Saturday, August 10, 2024

Police Executives UAP Reference Guide


 According to their website, the Major Cities Chiefs Association is:

"...a professional organization of police executives representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada. The MCCA provides a unique forum for urban chiefs, sheriffs and other law enforcement executives to share ideas, experiences and strategies.

MCCA provides a collaborative forum for the advancement of public safety through innovation, research, policy development, government engagement, community outreach and leadership development."


In February 2024 the MCCA released its First Futurist Initiative Resource: Volume 1 Artificial Intelligence. This was a seven-page Reference Guide to all aspects of Artificial Intelligence.

In July 2024, they released its second Futurist Initiative Resource: Volume 2 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. This was an eleven-page Reference Guide to UAP. The eleven pages were divided into eleven topics as follows:

MCCA-UAP_Reference-Guide-June-2024-.pdf (

* UAP in the News

* Law Enforcement Considerations

* U.S. Government UAP programs

* Whistleblowers

* UAP and Congress

* UAP and U.S. DoD

* Other U.S. gov. and intel. Reporting

* UAP and NASA

* UAP and FAA

* UAP Reporting Mechanisms

* Key Takeaways.

An excellent guide

All, in all, the Reference Guide is an excellent summary and introduction to the UAP enigma, providing accurate and unbiased information to the reader of such a guide. I reached out to MCCA, "May I ask what led the organization to produce such a fact sheet?" The response was:

"Upon recognizing member agencies are in need of, and are hungry for, quality deliverables that push the profession to look 5, 10, 15 years down the road, the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is decidedly leaning into the future. Futurist initiative was established in 2023 to examine various innovative concepts and to propose ideas for consideration related to technology, human behavior, national security, training, research, capabilities, and communication. The initiative first examined all things AI, most recently featured UAP, and there is much more to come."  Laura Cooper, MCCA Executive Director.

The publication by a professional law enforcement association, of such a reference guide, is yet another sign that the stigma around discussing the topic of UAP, is slowly diminishing. The MCCA is to be congratulated for its Futurist Initiative in general, and its reference guide on UAP in particular. 

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