Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Shoshin Works Webinar - 17 January 2025

Shoshin Works

On 17 January 2025, Shoshin Works held a virtual conference, titled "US Disruptive Deeptech, Energy and Space." Attendees were individuals from various universities, private companies, and a variety of government agencies. 

After an opening speech by Anna Brady Esterez, Mike Gold of Redwire Space provided a keynote talk on UAP.

His talk covered:

* The history of selected global UAP cases.

* The 26 July 2023 House Committee on Oversight hearing.

* The 2004 Tic Tac incident.

* The 13 November 2024 House Committee on Oversight Hearing.

* The history of US government UAP investigations.

* The NASA Independent Study Team, of which Gold was a member.

* The New Jersey drones.

More on UAP

At 1 p.m. there was another session on UAP presented by Charles Chase of UnLAB LLC; Ryan Graves of StarSense and Richard Bandoric of Field Propulsions Technologies Inc. In addition, another keynote UAP talk was provided by Hal Puthoff of EarthTech International Inc. 

Chase's presentation included:

*"There are unexplored, undiscovered, and probably unsuspected ways of generating forces and energy."

* "Phenomena people experience."

* "Things we thought were impossible."

*" Areas of active research."

* "Fluctuation Flow Propulsion."

* "Coherent Matterwave Beam."

*"Existing optical and radar systems are limited in detection capability" and what to do about this. 

Hal Puthoff

The presentation by Hal Puthoff included:

* US UAP investigations.

* Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program.

* Soviet "Thread 3" project.

* More details on AAWSAP.

* "Can reported observations of UAP be accounted for on the basis of known physics?"

* "An Engineering approach to General Relativity."

* "SpaceTime metric engineering.

* Historical cases evaluation - Colares, Brazil.

* The 2004 Nimitz incident.

* The UAPTF.


* US Congressional actions.

Sarah Gamm

Later in the day Sarah Gamm presented a talk titled "UAPs and the Task Force" which included:

*Examples of UAPs observed.

* Balloons, birds and parallax.

* Dynamic gravity-based applications for communications, energy, space and defense.

* Generating gravity waves in the laboratory.

* Hoverr Inc - quantum propulsion.

* Harnessing the vacuum.

* Propellant-less propulsion.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Sky Canada preview report

Recently, in mid-January 2025, the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada released a 16-page report titled "Management of Public Reporting of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in Canada: A Preview of the upcoming Sky Canada Report."


Commencing with "A Message from the Chief Science Advisor of Canada,' where Mona Nemer, inter alia, writes:

"...this report focuses on the services available to the Canadian public for reporting UAPs, and not the UAPs themselves; understanding this distinction is critical to reading the report..."

The Sky Canada project team went about its business by gathering information from:

 "...federal departments and agencies, stakeholders, experts and other organizations, on how UAP observation reports by the public are handled in Canada."

Publicly available records, archives and historical practices were examined. "We reviewed he approaches taken by a few other countries, mostly G7 nations and members of the Five Eyes." Additionally, a company named Earnscliffe Strategies conducting an online survey of Canadians re their views on UAP.

Key findings

1. Canadian federal departments and agencies do receive UAP reports, with few investigating the nature of the sightings unless their specific mission has hem do so, e.g. Transport Canada for aviation incidents. 

2. The project identified a number of "gaps."

a. Lack of a cohesive and standardised systems for reporting and follow up.

b. Absence of public engagement.

c. Limited analysis of UAP reports.

d. Insufficient scientific involvement.

e. Modest efforts to enhance scientific literacy involving planetary sciences.

3. The project examined the management of UAP reports in the USA, France and Chile.


Reports and data oversight

1. "...identify a lead: A Federal Government department of agency responsible for managing public UAP data, should be identified...The Canadian Space Agency could be considered for such a role."

2. "Establish a dedicated service...collect testimony, investigate cases and post its analysis publicly."

3. "Enhance reporting capacity in civil aviation." Transport Canada should encourage members of the aviation community to report sightings. 


4. "Support public dialogue" via a proactive strategy, using such services as public libraries, science centres and museums.

5. "Promote intra-government collaboration" via an internal directive.

6. "Improve media relations."

7. "Promote application of up-to-date evidence to effectively address misinformation and disinformation."


8. "Facilitate open access and open data."

9. "Conduct surveys" to gauge the perception of the Canadian public about UAP.

10. Provide tools for data collection" via smartphone apps and interactive platforms.

11. "Build on Canada's strengths in astronomy and aerospace research."

