Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Establishment of the US Department of Defence All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

Media release

On 20 July 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense published a media release titled "DoD Announces the Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." The text of the release reads:

"On July 15, 2022, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence [DNI], amended her original direction to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security by renaming and expanding the scope of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group [AOIMSG] to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office [AARO], due to the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2022, which included a provision to establish an office, in coordination with DNI, with responsibilities that were broader than those originally assigned to the AOIMSG.

Today, USD (I&S) Hon Ronald S.  Moultrie informed the department of the establishment of AARO within the office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and named Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick, most recently the Chief Scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency's Missile and Space Intelligence Center, as the Director of AARO.

The mission of the AARO will be to synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense, and with other US federal departments and agencies, to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest in, on or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security. This includes anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged, and transmedium objects.

The AARO Executive Council [AAROEXEC], led by Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security [USD(S&I)] Ronald Moultrie, will provide oversight and direction to the AARO along these primary lines of effort:

1. Surveillance, Collection and Reporting.

2. System Capabilities and Design. 

3. Intelligence Operations and Analysis.

4.  Mitigation and Defeat. 

5.  Governance. 

6.  Science and Technology.

See Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks‘s AARO establishment memo here.

See USD [I&S] Moultrie's AARO establishment memo here.

Read Dr. Kilpatrick‘s bio here.

AARO Establishment Memo

Deputy Secretary of Defense Hick's AARO  establishment memo, dated 15 July 2022, reads;

Memorandum for senior Pentagon leadership

Commanders of the Combatant Commands

Defense Agency and DoD Field Activity Directors.

Subject; Establishment of the all the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

On November 23, 2021, I directed the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security [USD [INS]] to establish the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group [AOIMSG] to synchronize efforts across the Department of Defense [DoD] and with other federal departments and agencies to detect, identify, and attribute objects of interest in special air space. I also established the Aerial Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group Executive Council [AOIMSEXEC) to provide oversight and direction to the AOIMSG.

Prior to the establishment of AOIMSG the National Defense Authorization Act [NDAA] for fiscal year [FY] 2022 was enacted with a proviso that requires the Secretary of Defense to establish an office, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence [DNI], with responsibilities to include those that were to be assigned to the OAIMSG. Therefore, following coordination with the DNI, I hearby approve the following amendment to my original direction in Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Synchronization Management Group,“ November 23, 2021, to meet the DoD requirements in section 1683 of the NDA for FY 2022.

The All-domain Anomaly Resolutions Office [AARO] will be established a carry out the duties that were to be fulfilled by the AOIMSG. The mission of the AARO will be to “synchronize efforts across the department and with other federal departments and agencies to detect, identify, and attribute objects of interest, on, or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use air space and other areas of interest, and, as necessary to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operation or national security. This includes anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged or transmedium objects. 

The AOIMEXEC is renamed the AARO Executive Council (AAROEXEC.) The mission of the AAROEXEC will be to provide oversight and direction to the AARO.

I direct the USD [I&S] to establish the AARO, in coordination with the Director of Administration and Management. Consistent with section 1683 of the NDAA for FY 2022, I also direct the Secretary of the Navy to disestablish  the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force [UAPTF] no later than the date the AARO is established, and to support the orderly transition of the UAPTF, including the transfer of any data, analysis, or other relevant material, to the AARO.

The AARO  will serve as the authoritative office of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and  UAP-related activities for the DoD.The AARO is the DoD focal point for all UAP and UAP-related activities and may represent the department for such activities to the interagency, Congress, media, and public, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs and Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. Any DoD component acting on behalf of the UAPTF, or who has data, analysis, contacts, or other material related to UAP, will immediately synchronize their efforts with AARO.

USD(S&I) memo

The USD (I&S) Ronald S. Moultrie, then issued his own memo, dated 20 July 2022, which reads:

"Memorandum for senior Pentagon Leadership

Commanders of the Combatant Commands

Defense Agency and Field Activity Directors

Subject: Establishing, Resourcing and Leadership of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office.

References: (a) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum "Establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group," November 23, 2021.

(b) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum "Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office" (AARO) July 15, 2022.

