 seconds as it travelled across the sky. Possible meteor.
Of more interest to us there are a number of puzzling observations on the file. These include:
1. 8 Oct 1952 1345hrs
Warrant Officer Millward reported that a radar target was locked onto in the Shell Lagoon area. However, on looking through a telescope there was no visual object which corresponded to the radar paint. The range to the radar object was 3,000 yards. The radar echo was similar to that of a large aircraft. Between 1345hrs and 1400hrs the invisible to the eye image came with in a range of 1 mile.
Millward plotted the height and location of the invisible target at intervals of a minute. It height varied between 1500 and 5600 feet. "At times during the movement of the target, smaller targets seemed to detach themselves from the main target and drift away." There is also a note "At 0900hrs on 9th October, light snow fell at R2/Red lake."
An attached security branch report included:
"...it is most probable that the snow cloud had some connection. However, the possibility of a neutron cloud is not ruled out..."
"Mr G Trefry, Meteorological office has been informed. He states that such phenomenon have occurred before and has been known to affect radar. It is believed to be caused by ice packs at certain altitudes. A summary of the weather for 8th October is given a s follows. 'Fine, 5/8 high cloud, 25,000ft, warm temperature 84F, strong northerly wind 25-30mph.'"
2. 29 Jul 1955. 1055hrs.
Mr. A Downward was on duty at camera "B" post when he saw a shiny object in the sky...during trial number 383...a round object had been mistaken for a bomb being released by Lincoln aircraft and a series of photographs had been taken."
In a section on the file headed "Deduction as to nature of objects" it is noted that there was no identification on radar screens; no interference with electronic equipment; objects were mainly seen through 10x binoculars; the apparent high speed likely indicated low altitude; and the small size of the objects."
The report's conclusion was "...the objects seen were balls of thistle weeds and vegetation..." Nothing unusual was reported when the photographs were examined.
3. 5 May 1954. 1600hrs.
"...an unidentified target" was observed on Radar AA Number 4 Mk 6. The target appeared on high beam at a range of about 60,000 yards, bearing 355 degrees approaching "R", described a hyperbole over "R" and went out at a bearing of approx 90 degreees. "I timed it over 15,000 yards 10 seconds which would make its speed approximately 3,600 mph. Cfo Kbane observed this occurrence with me. Since the target was followed to 70,000 yards on high beam the height would be greater than 60,000 feet." The report is dated 6 May 1954 and was signed George A Trotter, s/sgt.
A second statement on file, by Sydney Baker, of the firm Vickers-Armstrong was headed "Report on a flying object sighted on 5th May 1954" includes:
"I was at Range R1 (Post R1), the radar post, standing by the Security Officer's hut and looking towards the radar post at approximately 1645hrs, observing one of our trials through binoculars.
This object appeared to be travelling towards me or directly across a path of the approaching Canberra. When it got to the path of the Canberra it turned to my right and was going in the direction from which the Canberra had just come.
When it got directly over the Canberra it slowed down. During this time I found it very hard to believe what I was seeing, so I shut my eyes and then looked again through the binoculars and the obvject was still stationary over the flight path of the Canberra.
Since it apepared to be the same relative size as the Canberra through the binoculars I thought it would be possible to see it with the naked eye. However, when I looked over the top of the binoculars the object had either gone or I could not see it with the naked eye, and when I looked again through the binoculars I could not pick it up...It was perfectly circular all the time and a dark grey colour, and gave the appearance of being translucnet. It did not glisten at all when it turned, nor was it shiny."
An accompanying memo dated 11 May 1954 concluded:
"The persons reporting were separated by a distance of approximately three hundred yards...It has been noted that similar object was observed on about 3rd May 1954 by two ladies at Henley Beach, South Australia and reported in "The Advertiser" of 4th May 1954.
The Superintendent of the Long Range Weapons Establishment range, A G Pither, sent a memo about the incident to the Chief Superintendent.
As will be seen from the above, there are some highly unusual observations noted from the Woomera test range, on this file.
A large area of the state of South Australia, the state in which I live, has, since the late 1940's, been used as a test range for missiles, bombs, manned aircraft and drones. It is still in use today. It is known as the Woomera rocket range; the Woomera test range; the Woomera prohibited area, or simply Woomera for short. It has been used by the British, the Americans and Australians. The area over the years has produced a number of reports of UAP.
File digitised:
Melbourne based researcher, Paul Dean, recently requested the National Archives of Australia (NAA) to digitise file series D250, control symbol 56/483, titled "Reports on unidentified aircraft, strange occurrences etc." The file was originally held by the former Australian government Department of Supply, is 174 pages long, and has a date range of 1952-1968. Although the Disclosure Australia Project (2003-2008) originally located and read the file, it did not have the file digitised for anyone to read.
Unidentified aircraft:
As a secret test area, similar to other countries the Australian authorities were concerned with the possibility of foreign powers spying on what was going on in the area. One area of concern was aircraft overflying the area. As the title of the file suggests, the file contains reports of both identified and unidentified aircraft which were reported by individuals at the range.
One example of this type of report is documented by range security staff as having taken place on 26 Oct 1953. There were reports of an unidentified aircraft. One observer was a Captain Taylor who at the time was flying a civilian passenger flight nearby, The plane was a TAA DC4 on a commercial flight. Taylor reported what he took to be an unknown aircraft in the Cape Elizabeth area at 1915z. Range A radar picked up what seemed to be an aircraft 40 nautical miles north-east of the radar site. An aircraft was sent to investigate but found nothing unusual at the location.
On 9 Sep 1966, Squadron Leader Johnston at Evettsfield, reported another unidentified aircraft, red in colour, at 1120hrs. It was never identified.
These sort of reports are scattered throughout the file.
Conventional phenomena:
The file also contains numerous reports of such things as:
* 28 Apr 1952. Woomera West. Bright light seen at 45 degrees elevation travelling south-east to west/ north-west. Duration 15 seconds. Possible meteor.
