Saturday, October 15, 2022

The latest workshop of the official French government UAP study group


The official French government UAP study group, GEIPAN (Group for the study of information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena) last held a workshop (CAIPAN, Collection and Analysis of Information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena) dedicated to UAP, in 2014. This new workshop, was held in Toulouse, France, on 13 and 14th October 2022, with an interesting range of speakers and topics, relating to UAP. It is hoped, that as with the first workshop, that copies of the talks will be made available in due course.

Schedule for 13 October

The schedule of presentations was:

0930hrs The head of GEIPAN CNES, Vincent Costes welcomed participants and outlined the objectives of the workshop.

0945hrs Philippe Lay, Advisory Director CNES Technological & Digital Directorate spoke.

1000hrs "Research on UAP at the Julius-Maximillans University of Wurzburg, Germany" was the title of a talk by Hakan Kayal, Professor of Space Technology.

1020hrs Antoine Cousyn, a GEIPAN investigator talked on GEIPAN investigation and analysis.

1040hrs "Three emblematic cases solved with powerful image analysis software" was the title of a talk by Ruben Lianza, Commodore, Director of the Center for Aerospace Identification, Argentina.

1140hrs Jean-Marc Andre, a committee member of 3AF Sigma 2 spoke on "Use of data crossing in UAP investigations - Application on two cases."

1200hrs Ted Roe, Executive Director of NARCAP presented "Preliminary Findings of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, NARCAP and Subsequent Developments."

1220hrs "Observing the sky, observing human beings" by GEIPAN investigator and expert, Gilles Munsch.

1410hrs Yann Vadnais, Director of GARPAN and researcher in History of Ideas & Ancient Literature, from Canada, spoke on "The next steps to consolidate rigorous researches in UFOlogy."

1430hrs Thibaut Alexandre, a GEIPAN investigator talked about an example of GEIPAN investigation and analysis.

1450hrs Jacques Vallee, Documatica Research, USA spoke on "TRINTY- back to a confidential case."

1610hrs From NASA's Science Mission Directorate and their UAP study group, Daniel Evans spoke about the NASA UAP study group.

1640hrs Synthesis of themes of the workshop, and debate.

14 October 2022 

0930hrs Vincent Costes introduced day two of the workshop.

0940hrs Laurent Chabin, GEIPAN investgator - "Augmented Reality for more fidelity in UAP reports and cognitive psychology studies."

1000hrs "Pairing Earth Observations and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Observations: Towards a new Method to Investigate UAP Scientifically" was the title of a talk by Philippe Ailleris. He is on the AIAA UAPCOI steering committee and founding member, from the Netherlands.

1020hrs GEIPAN expert-META CONNEXIONS, France, Michael Vaillant, and Vincent Costes spoke on "GEIPAN Methodology and Classification."

1040hrs Jean-Marc Wattecamps, Chief of the investigators COBEPS network, Belgium, spoke on "GEIPAN classification with text learning and machine learning."

1140hrs "Characteristics of the Hessdalen Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and methods of observations" was given by A L Kjoniksen and Bjorn Gitle Hauge, Ostfold University College, Norway.

1200hrs Edoardo Russo, Centro Italluno Studi Ufologici, presented a paper titled "Mass sightings as a tool for assessing UFO eyewitnesses' reliability."

1220hrs "Reliability of eyewitnesses during atmospheric reentries of meteorites and satellites" presented by Jean-Pierre Rospars, GEIPAN expert.

1410hrs Jacques Py, Celine Launay & Antione Mourato, GEIPAN experts talked on "How to get and identify useful data from UAP witnesses."

1430hrs "Clinical perspective for Unidentifed Aerial Phenomena" by Thomas Rabeyron and Helene Lansley from the University de Lorraine, Interpsy (Psyclip), France.

1450hrs Francois Louange, a consultant to GEIPAN addressed "Where are we with photos and videos?"

1550hrs Pierre Lagrange, GEIPAN expert talked on "Does the history of the debate on the existence of meteorites enlighten that of UFOs?"

1610hrs UFO FOTOCAT Manager, Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos from Spain spoke on "The Soucoupe Volante Problem: A radical pragmatic approach."

1630hrs Synthesis and debate on workshop themes.

1720hrs Conclusion.


1. As we can see from the above schedule, there are representatives from a wide range of countries - France, Germany, Argentina, the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Italy and Spain, among others.

2. Interestingly, there are speakers from official UAP study groups of a nation, i.e. France, the USA, and Argentina.

3. There are academics, aerospace specialists, and established civilian UAP researchers.

4. We all look forward to being able to view videos of each of the presentations.

Update: 28 October 2022

On the 28 October 2022, the debrief media outlet carried an article by one of the CAIPAN attendeees, Baptiste Friscourt.

Update: 13 January 2023

Videos of the presentation are now available.

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