12. "Information sharing with international entities."

13. "Cooperation in research and communications" with international partners.


"A more structured approach would enhance transparency and combat disinformation...position Canada alongside some of its allies as leaders in the global efforts to elucidate the nature of UAPs...potentially reveal valuable insight into aerial phenomena that are currently unexplained."

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Six "White Papers" and a "Policy Brief"

 White Papers

One of the aims of the SOL Foundation for Advanced Scientific and Policy Research is to produce a series of "White Papers." A "White paper" is:

"...a research based report which offers a formal description of a complex topic and presents the point of view of the author or body represented by the author."

To date, the SOL Foundation has produced a series of six "White Papers." These are:

Volume 1 Number 1. "Beneath the Surface: We may learn More about UAP by Looking in the Ocean." Author: Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet (Retd.) March 2024. 

Volume 1 Number 2. "UAP in Crowded Skies: Atmospheric and Orbital Threat Reduction in an Age of Geopolitical Uncertainty." Author: The SOL Foundation, March 2024.

Volume 1 Number 3. "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" Policy Implications for the Government of the United Kingdom." Author: Helen McCaw. May 2024.

Volume 1 Number 4. "Anomalous Health Threats: Health Security Considerations for UAP." Author: The SOL Foundation. July 2024. 

Volume 1 Number 5. "NHI, UAP and the Catholic Faith: How will the Church Respond?" Author: Paul Thigpen. July 2024.

Volume 1 Number 6. "The Prospect of Executive Branch Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Secrecy: The Ham to Congress and Potential Remedies." Author: Peter Skafish. November 2024. 

Peter Skafish People – The Sol Foundation

Policy Brief

The UAP Disclosure Fund's website states that it is:

 "...a non partisan nonprofit supporting UAP legislation, protecting whistleblowers, and raising public awareness for greater transparency."

One of its aims is listed as "Advocacy for policy change." Elsewhere on the website is found "Policy. Expert analysis and recommendations for advancing US policy on UAP and emerging technologies."

On 9 January 2025 the Fund released its first "Policy Brief" titled "Prioritizing Emerging All-Domain Technologies." It is authored by Luis Elizondo. The Policy Brief Summary reads as follows:

"This policy brief highlights one of the most pressing challenges to American and global security. Emerging All-Domain Technologies (EADT). EADT include Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS, also known as drones), Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP, formerly known as UFOs), and certain other advanced systems operating across the air, space and sea domains that are capable of intelligence surveillance, reconnaissance and kinetic strikes.

Recent events like the drone incursions in New Jersey and the Chinese spy balloon incidents underscore a critical gap; The U.S. woefully lacks a whole-of-government solution to EADT. To solve this problem; this policy brief recommends that the President empower a White House Sebor Advisor, or "Czar," within the National Security Council to (1) coordinate the U.S. Governments EADT response, (2) formulate policy; (3) and conduct domestic and international outreach."

In summary, both the series of White Papers, and what is intended to be a series of Policy Briefs, aim to stimulate public awareness and discussion on the subject of UAP. In addition, they seek to make recommendations to those in the appropriate areas of the U.S. governments, on what the authors see as areas of policy need or change.  

Update: 16 February 2025

A second policy paper, titled "Flying saucers and the Ivory Dome: Congressional Oversight Concerning Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena" was published in Harvard Law School's "National Security Journal" in January 2025. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

National Archives of Australia and the New Year

National Archives of Australia

For over 15 years now, on the first of January each year, I have checked the website of the National Archives of Australia (NAA,) for newly released Australian government files relating to UAP.

This annual activity followed the years between 2003 and 2008, when the Adelaide based Australian UFO Research Association (AURA) conducted its major exploration of Australian government UAP files. During those years, a large number of UAP related files were located via the NAA's search engine. Once a file was located, a digitized copy was ordered, paid for out of the pockets of AURA members. In those days each file cost between $25-50 to have digitized, as opposed to around $200 for a large file, today. 

Once AURA's work was completed as much as possible, annual inspections of the NAA website by myself and Melbourne based researcher Paul Dean, continued to locate a small number of UAP related files, each year, up to the year 2022. A list of files located up until May 2016, may be found here.  A reading of the files listed, reveals that there were an unexpectedly large number of different Australian government departments that kept UAP related files. A sense of what was on these collective files may be read here.  