* 24 Jan 1962. Coober Pedy, SA. A Mrs Brewster reported seeing orange and blue lights breaking up in the north-western sky. Possible meteor.
* 15 Apr 1962. Woomera. Three witnesses reported seeing a well defined brilliant green, round, object for 8-9 seconds as it travelled across the sky. Possible meteor.
Of more interest to us there are a number of puzzling observations on the file. These include:
1. 8 Oct 1952 1345hrs
Warrant Officer Millward reported that a radar target was locked onto in the Shell Lagoon area. However, on looking through a telescope there was no visual object which corresponded to the radar paint. The range to the radar object was 3,000 yards. The radar echo was similar to that of a large aircraft. Between 1345hrs and 1400hrs the invisible to the eye image came with in a range of 1 mile.
Millward plotted the height and location of the invisible target at intervals of a minute. It height varied between 1500 and 5600 feet. "At times during the movement of the target, smaller targets seemed to detach themselves from the main target and drift away." There is also a note "At 0900hrs on 9th October, light snow fell at R2/Red lake."
An attached security branch report included:
"...it is most probable that the snow cloud had some connection. However, the possibility of a neutron cloud is not ruled out..."
"Mr G Trefry, Meteorological office has been informed. He states that such phenomenon have occurred before and has been known to affect radar. It is believed to be caused by ice packs at certain altitudes. A summary of the weather for 8th October is given a s follows. 'Fine, 5/8 high cloud, 25,000ft, warm temperature 84F, strong northerly wind 25-30mph.'"
2. 29 Jul 1955. 1055hrs.
Mr. A Downward was on duty at camera "B" post when he saw a shiny object in the sky...during trial number 383...a round object had been mistaken for a bomb being released by Lincoln aircraft and a series of photographs had been taken."
In a section on the file headed "Deduction as to nature of objects" it is noted that there was no identification on radar screens; no interference with electronic equipment; objects were mainly seen through 10x binoculars; the apparent high speed likely indicated low altitude; and the small size of the objects."
The report's conclusion was "...the objects seen were balls of thistle weeds and vegetation..." Nothing unusual was reported when the photographs were examined.
3. 5 May 1954. 1600hrs.
"...an unidentified target" was observed on Radar AA Number 4 Mk 6. The target appeared on high beam at a range of about 60,000 yards, bearing 355 degrees approaching "R", described a hyperbole over "R" and went out at a bearing of approx 90 degreees. "I timed it over 15,000 yards 10 seconds which would make its speed approximately 3,600 mph. Cfo Kbane observed this occurrence with me. Since the target was followed to 70,000 yards on high beam the height would be greater than 60,000 feet." The report is dated 6 May 1954 and was signed George A Trotter, s/sgt.
A second statement on file, by Sydney Baker, of the firm Vickers-Armstrong was headed "Report on a flying object sighted on 5th May 1954" includes:
"I was at Range R1 (Post R1), the radar post, standing by the Security Officer's hut and looking towards the radar post at approximately 1645hrs, observing one of our trials through binoculars.
This object appeared to be travelling towards me or directly across a path of the approaching Canberra. When it got to the path of the Canberra it turned to my right and was going in the direction from which the Canberra had just come.
When it got directly over the Canberra it slowed down. During this time I found it very hard to believe what I was seeing, so I shut my eyes and then looked again through the binoculars and the obvject was still stationary over the flight path of the Canberra.
Since it apepared to be the same relative size as the Canberra through the binoculars I thought it would be possible to see it with the naked eye. However, when I looked over the top of the binoculars the object had either gone or I could not see it with the naked eye, and when I looked again through the binoculars I could not pick it up...It was perfectly circular all the time and a dark grey colour, and gave the appearance of being translucnet. It did not glisten at all when it turned, nor was it shiny."
An accompanying memo dated 11 May 1954 concluded:
"The persons reporting were separated by a distance of approximately three hundred yards...It has been noted that similar object was observed on about 3rd May 1954 by two ladies at Henley Beach, South Australia and reported in "The Advertiser" of 4th May 1954.
The Superintendent of the Long Range Weapons Establishment range, A G Pither, sent a memo about the incident to the Chief Superintendent.
As will be seen from the above, there are some highly unusual observations noted from the Woomera test range, on this file.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sleep paralysis and alien abductions - a new idea
Hi all,
Every now and then a book comes along which challenges your personal viewpoint. This post is about such a book. The subject is sleep paralysis, which some researchers say is the definitive answer for the cause of alien abductions. I have only had one episode which falls into the definition of sleep paralysis. I awoke paralysed, with an "evil" presence in the room. The event was extremely real to me at the time, and years later I can still vividly recall it.
This post looks at the now four year old book by Australian,Louis Proud titled "Dark Intrusions:An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences. Published by Anomalist Books. San Antonio. ISBN 1933 66 5440.
I came across the book some time ago but have not made time to thoroughly read it and make notes. Now, I have.
The starting point:
"This book is an attempt to make sense of the SP phenomenon from an alternative, non-mechanistic perspective. Those of a skeptical disposition, who have little or no time for the occult or the paranormal, will find nothing of value in this book...My hope is that SP sufferers like myself, who are fed up with the official explanations of SP, will find context within these pages and hopefully, some answers too.." (pp20-21.)
"I have to admit that much of what I've written herein has been coloured - though not dogmatically so - by my interest in spiritism, an offshoot of spiritualism..." (p. 21.)
"It would be accurate to say that this book, rather than being about SP, is essentially about the nature of incorporal beings and the interactions that take place between them and us." (p.21.)
Louis' SP experiences began in 2001, when he was 17. In 2003 he noted that "Whenever I felt nervous, stressed or depressed, my SP experiences would become more frequent and more intense." (p.25.)
