Friday, April 15, 2011

The future of UFOlogy?

Hi readers

Another beautiful Autumn day here in Adelaide, South Australia. A predicted high of 22 degrees C; blue skies, almost no wind. It's good to be alive!

After reading a number of new books about the UFO phenomenon recently, I took time out the other day to reflect on what was contained in these works.

Martin Plowman in his book "The UFO Diaries" (click here for my review post) concludes at one point that UFOlogy "'s as far from proving the existence of UFOs as it ever has been." (p.281.)

John B Alexander in his book "UFOs:Myths, conspiracies and realities" (my review is here) wrote (p.273) "I conclude that the ufo observations are manifestations of issues that are anfractuous and beyond current comprehension."

These statements made me wonder, what is the future of UFOlogy? There is little doubt in my mind that the popular cultural version of the UFO phenomenon will continue, and perhaps even grow. However, what of serious research?

Leslie Kean in her book "UFOs" (click here for my review) calls for the establishment of a small "UFO Office" based in a US Government agency. John Alexander doubts the political possibility of this happening.


Disclosure style projects are predicated on the premise that Governments know what is behind the UFO phenomenon. However, if, as people such as John Alexander point out,Governments don't know what is the source, then no amount of demands for release of "the truth" are going to work. Since Governments cannot meet this demands as they just don't know.

Exopolitics style projects assume there is a galactic collective of alien civilisations out there. However, this "knowledge" seems, on my research (click here)to be based on disputed methods such as "remote viewing."

Media conferences in which high profile military witnesses tell their stories seem to have have had absolutely no effect on Government interest in the topic.

Breakthrough events:

Are there any breakthrough events on the horizon? Perhaps one of the following might occur:

1. An unassailable "crashed" UFO - one which is not hastily removed by the Government, and which is publicly documented by a major news outlet.

2. A UFO lands on Sydney harbour bridge, witnessed by thousands of people.

3. An ambulance brings the dead body of an alien, killed during a failed abduction event in someone's home, to a major hospital. The body doesn't disappear and is autopsied there.

4. An independently witnessed abduction event, leaves forensic DNA evidence.

Failing one of these breakthrough events happening, what can the average UFO researcher or UFO research group continue to do to further research?

1. Re-examine "cold cases" and eliminate IFOs.

2. Research new "core cases" as they arise. However, it should be noted that fewer and fewer strong, hard evidence cases are emerging of late.

3. Catalogue these "unexplained" events.

4. Look for patterns in this accumulated data.

5. Ensure publication of these findings.

What do readers think is the future of UFOlogy?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Keith, it's tempting to see the future of ufology as 'bleak.' There's barely been a new idea in the subject in the past 30 years. Compelling sightings have decreased, core incidents appear a thing of the past. If you've read, for example, the 1960s FSRs it's fairly clear how little the discussions have evolved: demons, ETH, IDH, misidentifieds and psychosoccial. All carried out in the amphitheatre roar of boos, cheers and hisses...

    On the bright side, the discussion can still be fascinating. Reviewing old cases through new eyes might shed light on a missed point. Hopefully, there's a bright mind out there working on a new idea that creates waves. There's also the inevitable change in UFO sightings reports that will generate more mystery...if/when it occurs.

    It'd be interesting to see further investigation of Sturrock's 'sidereal time analyses,' if a valid database could be accrued.

    Short of a change in UFO behaviour and surrounding elements, perhaps 'more of the same' is the future of ufology...for now.


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