Sunday, August 22, 2010

O'Neill's bridge

Hi readers

You come across UFO references in the most unusual of places. This week's example is...

Major Donald E Keyhoe gets a mention in the July 2010 issue of "Astronomy" magazine. The mention (on page 15) comes in an article about "O'Neill's Bridge" an alleged artificial construction on the Moon.

Author Stephen James O'Meara's article is about John J O'Neill's 1953 published observation of "...a gigantic natural bridge" on the Moon.

H P Wilkins, Director of the British Astronomical Association's Lunar section, confirmed the bridge's existence and called it "artificial."

Keyhoe's 1955 book "The Flying Saucer Conspiracy" details O'Neill's claims.

O'Meara's article concludes that "...the "bridge" doesn't exist" being possible that "...a crater on Promontorium Olivium close to the gap can resemble a natural arch under the right lighting conditions."

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