In 2007 he "...fully recognised the fact that I suffered from SP." (p.25.)
He writes "Instead of describing any single episode - of which there is only a handful that I remember with total clarity - I will attempt to shed light on what a typical episode involves." (p.26.)
His typical episode finds him trying to get to sleep, which he finds difficult. Finally he goes to sleep. He wakes up, but not fully. "I can't move a single muscle in my body...I can't even open my eyes...this thing attaches to my forehead with delicate, loving strokes...It then moves over to the left side of my body and proceeds to lie down beside me...it puts its arms around me...fear is what it feeds upon...I force myself to wake up by fighting the paralysis...When I open my eyes and gaze around the pitch black room I see the shadow swirling over me...I jump out of bed...it's nowhere to be found." (pp26-27.)
"My research seems to indicate that the majority of SP attacks occur on an astral level and that the SP state involves a partial dislocation of the astral body from the physical body." (p.29.)
"The entity responsible for SP episodes are, by the way, able to invade one's dreams, turning them into nightmares." (p.31.)
In 2003 some of his experiences "...were of a highly sexual nature. Unbelievable though this sounds, I had sexual intercourse with female spirits who visited me in the middle of the night. This happened on several occasions. These sexual encounters were generally very intense, in many ways more so than the real thing...These encounters would always take place in a quasi-SP state, slightly different from the normal SP state." (p.32.)
Relevance to Alien abductions:
Louis writes on page 33 "During one encounter, I manged to open my eyes ever so slightly...I was rather taken aback to discover that the female being on top of me had the appearance of a half human, half alien grey."
By 2004 Louis "...began to experience auditory hallucinations...during the SP state...generally experienced in such a fashion as to give one the impression that the sound is coming from outside oneself..." (p.34.)
"In my case...I will usually hear voices and sounds during the final moment of an SP episode, never at the beginning, and rarely during the middle..." (p.36.)
"Most of the voices speak in such a way that it seems they're trying to tell me something of great importance, something that requires my full attention." (p.38.)
"I should mention at this point that elementary sounds, and sensations of vibration and the like, do not feature strongly in my SP episodes." (p.39.)
"The sound of footsteps - which is something I've heard during many an SP episode..." (p/40/)
"A search for answers"
In 2007 Louis found an article which mentioned SP and spirits. "Bower's article makes the mistake of implying that these experiences have a physiological basis and nothing more..." (p.50.)
Louis started to research SP and chapters 4 through 17 of the book document his findings and thoughts.
His report on his investigations start with the work of David Hufford, author of "The Terror That Comes In the Night" who had an SP experience himself, then went onto conduct indepth investigations. Louis explains Hufford's work and relates some interesting observations.
One individual in Hufford's book, Jack, had SP attacks in front of his brother. The brother "...would notice that Jack's eyes were open, just staring straight out into space," and that his breathing sounded heavy and unusual. During these occasions, Jack's brother noticed nothing of a paranormal nature. (p.65.) (For Hufford's book, click here.)
"It would appear that the mind of the SP sufferer plays a role in giving shape to the entities you see," (p.66.)
Chapters 5-8:
Through chapter 5 "The Ghost of Bowling Green;" chapter 6 "The Poltergeist according to spiritism;" and chapter 7 "The Enfield Poltergeist" Louis describes his hypothesis that the poltergeist is "...an energy vampire," "as are most of the spirits responsible for SP attacks." (p.100.)
Exploring the story of Joe Fisher, a Canadian journalist and best selling author, in chapter 8, Louis states "That Fisher's death was caused by a group of malevolent disincarnate entities - who perhaps influenced his mind - might sound far-fetched and sensational..." (p.104.) (Click here for more on Fisher.)
Stan Gooch:
Stan Gooch was an English psychologist who penned a book "Creatures From Inner Space" and told, among other things, about the SP experiences of others and himself, involving episodes of a sexual nature. (Click here for more on Gooch.)
Chapters 10, "Chico Xavier: The Pope of Spiritism" and 11, "Dion Fortune On Psychic Attacks," develops the relationship between humans and spirits.
As the SP phenomenon is inherently tied up with sleep, Louis looks at what is currently known about this topic, in chapter 14. He reports on the work of Kazuhiko Fukuda who showed that in an SP attack the brain indicated activity typical of REM sleep. There is also an explanation of the work of Persinger and Budden.
Robert Monroe:
Monroe and his work are closely examined in chapter 15. "What we have here is a definite link between the SP phenomenon and the realm of the paranormal - more specifically, contact and communication with spirits." (p.225.) (Click here for more on Monroe's work.)
"It should be clear by now that SP episode occur on an astral level, including in some cases, a partial dislocation of the astral body from the physical body..." (p.228.)
"Assuming that the astral body leaves the physical body every time we fall asleep, and that the SP state involves little more than being awake and aware during REM sleep, it would not be unreasonable to state that the only difference between an SP sufferer and a non-SP sufferer is that the former has some awareness of these astral experiences..." (p226.)
The UAP connection:
Louis explains the UAP connection in chapter 16 "Whitley Strieber and the Visitors." "...it would not be a stretch to classify him as a kind of shaman, and intermediary between this world and the world of the gods..." (p.229.) (For more on Strieber, click here.)
Louis's perspective is that "SP attacks occur on an astral level...on the other hand, alien abduction episodes occur on a physical level, or quasi-physical level." (p.240.)
"These experiences seem to suggest that the so called hallucinations experienced by SP sufferers are, in fact "astral perceptions" and therefore possess a high degree of objectivity." (p.246.)
"We have found yet more evidence to support the central hypothesis of this book - that some SP attacks are caused by, and involve contact with discarnate entities." (p.246.)
The penultimate chapter concerns Trevor James Constable, who "...claims to have photographed etheric organisms of many different varieties..." (p.254.) (Click here.)
