Saturday, January 11, 2025

Six "White Papers" and a "Policy Brief"

 White Papers

One of the aims of the SOL Foundation for Advanced Scientific and Policy Research is to produce a series of "White Papers." A "White paper" is:

"...a research based report which offers a formal description of a complex topic and presents the point of view of the author or body represented by the author."

To date, the SOL Foundation has produced a series of six "White Papers." These are:

Volume 1 Number 1. "Beneath the Surface: We may learn More about UAP by Looking in the Ocean." Author: Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet (Retd.) March 2024. 

Volume 1 Number 2. "UAP in Crowded Skies: Atmospheric and Orbital Threat Reduction in an Age of Geopolitical Uncertainty." Author: The SOL Foundation, March 2024.

Volume 1 Number 3. "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" Policy Implications for the Government of the United Kingdom." Author: Helen McCaw. May 2024.

Volume 1 Number 4. "Anomalous Health Threats: Health Security Considerations for UAP." Author: The SOL Foundation. July 2024. 

Volume 1 Number 5. "NHI, UAP and the Catholic Faith: How will the Church Respond?" Author: Paul Thigpen. July 2024.

Volume 1 Number 6. "The Prospect of Executive Branch Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Secrecy: The Ham to Congress and Potential Remedies." Author: Peter Skafish. November 2024. 

Peter Skafish People – The Sol Foundation

Policy Brief

The UAP Disclosure Fund's website states that it is:

 "...a non partisan nonprofit supporting UAP legislation, protecting whistleblowers, and raising public awareness for greater transparency."

One of its aims is listed as "Advocacy for policy change." Elsewhere on the website is found "Policy. Expert analysis and recommendations for advancing US policy on UAP and emerging technologies."

On 9 January 2025 the Fund released its first "Policy Brief" titled "Prioritizing Emerging All-Domain Technologies." It is authored by Luis Elizondo. The Policy Brief Summary reads as follows:

"This policy brief highlights one of the most pressing challenges to American and global security. Emerging All-Domain Technologies (EADT). EADT include Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS, also known as drones), Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP, formerly known as UFOs), and certain other advanced systems operating across the air, space and sea domains that are capable of intelligence surveillance, reconnaissance and kinetic strikes.

Recent events like the drone incursions in New Jersey and the Chinese spy balloon incidents underscore a critical gap; The U.S. woefully lacks a whole-of-government solution to EADT. To solve this problem; this policy brief recommends that the President empower a White House Sebor Advisor, or "Czar," within the National Security Council to (1) coordinate the U.S. Governments EADT response, (2) formulate policy; (3) and conduct domestic and international outreach."

In summary, both the series of White Papers, and what is intended to be a series of Policy Briefs, aim to stimulate public awareness and discussion on the subject of UAP. In addition, they seek to make recommendations to those in the appropriate areas of the U.S. governments, on what the authors see as areas of policy need or change.  

Update: 16 February 2025

A second policy paper, titled "Flying saucers and the Ivory Dome: Congressional Oversight Concerning Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" was published in Harvard Law School's "National Security Journal" in January 2025. 

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Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...