An NAA document referring to the 1978 Valentich incident

The 2025 NAA search using various keywords

Were any newly released Australian government UAP files located in my 2025 annual search? Unfortunately, not. However, there still remain a few files which I located in previous years, and which I had the NAA examine and open them but have not had them digitized due to their cost. These are:

1. File series A9755, control symbol 9, title "[RAAF No. 92 Wing, Headquarters, Edinburgh, South Australia] Unusual Aerial Sightings [UAS] [UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects]" Date range is 1992-1994. Item ID 3533451. Held in Canberra. Formerly, a file of the Department of Defence.

2. File series A9755, control symbol 23, title "[RAAF Headquarters No. 82 Bomber Wing, Amberley, Queensland] Unusual Aerial Sightings. [UAS] [UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects]" Date range 1992-1994. ID 3533584. Held in Canberra. Formerly, a file of the Department of Defence. 

3. File series B610, control symbol 315/1/425 Part 1. Title "Airways Operations - Miscellaneous Rockets, Missiles, Space Craft and UFOs. AO Aspects." Date range 1977-1985. ID 24947317. Held in Canberra. Formerly a file of the Department of Civil Aviation.

4. File series P2864, control symbol Maatsuyker 1973. Title "Navigational Aid Station [Light station] Log book - Maatsuyker Island [UFO sighting]" Date range 1973-1974. ID 33094195. Held in Hobart. Formerly a file of the Australian Maritime Authority. 

5. File series C1342m control symbol 5/2/AIR Part 8. Title "Unusual Aerial Sightings [RAAF Williamtown] Correspondence Box 3." Date range 1983-1984. ID 24102990. Held in Sydney. Formerly a file of the Department of Defence. 

Two other 'Open" files waiting for someone to pay to have them digitized, relate to the possibility that flight 292 of the joint Australian/USA HIBAL radioactivity sampling mission, might be the explanation for the mass sighting at a school in Westall, Melbourne on 6 April 1966, are:

File series B595, control symbols 99/66/105 Parts 1 and 2. Title "US Project 'ash can' 'hibal' for sampling radioactive content of stratosphere." Both files have a date range of 1953-1977 and both are held in Canberra. ID are 23801655 and 23801656. Formerly files of the Department of Civil Aviation.

The current situation

The current attitude of the Australian Department of Defence is that they have no interest in the subject of UAP, hence they are creating no new files on the subject. Therefore, it is doubtful that any more Australian government UAP related files will be located in the NAA. So, it is likely that we have found all such files in the NAA. However, it should be noted that from time to time, the AURA project did come across a few files that were not in the NAA as they should be but were still held by Departments themselves. So, it is possible that diligent research utlising the Freedom of Information Act might just turn up a few more files. The trouble with this is that one would have to submit FOI requests to all current Australian government departments, a daunting task. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Another 1990 observation of a "Calvine" like shaped object


At about 9p.m. on 4 August 1990, near a locality named Calvine, in Scotland, two men are reported to have taken a series of photographs of an unusual hovering object, which after several minutes, took off vertically at speed. Much discussion and debate about the incident has occurred since then.


However, there is a lesser known 1990 sighting of a diamond shaped object, from a British Royal Air Force Airborne Warning and Control System (AWAC) aircraft, flying between Iceland and Scotland. Details of this other 1990 sighting became available during a very recent (2025) YouTube interview with host Harald Havas.

Courtesy Google maps

One of the witnesses to this other 1990 sighting was Lenval Logan. Logan, originally from the United Kingdom; in 1990 was in the United States Air Force and based in Germany. After his 20 plus year's service in the USAF, he spent 15 years as a U.S. government contractor. Included in this were several years as part of the U.S. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF.) Recently, he developed an app, named Phenom, to collect UAP data.

In order to present the other 1990 sighting details in Logan's own words, I have taken the liberty of  making a transcript of part of Logan's YouTube interview with Havas.


"Stationed in Germany...we had the British AWACs show up and... why don't you come fly with us? And I did...I ran into my boss and said do you have a problem with it...go for it...this is in January 1990. So, I had just finished the Intel school.

We used to have a program in Europe called REFORGER which stood for Return of Forces to Germany. It was an annual thing...I happened to be on one of the last flights...we were on a flight coming down just past Iceland heading for Scotland to go to Rhein-Main at Frankfurt the Air Force base that was up there. I had what was called a Philadelphian cheesesteak {sandwich-KB}...the Sun was just coming up, and I/m bored, looking out the window, chewing on my cheese steak, and all of a sudden there's this diamond, arrowhead, looking thing, going in and out, zipping around and then going in the clouds. But when it would go into a cloud, it would change vectors inside the cloud and pop back out again.