After examining the works of Constable, Boccone and Gheorghita, Louis writes "No doubt the reader will have recognised by now that an explicit overlap exists between the UFO phenomenon and what one might term the "discarnate entity phenomenon." (p.258.)
Finally, in chapter 18 "Postscript" Louis relates his successful experiment to induce SP and experience an out of body experience or a lucid dream.
"I remain convinced that these particular SP attacks are an attempt at possession by malevolent discarnate entities and could possibly lead to other types of paranormal phenomena..." (p.265.)
"The same rule applies to SP attacks. Some of them could be caused by thought-forms, others by malicious earth-bound spirits, while others may result from a consciousness split "between our astral and physical bodies..." (p.266.)
"The findings in this book demonstrate that there exists another reality - a 'spirit realm'- impinging upon our own, whose inhabitants influence us profoundly and play a much larger role in our lives than we come to imagine - or are able to comprehend." (p.268.)
Of relevance here to the UAP abduction phenomenon is a note on page 32 by Louis that "According to folklore, when a succubus or incubus wishes to seduce someone, they alter their appearance in such a way as to appear more sexually appealing and more human." I recall reading a number of references in the UAP abduction literature in which someone believes that they had sex with a human being, only to realise that the being is in fact more reptilian than human.
Could it be that a constant core phenomenon, over hundreds of years, is at work here using cultural expectations and a particular periods in time, to provide a convenient explanation? I recall here, a note in post by my former co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, (29 Dec 2010) when writing about Vallee and Aubeck's book "Wonders in the Sky." (Click here.) In that book Vallee "...recognised the difference between the core phenomenology of reports and the local language and interpretation that clothes that core in traditional accounts." (p.2.)
If you haven't read Louis' book I would recommend you track down a copy and study it.
Every now and then a book comes along which challenges your personal viewpoint. This post is about such a book. The subject is sleep paralysis, which some researchers say is the definitive answer for the cause of alien abductions. I have only had one episode which falls into the definition of sleep paralysis. I awoke paralysed, with an "evil" presence in the room. The event was extremely real to me at the time, and years later I can still vividly recall it.
This post looks at the now four year old book by Australian,Louis Proud titled "Dark Intrusions:An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences. Published by Anomalist Books. San Antonio. ISBN 1933 66 5440.
I came across the book some time ago but have not made time to thoroughly read it and make notes. Now, I have.
The starting point:
"This book is an attempt to make sense of the SP phenomenon from an alternative, non-mechanistic perspective. Those of a skeptical disposition, who have little or no time for the occult or the paranormal, will find nothing of value in this book...My hope is that SP sufferers like myself, who are fed up with the official explanations of SP, will find context within these pages and hopefully, some answers too.." (pp20-21.)
"I have to admit that much of what I've written herein has been coloured - though not dogmatically so - by my interest in spiritism, an offshoot of spiritualism..." (p. 21.)
"It would be accurate to say that this book, rather than being about SP, is essentially about the nature of incorporal beings and the interactions that take place between them and us." (p.21.)
Louis' SP experiences began in 2001, when he was 17. In 2003 he noted that "Whenever I felt nervous, stressed or depressed, my SP experiences would become more frequent and more intense." (p.25.)
In 2007 he "...fully recognised the fact that I suffered from SP." (p.25.)
He writes "Instead of describing any single episode - of which there is only a handful that I remember with total clarity - I will attempt to shed light on what a typical episode involves." (p.26.)
His typical episode finds him trying to get to sleep, which he finds difficult. Finally he goes to sleep. He wakes up, but not fully. "I can't move a single muscle in my body...I can't even open my eyes...this thing attaches to my forehead with delicate, loving strokes...It then moves over to the left side of my body and proceeds to lie down beside me...it puts its arms around me...fear is what it feeds upon...I force myself to wake up by fighting the paralysis...When I open my eyes and gaze around the pitch black room I see the shadow swirling over me...I jump out of bed...it's nowhere to be found." (pp26-27.)
"My research seems to indicate that the majority of SP attacks occur on an astral level and that the SP state involves a partial dislocation of the astral body from the physical body." (p.29.)
"The entity responsible for SP episodes are, by the way, able to invade one's dreams, turning them into nightmares." (p.31.)
In 2003 some of his experiences "...were of a highly sexual nature. Unbelievable though this sounds, I had sexual intercourse with female spirits who visited me in the middle of the night. This happened on several occasions. These sexual encounters were generally very intense, in many ways more so than the real thing...These encounters would always take place in a quasi-SP state, slightly different from the normal SP state." (p.32.)
Relevance to Alien abductions:
Louis writes on page 33 "During one encounter, I manged to open my eyes ever so slightly...I was rather taken aback to discover that the female being on top of me had the appearance of a half human, half alien grey."
By 2004 Louis "...began to experience auditory hallucinations...during the SP state...generally experienced in such a fashion as to give one the impression that the sound is coming from outside oneself..." (p.34.)
"In my case...I will usually hear voices and sounds during the final moment of an SP episode, never at the beginning, and rarely during the middle..." (p.36.)
"Most of the voices speak in such a way that it seems they're trying to tell me something of great importance, something that requires my full attention." (p.38.)
"I should mention at this point that elementary sounds, and sensations of vibration and the like, do not feature strongly in my SP episodes." (p.39.)
"The sound of footsteps - which is something I've heard during many an SP episode..." (p/40/)
"A search for answers"
In 2007 Louis found an article which mentioned SP and spirits. "Bower's article makes the mistake of implying that these experiences have a physiological basis and nothing more..." (p.50.)
Louis started to research SP and chapters 4 through 17 of the book document his findings and thoughts.
His report on his investigations start with the work of David Hufford, author of "The Terror That Comes In the Night" who had an SP experience himself, then went onto conduct indepth investigations. Louis explains Hufford's work and relates some interesting observations.
