Monday, August 13, 2012

"Solving the Communion Enigma: What Is To Come" - part one

Dear readers,

I have finally reached the bottom of the "pile by the bed" of UFO books. I have saved one of the more interesting books until last.


U.S. bestselling author Whitley Strieber wrote a trilogy of non-fiction books, "Communion," "Transformation" and "Breakthrough" where he described his numerous and complex encounters with what he termed "the visitors." In this, his latest work, "Solving the Communion Engima: What Is To Come," published by Jeremy P Tarcher/Penguin. New York. ISBN 978-1-585-43917-2, Strieber looks back to these works, and then adds detail of what has happened to him since, and what he thinks is going on.

As he points out on page 1, accounts of "the visitors" are "...conventionally known as "close encounters of the third kind" or "alien abductions." But are they what they seem?" Strieber points out "After I published Communion, I was immediately - and absurdly, I thought - labelled as an advocate for alien contact." (p.2.) "As I have never embraced it, though, I cannot repudiate it, but I certainly don't reject the possibility."

No advances:

Strieber writes "But what of the dialogue about all this? In the sixty years since it first began, it has gone absolutely nowhere." (p.11.)

Strieber's thinking is that " has to do with the next stage in the evolution of this species..." (p.12.) "This is why I have titled this book Solving the Communion Enigma. Because truly, we have unfolding before us an incredible possibility, a journey into a new way of being that is as far from where we are now as the human mind is from that of the animals." (p.12.)

"The mirror shattered:"

Strieber's encounters include very unusual elements e.g. "During my 1985 encounter, I saw an old friend whom, as he told me some years before, had recently retired from the CIA. He was with these seeming aliens. Afterward, I found out from a relative of his that in December  of 1985 when I saw him and talked to him, he had been dead for months." (p.14.)

In chapter two Strieber notes Dr Kenneth Ring's work which indicated that near-death and close-encounter witnesses recalled childhood trauma, and then analyses his own memories for evidence of such personal trauma. "I always hesitated to write about them because of the explosive implications that children were being abused under some very distasteful circumstances by people with some sort of official brief." (p.24.)
Strieber considers that he may have been involved in a government program as a child and adds "I think that my parents eventually understood that whatever I was being made to endure was causing me harm and got me out of the program." (p.28.)


Strieber went in search of evidence of just such a program, and concludes "...I would be very surprised if any will ever be  forthcoming." (p.27.) Following this comment, he writes "Had I not as a child been brutalized by whatever this was, I don't think that I would have been able to perceive the visitors." (p.38.)

After relating his 1994 transition from upstate New York to San Antonia, and unusual events around that time, Strieber went to work with one Bill Mallow, and others on the topic of implants. "From what I have seen, though, I believe that the implants are a genuine mystery." (p.52.)

Personal implant;

In 1989, during the night, Strieber found "...a man and a woman standing in the doorway at the far end of the bedroom..." (p.54.) "Later that day, I noticed a sore lump at the top of my left ear. There was no trace of a scar or a wound..." (p.57.)

Next, while meditating "...people, not aliens, began to show up...They were physical but had capabilities very unlike our own..." (p.59.)

Strieber decided to have the implant in his ear removed by a Dr John Lerma, "Who diagnosed the swelling as a probable benign cyst." (p.61.)

Strangely, during the operation the implant moved and "...slid under the skin from the top of my ear down into my earlobe." (p.62.) Dr Lerma's instrument had a sliver of the object on it, but the rest remained in Strieber's ear. Two days later, it moved back into its original location. Strieber recalls that a pathologist told Fr Lerma "...the fragments was the strangest thing he had ever seen. It consisted of a metallic base with organic cilia growing out of it. He did not believe it was anything natural, or that it was known technology." (p.63.)


Moving on to pose the question "What might they want?" Strieber reveals that on occasions he asked a question of a visitor. Sometimes a response was obtained. "And this is why one of the most profound aspects of close encounter may be very near the heart of their motive for hiding themselves." (p.73.)

Part two:

The second part of the book takes a look at evidence that "the visitors" leave behind. "Looked at in the aggregate, it suggest that a stealthy and many levelled process of penetration of our world and our lives is taking place." (p.75.)

Discussing a number of UFO accounts, Strieber concluded "...each of these incidents reveals two things: first, a display of what I would describe as "might" and second, one of defensive capabilities." (p.85.)

After reviewing the work of, and sightings, by Dr Paul Hill, Strieber writes "So when we see a combination of actions that induces official secrecy but also excites the curiosity of scientists, what we may be seeing is the enactment of policy. This policy would be to try to induce us to make the necessary discovery ourselves, so that we don't meet them as supplicants." (p.103.)

Continued next post.

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