Pursuant to references (a) and (b), I establish the All-domain Anomaly Resolution office within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. The AARO will synchronize efforts across the Department and with other U.S. federal agencies to detect, identify, and attribute objects of interest in, or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace and other areas of interest, and, as necessary, to mitigate any associated threats to safety of operations and national security. These includes anomalous, unidentified space, airborne, submerged and transmedium objects.

The AARO will leverage Department of Defense capabilities and synchronize with the Intelligence Community to tackle the unique challenges posed by  the presence of anomalous objects across all domains. I will manage the processes to enable the AARO Executive Council to provide oversight and direction to the AARO along the following primary lines of effort:

1. Surveillance, Collection and Reporting.

2. System Capabilities and Design.

3. Intelligence Operations and Analysis.

4. Mitigation and Defeat.

5. Governance.

6. Science and Technology.

My office will provide necessary administrative support, to the AARO, including facilities management, budgets, contracts, human resources, security, congressional affairs, and information technology. My office will also advocate for resources to support the operations of the AARO and the executive of the AARO mission across the Future Years Defense Plan.

During the transition from the Navy UAP Task Force to the AARO, I expect the DoD components to continue to meet their responsibilities for timely reporting of UAP, as they have done to this point. We will provide implementation guidelines as we move forward with the AARO establishment, and we look forward to working with the DoD to streamline reporting processes and procedures.

It is vital to our national security and the safety of our military personnel that we maintain awareness of anomalous objects in all domains. We must also keep pace with the development and employment of novel technologies by our adversaries. In doing so, we are committed to providing maximum transparency while safeguarding classified information and controlled unclassified information. The establishment of the AARO is a significant step forward in developing the capabilities and processes that are necessary to achieve these goals."


On the 22 July 2022, Ronald S Moultrie tweeted:

"Dr. Kirkpatrick and I had a very productive discussion with Senator Gillibrand and her staff yesterday regarding @DoD_AARO and look forward to continuing our work on this important effort."

In response, on 25 July 2022, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand tweeted:

"Thank you for taking the time to speak to me - I look forward to continuing this important work with you."

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office has its own Twitter account.

Update: 23 October 2022

A job advert appeared for an AARO Senior Intelligence Collection Officer.

AARO synchronizes, in coordination with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, efforts across the Department of Defense and with other US Federal departments and agencies to detect, identify, attribute, and mitigate objects of interest in or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace, and other areas of interest.The Senior Intelligence Collection Officer serves as the principal collection subject matter expert responsible for supporting the Director and Chief of Operations, maximizing and improving collection, across all intelligence disciplines, in support of the DoD detection (search & discover), tracking, characterization, identification, attribution, and mitigation of anomalous objects of interest across US National Security areas.The Senior Intelligence Collection Officer fosters and cultivates strategic alliances and professional networks with interagency partners and other US Government elements to align and integrate the enterprise's array of collection capabilities against the Nation's most urgent and important UAP data and intelligence requirements.The incumbent drives adequate resource availability and priority attention on the Defense Department's UAP data requirements.They partner with the AARO staff and the collection enterprise to develop and implement the Defense Department's integrated UAP collection strategy, collection emphasis messages, integrated collection plans, and other activities to support organizational missions and goals and to drive resolution of complex operational, legal, policy, oversight, and compliance issues.In conjunction with the Director, the Senior Intelligence Collection Officer provides direction and guidance to mission partners with regard to UAP collection. The incumbent liaises with the ODNI, with IC Functional Committees, with the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, and with other departments and agencies engaged in collection and/or reporting activities to coordinate joint actions; to ensure alignment of programs, procedures, guidelines, and systems; and to ensure proper awareness with and among mission partners and stakeholders. AARO synchronizes, in coordination with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, efforts across the Department of Defense and with other US Federal departments and agencies to detect, identify, attribute, and mitigate objects of interest in or near military installations, operating areas, training areas, special use airspace, and other areas of interest.

The Senior Intelligence Collection Officer serves as the principal collection subject matter expert responsible for supporting the Director and Chief of Operations, maximizing and improving collection, across all intelligence disciplines, in support of the DoD detection (search & discover), tracking, characterization, identification, attribution, and mitigation of anomalous objects of interest across US National Security areas.

The Senior Intelligence Collection Officer fosters and cultivates strategic alliances and professional networks with interagency partners and other US Government elements to align and integrate the enterprise's array of collection capabilities against the Nation's most urgent and important UAP data and intelligence requirements.