One individual in Hufford's book, Jack, had SP attacks in front of his brother. The brother "...would notice that Jack's eyes were open, just staring straight out into space," and that his breathing sounded heavy and unusual. During these occasions, Jack's brother noticed nothing of a paranormal nature. (p.65.) (For Hufford's book, click here.)
"It would appear that the mind of the SP sufferer plays a role in giving shape to the entities you see," (p.66.)
Chapters 5-8:
Through chapter 5 "The Ghost of Bowling Green;" chapter 6 "The Poltergeist according to spiritism;" and chapter 7 "The Enfield Poltergeist" Louis describes his hypothesis that the poltergeist is "...an energy vampire," "as are most of the spirits responsible for SP attacks." (p.100.)
Exploring the story of Joe Fisher, a Canadian journalist and best selling author, in chapter 8, Louis states "That Fisher's death was caused by a group of malevolent disincarnate entities - who perhaps influenced his mind - might sound far-fetched and sensational..." (p.104.) (Click here for more on Fisher.)
Stan Gooch:
Stan Gooch was an English psychologist who penned a book "Creatures From Inner Space" and told, among other things, about the SP experiences of others and himself, involving episodes of a sexual nature. (Click here for more on Gooch.)
Chapters 10, "Chico Xavier: The Pope of Spiritism" and 11, "Dion Fortune On Psychic Attacks," develops the relationship between humans and spirits.
As the SP phenomenon is inherently tied up with sleep, Louis looks at what is currently known about this topic, in chapter 14. He reports on the work of Kazuhiko Fukuda who showed that in an SP attack the brain indicated activity typical of REM sleep. There is also an explanation of the work of Persinger and Budden.
Robert Monroe:
Monroe and his work are closely examined in chapter 15. "What we have here is a definite link between the SP phenomenon and the realm of the paranormal - more specifically, contact and communication with spirits." (p.225.) (Click here for more on Monroe's work.)
"It should be clear by now that SP episode occur on an astral level, including in some cases, a partial dislocation of the astral body from the physical body..." (p.228.)
"Assuming that the astral body leaves the physical body every time we fall asleep, and that the SP state involves little more than being awake and aware during REM sleep, it would not be unreasonable to state that the only difference between an SP sufferer and a non-SP sufferer is that the former has some awareness of these astral experiences..." (p226.)
The UAP connection:
Louis explains the UAP connection in chapter 16 "Whitley Strieber and the Visitors." "...it would not be a stretch to classify him as a kind of shaman, and intermediary between this world and the world of the gods..." (p.229.) (For more on Strieber, click here.)
Louis's perspective is that "SP attacks occur on an astral level...on the other hand, alien abduction episodes occur on a physical level, or quasi-physical level." (p.240.)
"These experiences seem to suggest that the so called hallucinations experienced by SP sufferers are, in fact "astral perceptions" and therefore possess a high degree of objectivity." (p.246.)
"We have found yet more evidence to support the central hypothesis of this book - that some SP attacks are caused by, and involve contact with discarnate entities." (p.246.)
The penultimate chapter concerns Trevor James Constable, who "...claims to have photographed etheric organisms of many different varieties..." (p.254.) (Click here.)
After examining the works of Constable, Boccone and Gheorghita, Louis writes "No doubt the reader will have recognised by now that an explicit overlap exists between the UFO phenomenon and what one might term the "discarnate entity phenomenon." (p.258.)
Finally, in chapter 18 "Postscript" Louis relates his successful experiment to induce SP and experience an out of body experience or a lucid dream.
"I remain convinced that these particular SP attacks are an attempt at possession by malevolent discarnate entities and could possibly lead to other types of paranormal phenomena..." (p.265.)
"The same rule applies to SP attacks. Some of them could be caused by thought-forms, others by malicious earth-bound spirits, while others may result from a consciousness split "between our astral and physical bodies..." (p.266.)
"The findings in this book demonstrate that there exists another reality - a 'spirit realm'- impinging upon our own, whose inhabitants influence us profoundly and play a much larger role in our lives than we come to imagine - or are able to comprehend." (p.268.)
Of relevance here to the UAP abduction phenomenon is a note on page 32 by Louis that "According to folklore, when a succubus or incubus wishes to seduce someone, they alter their appearance in such a way as to appear more sexually appealing and more human." I recall reading a number of references in the UAP abduction literature in which someone believes that they had sex with a human being, only to realise that the being is in fact more reptilian than human.
Could it be that a constant core phenomenon, over hundreds of years, is at work here using cultural expectations and a particular periods in time, to provide a convenient explanation? I recall here, a note in post by my former co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, (29 Dec 2010) when writing about Vallee and Aubeck's book "Wonders in the Sky." (Click here.) In that book Vallee "...recognised the difference between the core phenomenology of reports and the local language and interpretation that clothes that core in traditional accounts." (p.2.)
If you haven't read Louis' book I would recommend you track down a copy and study it.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Secret studies
Hi all,
Over the course of this blog, I have come across a number of what were, at the time, secret studies, i.e. studies of UAP which were not common knowledge.
In the late 1960's there was the McDonnell-Douglas study (click here to read about it.) Also, in the late 1960's US President Lyndon Johnson was involved with a little known study (click here.)
The other day I was re-reading Jacques Vallee's book "Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969." On page 309 I found:
"We keep hearing of old secret government projects that are not documented anywhere. A former engineer with U.S. Intelligence in Germany has told us that the National Bureau of Standards had conducted an investigation into UFOs under Professor Dryden as early as 1943, along with an investigation of German research on jet aircraft. They were already aware that UFOs interfered with internal combustion engines at a distance. They suspected electrostatic effects."
UFOs and Government:
I wondered if anyone else had been able to find out anything more of this early project. I therefore turned to my copy of the recent book "UFOs and Government" to see what I could find in this authoritative tome.