And I was, like, 'Hey look at that' And then there was another guy who was eating a sandwich too. He was standing up. The two of us were sitting in a chair. We are all trying to watch this thing.

And you could see it was turning from, like, black and whiteish. I'm not sure if it was because there was water was on it, and there was a shine. But it was going in and out. We were like, 'What is that?' All of a sudden, I had this thought, 'this is probably one of our projects and I'm going to be doing the coolest job ever, so may be shut my mouth and just kind of ignore it.' And finally, it just kind of disappeared, it went into a cloud or something and I got to my unit. I waited for a while, you know, get comfortable, and then I went, we have what you call a weapons and tactics officer. I talked to him and said 'Hey, so what's it out there that's doing all this weird stuff?' He looked at me like I was an idiot. 'I don't know of anything that does that.' 

Now, this is at the end of the Belgian wave, and I didn't know anything about the Belgium wave. So, it didn't connect. Went to Desert Storm, came back from Desert Storm. So, when that British AWACs land and they actually go on board, I figured yes, that would be great, learn something new. Then while I was up there, I was, like, so, you guys see everything in the skies. They're like, 'Yeh.' I was like I have a question to ask you guys. 'What's out there that does the ziggy zaggy thing?' You know, real fast? 'They looked at me like I was an idiot. Finally, the guy says 'Show him.' 

And it was a map of Europe, and you could see all the aircraft flying around... All of a sudden, saw something go passing through real fast and I was like 'Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh who's that?' ....It was like a video, like a recording, like a screenshot...I was like 'that guy.' And they were like "You know." I was like, 'No I don't know.' They were like 'Logan, come on you know.' 'Look, I don't know.' They said that is your SR-71 from back in the day. That was like 'That's not him.'

I was like, the one that does the ziggy zaggy thing. And they said Ok and he looked at his friend again and he goes 'Show him the other one.' And they showed me, again the same area, slightly different but same area and there's this thing. Every sweep of the radar he was somewhere else. And I was so excited I started cursing. I was like that that there. That guy, who is that? And they're like 'You know Logan." And I said 'Let's not go through that again. Who's that?' 'Come on Logan.' And they actually thought I knew; and I was like, I said 'I don't know who that is.' And I told them what I saw. Gave them more descriptive indication.

They said 'Logan we have been trying for ever, whenever we see this guy, to reach out to him on the radio. They never respond. We have vectored aircraft towards them, and they zip away. It was almost like, every sweep of the radar he was in a different position. I was like, 'so you mean you guys don't know who he is?' They're like "no, they said, we just figured it was you Americans playing trick on us.' I was like, I said,' hold on a second. So, you know that this guy exists. Does your squadron know?' 'Yes, it's a joke, it's a joke in the squadron because everybody knows.' I was like 'Nobody doing anything about it? 'I said we got to protect the airspace all the other are we supposed to protect from someone who won't answer, and we can't even get close to them?' ...after that mission was over, I thanked them and I said it was one of those things that stayed in the back of my head, that if I ever get the chance to know anything more about this, I want to look into it...

The host then asked did they see this on multiple times? Logan responded, multiple times on their radar screen. Got to the point that they started to ignore it because they didn't know what else to do. The host then refers to a photograph the Calvine object, and asks if Logan saw it in one position? Logan said that 'I saw it from the front. From the side. I saw it from the back. but it was never really like at an angle or anything like that. So, when James asked me when was this? I said January 1990. He said later on there is something I want to show you. He sent it to me, I said oh crap where did you find this, and I said this is the exact same thing I saw. And he was just as surprised as I was, because he said this is the Calvine UFO video, picture and I was like, tell me more about it. After that, I went and read up and figured out what he was talking about. I was like, James, I saw this. This is the one that I saw."

Other information 

Other pieces of information which came out.  He watched his January 1990 object for something like five minutes. He didn't see anything escorting it. He doesn't know what altitude his AWACs plane was at but guessed at 30.000 feet. The object was below the AWACS aircraft but not at a steep angle. Didn't have a scale of size so couldn't estimate the object's size. Description like 'It looked like every angle, every corner, had the diamond wasn't moving conventionally.'

English university to hold UAP symposium

 Academic articles In a recent article on this blog , I explored the work of a number of academics who have, over the years, published artic...