The incumbent drives adequate resource availability and priority attention on the Defense Department's UAP data requirements. They partner with the AARO staff and the collection enterprise to develop and implement the Defense Department's integrated UAP collection strategy, collection emphasis messages, integrated collection plans, and other activities to support organizational missions and goals and to drive resolution of complex operational, legal, policy, oversight, and compliance issues.

In conjunction with the Director, the Senior Intelligence Collection Officer provides direction and guidance to mission partners with regard to UAP collection. The incumbent liaises with the ODNI, with IC Functional Committees, with the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, and with other departments and agencies engaged in collection and/or reporting activities to coordinate joint actions; to ensure alignment of programs, procedures, guidelines, and systems; and to ensure proper awareness with and among mission partners and stakeholders.

• Expert knowledge of and broad experience with addressing intelligence collection-related issues, and in-depth expertise on domestic, defense, national, and foreign partners' intelligence collection activities, capabilities, programs, and organizations. • Demonstrated senior-level experience as a manager or non-technical/technical collection expert. • Prior collection management experience with multiple intelligence disciplines and working in a cross domain environment. • Superior ability to lead senior-level interagency teams or bodies successfully and to achieve decisive results. • Demonstrated managerial expertise, including the ability to develop near- and long-term strategies, set goals, establish metrics, oversee projects and initiatives, measure progress, and oversee budgets. • Superior interpersonal and organizational skills, including the ability to conceptualize and lead complex projects with little supervision and juggle multiple, competing priorities. • Demonstrated team-building skills, including the ability to work within small dynamic and high-performing teams. • Superior critical thinking and communication skills, including the ability to communicate effectively with individuals at all levels of leadership.
After completing this JDA tour, the member will have an expanded understanding of: - The different roles, responsibilities, programs, and collection processes and capabilities of different members of the DIE and the IC; - DoD operations, chains of command and operational reporting processes; - DoD, DIE and IC intelligence tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination processes; - OSD roles and missions, and relationships with DoD components; - Congressional affairs interactions and procedures; - The different roles, responsibilities and relationships of other USG departments and agencies and their relationship with the DoD; - The different roles, responsibilities and capabilities of DoD Components, to include Military Departments and the Joint Staff; - OSD staffing processes and procedures.
APPLICATION PROCESS: 1. IC employees must apply by the vacancy close date. The IC employee application should include the following ... a. A brief (two-page limit) candidate resume or biographical summary. b. A short narrative describing the applicant's qualifications (general and specific) for the joint duty rotational assignment. 2. IC employees must be nominated by their employing (home) element within 10 calendar days of the vacancy close date in order to be considered by the gaining element. Please contact your employing element's Joint Duty Program Office for nomination procedures as some agencies may require written supervisory endorsement at the time of application. IC Element Joint Duty Program Office contact info can be found at: Any application sent directly by an IC employee to the gaining element will not be considered.Update: 12 January 2023The Director of AARO will speak at the Transportation Research Board Annual meeting in WashingtonHere is the link to the presentation.
Update: 21 February 2023In a 19 February 2023 article, US researcher Robert Hastings, advised that AARO had been in contact with him. As a result, a number of veterans with accounts of encounters with UAP near military nuclear weapons facilities had spoken to AARO. Update2: 21 February 2023US Senators Gillibrand and Marco are reportedly leading a group of 16 Senators pushing for full funding for AARO.Update3: 15 March 2023A paper titled "Physical constraints on unidentified aerial phenomena" by Avi Loeb of Project Galileo and Sean Kirkpatrick of AARO has been made available. Update 4: 19 April 2023On the 19th April 2023, the AARO Director presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee's sub-committee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities. There was both a closed and an open segment to the hearingYou can read his statement here.You can view the video of the entire hearing here. Update 5: 9 May 2023A vacancy notice for a Deputy Director of AARO, recently appeared.Update: 31 May 2023Dr Sean Kirkpatrick presented at today.s NASA's public meeting on their UAP Study Team. Update: 30 June 2023Senate Gillibrand secures full funding for AARO.  Update: 6 July 2023The Aerospace Corporation in the US advertises jobs supporting AARO. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if any and what kind of information/data might get lost in the transitions from AATIP to UAPTF to AOIMSG to AARO?


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