Chapter one relates how a physicist, David Griggs investigated "...anomalous air-encounter stories." (p.5) about foo-fighters during World War 2. "The key part here is that Griggs knew of aircraft engine interference cases in connection with foo-fighters." (p.6.)
There is no mention, however, of an interest in the subject by the National Bureau of Standards in 1943.
I then looked in the book's name index for Dryden. There is a reference to a Hugh Dryden.
Dr Hugh L Dryden, in 1957, gave testimony before the House Appropriation Committee. Dryden and a chap named Doolittle "...flatly denied the existence of such space vehicles." (p.241.) Dryden was then on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
I wonder how many "secret studies" there are out there?
Over the course of this blog, I have come across a number of what were, at the time, secret studies, i.e. studies of UAP which were not common knowledge.
In the late 1960's there was the McDonnell-Douglas study (click here to read about it.) Also, in the late 1960's US President Lyndon Johnson was involved with a little known study (click here.)
The other day I was re-reading Jacques Vallee's book "Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969." On page 309 I found:
"We keep hearing of old secret government projects that are not documented anywhere. A former engineer with U.S. Intelligence in Germany has told us that the National Bureau of Standards had conducted an investigation into UFOs under Professor Dryden as early as 1943, along with an investigation of German research on jet aircraft. They were already aware that UFOs interfered with internal combustion engines at a distance. They suspected electrostatic effects."
UFOs and Government:
I wondered if anyone else had been able to find out anything more of this early project. I therefore turned to my copy of the recent book "UFOs and Government" to see what I could find in this authoritative tome.
Chapter one relates how a physicist, David Griggs investigated "...anomalous air-encounter stories." (p.5) about foo-fighters during World War 2. "The key part here is that Griggs knew of aircraft engine interference cases in connection with foo-fighters." (p.6.)
There is no mention, however, of an interest in the subject by the National Bureau of Standards in 1943.
I then looked in the book's name index for Dryden. There is a reference to a Hugh Dryden.
Dr Hugh L Dryden, in 1957, gave testimony before the House Appropriation Committee. Dryden and a chap named Doolittle "...flatly denied the existence of such space vehicles." (p.241.) Dryden was then on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
I wonder how many "secret studies" there are out there?
Monday, March 11, 2013
Was there radar observation of the Westall object?
Hi all,
A previous post (click here) detailed a Melbourne, Victoria, Air Traffic Control (ATC) radar only observation of what they termed an "unidentified aerial object" on the evening of 3 Apr 1966, just three days before the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School event.
When I was reading the file about the incident, (found by Melbourne researcher, Paul Dean,) a question came to mind. "Was there a radar observation of the object at Westall?"
The existence of one Department of Civil Aviation ATC report of an unidentified aerial object on 3 Apr 1966, made me take a look to see if I could find any other similar reports in Australian government files. I looked at National Archives of Australia file series A703, control symbol 580/1/1 parts 4 to 6. I found two additional reports.
5 May 1966 Tullamarine:
An air traffic controller followed an unidentified radar target from a bearing of 330 degrees to 280 degrees. Speed observed between 0805/0814z was 87 knots. "Echo signal strength was good-with the exception that between 0802 and 0804 the return was intermittent..."
10 May 1966 Melbourne:
Air traffic control reported a radar trace at ranges 140-150 miles at a bearing of 261 degrees (true.) The trace disappeared and reappeared at intervals in the same place. There was no known civilian aircraft in the area.
Interestingly, a check of the RAAF UAP files between Jan 1963 to Dec 1966 showed only these three radar reports, all packed in the months of Apr and May 1966.
So, we have three radar only observations on 3 Apr; 5 May and 10 May 1966 reported by Melbourne air traffic controllers employed by the former Department of Civil Aviation. This indicates to me that there was a system for reporting such observations between DCA and the RAAF. It seems to me, that if a radar observation had been made by ATC of the Westall object then it may be found on RAAF UAP files. It is not. There are no such records.
There could be a number of reasons why not, including:
1. A radar contact was noted by ATC and reported, but the papers have disappeared over time.
2. A radar contact was observed but the details have been suppressed because authorities were expecting the Westall object to be there.
3. The Westall object, despite being reported as a solid object; at light aircraft altitude, and disappearing at a terrific speed, did not have a radar profile.
It should also be noted that there is no radar observation on file, corresponding to the date and time of the 2 Apr 1966, Balwyn, Melbourne, observation and photograph, by James Kibel.
In response to the question "Was there a radar observation of the Westall object?" all I can say is that "If there was, there is no documentation to be found today (or as early as 1984 when Sydney based researcher Bill Chalker looked at the RAAF's UAP files.)"
In conclusion:
The lack of any documentation on the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School, Clayton South, Melbourne object has always puzzled me.
I can see two possible and diametrically opposite reasons:
1. If it was a UAP, and the event was supressed by the authorities, as many people believe it was; then we would not expect to find any paper trail.
2. However, the lack of offical documents could equally mean that the event was a non-UAP one, hence no reason for there to be any papers on the RAAF's UAP files.
For some thoughts on the nature of the Westall object, by former co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, please click here and here.
A previous post (click here) detailed a Melbourne, Victoria, Air Traffic Control (ATC) radar only observation of what they termed an "unidentified aerial object" on the evening of 3 Apr 1966, just three days before the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School event.
When I was reading the file about the incident, (found by Melbourne researcher, Paul Dean,) a question came to mind. "Was there a radar observation of the object at Westall?"
The existence of one Department of Civil Aviation ATC report of an unidentified aerial object on 3 Apr 1966, made me take a look to see if I could find any other similar reports in Australian government files. I looked at National Archives of Australia file series A703, control symbol 580/1/1 parts 4 to 6. I found two additional reports.
5 May 1966 Tullamarine:
An air traffic controller followed an unidentified radar target from a bearing of 330 degrees to 280 degrees. Speed observed between 0805/0814z was 87 knots. "Echo signal strength was good-with the exception that between 0802 and 0804 the return was intermittent..."
10 May 1966 Melbourne:
Air traffic control reported a radar trace at ranges 140-150 miles at a bearing of 261 degrees (true.) The trace disappeared and reappeared at intervals in the same place. There was no known civilian aircraft in the area.
Interestingly, a check of the RAAF UAP files between Jan 1963 to Dec 1966 showed only these three radar reports, all packed in the months of Apr and May 1966.
So, we have three radar only observations on 3 Apr; 5 May and 10 May 1966 reported by Melbourne air traffic controllers employed by the former Department of Civil Aviation. This indicates to me that there was a system for reporting such observations between DCA and the RAAF. It seems to me, that if a radar observation had been made by ATC of the Westall object then it may be found on RAAF UAP files. It is not. There are no such records.
There could be a number of reasons why not, including:
1. A radar contact was noted by ATC and reported, but the papers have disappeared over time.
2. A radar contact was observed but the details have been suppressed because authorities were expecting the Westall object to be there.
3. The Westall object, despite being reported as a solid object; at light aircraft altitude, and disappearing at a terrific speed, did not have a radar profile.
It should also be noted that there is no radar observation on file, corresponding to the date and time of the 2 Apr 1966, Balwyn, Melbourne, observation and photograph, by James Kibel.
In response to the question "Was there a radar observation of the Westall object?" all I can say is that "If there was, there is no documentation to be found today (or as early as 1984 when Sydney based researcher Bill Chalker looked at the RAAF's UAP files.)"
In conclusion:
The lack of any documentation on the 6 Apr 1966 Westall High School, Clayton South, Melbourne object has always puzzled me.
I can see two possible and diametrically opposite reasons:
1. If it was a UAP, and the event was supressed by the authorities, as many people believe it was; then we would not expect to find any paper trail.
2. However, the lack of offical documents could equally mean that the event was a non-UAP one, hence no reason for there to be any papers on the RAAF's UAP files.
For some thoughts on the nature of the Westall object, by former co-blogger, Pauline Wilson, please click here and here.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Unidentified aerial object on radar - three days before Westall
Hi all,
In a previous post I drew readers' attention to the fact that Melbourne researcher, Paul Dean, had located a Department of Civil Aviation file which reported an unidentified aerial object on radar, over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 3 April 1966, three days before the Westall incident.
The file, file series MT1298/1, control symbol VTI-66/319 is titled "Unidentified Aerial Object 3/4/1966 Tullamarine" barcode 12598126 was found in the Melbourne office of the National Archives of Australia. It has just been digitised.
The contents:
The 11 page file starts off with a form titled "Report on Aerial Object Observed." The date of the incident is given as 3 April 1966 and the time as 2015 to 2027 local time. The reporter's name was J Reinmuth who was using the CSF radar at Tullamarine.
The object was first seen at a range of 54.5 nautical miles at an azimuth of 55 degrees (ie. roughly north-east.) The observer's attention was first drawn to an "Unidentified plot in proximity to inbound route." Its speed was given as 60 knots in a north-easterly direction. The direction of flight was stated to be north-east from first observed position. It was travelling in a straight line. It was seen at 61 nautical miles bearing 055 degrees magnetic. The wind direction at the time was from the south-west. A check of aircraft in the area at the time revealed that the nearest plane was "TJA on normal inbound route."
At 2040hrs the object was "...still observed on radar at 64 nautical miles." At 2043 hrs still 64 nm where it was last observed.
The next two pages are headed "Department of Civil Aviation Air Safety Incident Report" number VTI-66/319. The date of the event is given as 3 April 1966. The event is labelled "Unidentified Aerial Object." Under the heading "Action by regional investigator" in handwriting is "It appears likely that the object was a met balloon and this aspect is being investigated." Signed Woodward SIAS 6 Apr 1966.
The Victorian Bureau of Meteorology was asked if the object could have been a met balloon. On 4 Jul 1966 they responded "It appears that the object could have been a meteorological balloon, with radar reflector attached, released from the RAAF Base, Laverton. The position and movement of the object are consistent with the time of release of a balloon and the winds which affected at that time."
1. The speed and direction of movement of this radar only observed object, do indeed seem consistent with a weather balloon. However, it should be noted that the Bureau of Meteorology's analysis concludes "...could have been a meteorological balloon." Thus this conclusion is not 100% certain.
2. As an aside it should be noted that the Melbourne newspaper "The Age," on Thursday 7 Apr 1966 page 6, carried a short item about the identity of the object reported at Westall High School, Clayton South, Melbourne, the day before, part of which reads:
"Object perhaps balloon
An unidentified flying object seen over the Clayton-Moorabbin area yesterday morning might have been a weather balloon...The weather bureau released a balloon at Laverton at 8.30am and the westerly winds blowing at the time could have moved it into the area where the sighting was reported..."
3. A search of the RAAF's UAP file file series A703, contrtol symbol 580/1/1 part 5 which carries reports from April 1966 failed to reveal a report from Reinmuth.
In a previous post I drew readers' attention to the fact that Melbourne researcher, Paul Dean, had located a Department of Civil Aviation file which reported an unidentified aerial object on radar, over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 3 April 1966, three days before the Westall incident.
The file, file series MT1298/1, control symbol VTI-66/319 is titled "Unidentified Aerial Object 3/4/1966 Tullamarine" barcode 12598126 was found in the Melbourne office of the National Archives of Australia. It has just been digitised.
The contents:
The 11 page file starts off with a form titled "Report on Aerial Object Observed." The date of the incident is given as 3 April 1966 and the time as 2015 to 2027 local time. The reporter's name was J Reinmuth who was using the CSF radar at Tullamarine.
The object was first seen at a range of 54.5 nautical miles at an azimuth of 55 degrees (ie. roughly north-east.) The observer's attention was first drawn to an "Unidentified plot in proximity to inbound route." Its speed was given as 60 knots in a north-easterly direction. The direction of flight was stated to be north-east from first observed position. It was travelling in a straight line. It was seen at 61 nautical miles bearing 055 degrees magnetic. The wind direction at the time was from the south-west. A check of aircraft in the area at the time revealed that the nearest plane was "TJA on normal inbound route."
At 2040hrs the object was "...still observed on radar at 64 nautical miles." At 2043 hrs still 64 nm where it was last observed.
The next two pages are headed "Department of Civil Aviation Air Safety Incident Report" number VTI-66/319. The date of the event is given as 3 April 1966. The event is labelled "Unidentified Aerial Object." Under the heading "Action by regional investigator" in handwriting is "It appears likely that the object was a met balloon and this aspect is being investigated." Signed Woodward SIAS 6 Apr 1966.
The Victorian Bureau of Meteorology was asked if the object could have been a met balloon. On 4 Jul 1966 they responded "It appears that the object could have been a meteorological balloon, with radar reflector attached, released from the RAAF Base, Laverton. The position and movement of the object are consistent with the time of release of a balloon and the winds which affected at that time."
1. The speed and direction of movement of this radar only observed object, do indeed seem consistent with a weather balloon. However, it should be noted that the Bureau of Meteorology's analysis concludes "...could have been a meteorological balloon." Thus this conclusion is not 100% certain.
2. As an aside it should be noted that the Melbourne newspaper "The Age," on Thursday 7 Apr 1966 page 6, carried a short item about the identity of the object reported at Westall High School, Clayton South, Melbourne, the day before, part of which reads:
"Object perhaps balloon
An unidentified flying object seen over the Clayton-Moorabbin area yesterday morning might have been a weather balloon...The weather bureau released a balloon at Laverton at 8.30am and the westerly winds blowing at the time could have moved it into the area where the sighting was reported..."
3. A search of the RAAF's UAP file file series A703, contrtol symbol 580/1/1 part 5 which carries reports from April 1966 failed to reveal a report from Reinmuth.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Seeing the light
Hi all,
When exploring the National Archives of Australia for files relating to UAP, researchers have traditionally looked back only to the early 1950's. This is due to the fact that the Air Board/RAAF involvement can only be traced back that far.
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has been checking files which stretch back as far as 1917. One he found, file series MP367/1 control symbol 512/3/200, bar code 355679 is titled "Suspicious lights at Port Kembla."
The 14 page file is the report of observations on Sunday, 14th October 1917, between 7 and 8 p.m. from number 4 jetty at Port Kembla. Stuart E Graham was on the jetty fishing, when he saw a stationary light to the West. It started to flash, almost went out and "...appeared to be carried in the direction of the old quarry...the light was set down and started flashing again..." 10 minutes later the light came back towards Port Kembla. It flashed for another 5 minutes. Mr Graham, for some reason, thought the flashing light was using morse code.
A number of other people were also on the jetty at the time. Francis Robert Williams made a statement advising that Grahm drew his attention to the light which appeared to be on land "...about the turn off from the Wollongong road to Unanderra." Williams also said he thought the light was using morse code.
At 2am on the 15th October 1917 Williams reported seeing the light again, flashing for 20 minutes in roughly the same direction as the light from the previous night. At about this time Williams believed he heard the whistle of a boat in the area and saw smoke coming from it.
An investigation was conducted by a Police inspector who concluded that neither Williams nor Graham knew anything of morse code. The gist of the investigation was to determine if someone was deliberately signalling from land to a passing boat. The inspector didn't believe this to be so.
The police report was forwarded to the Secretary, Department of Defence, Melbourne.
What was the light?
A good question! Based on the limited information which can be extracted from the file, it is not possible to arrive at any reasonable conclusion.
As a P.S. I did previously find a file which related how some mysterious lights on a hillside, in 1915, upon investigation turned out to be a troupe of boy scouts carrying lights.
When exploring the National Archives of Australia for files relating to UAP, researchers have traditionally looked back only to the early 1950's. This is due to the fact that the Air Board/RAAF involvement can only be traced back that far.
Melbourne researcher Paul Dean has been checking files which stretch back as far as 1917. One he found, file series MP367/1 control symbol 512/3/200, bar code 355679 is titled "Suspicious lights at Port Kembla."
The 14 page file is the report of observations on Sunday, 14th October 1917, between 7 and 8 p.m. from number 4 jetty at Port Kembla. Stuart E Graham was on the jetty fishing, when he saw a stationary light to the West. It started to flash, almost went out and "...appeared to be carried in the direction of the old quarry...the light was set down and started flashing again..." 10 minutes later the light came back towards Port Kembla. It flashed for another 5 minutes. Mr Graham, for some reason, thought the flashing light was using morse code.
A number of other people were also on the jetty at the time. Francis Robert Williams made a statement advising that Grahm drew his attention to the light which appeared to be on land "...about the turn off from the Wollongong road to Unanderra." Williams also said he thought the light was using morse code.
At 2am on the 15th October 1917 Williams reported seeing the light again, flashing for 20 minutes in roughly the same direction as the light from the previous night. At about this time Williams believed he heard the whistle of a boat in the area and saw smoke coming from it.
An investigation was conducted by a Police inspector who concluded that neither Williams nor Graham knew anything of morse code. The gist of the investigation was to determine if someone was deliberately signalling from land to a passing boat. The inspector didn't believe this to be so.
The police report was forwarded to the Secretary, Department of Defence, Melbourne.
What was the light?
A good question! Based on the limited information which can be extracted from the file, it is not possible to arrive at any reasonable conclusion.
As a P.S. I did previously find a file which related how some mysterious lights on a hillside, in 1915, upon investigation turned out to be a troupe of boy scouts carrying lights.
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