Friday, May 13, 2022

A BAASS database report of a 2002 submerged egg-shaped object in the SOCAL OPEAREA

BAASS database

As readers will be aware, recently I have been publishing material which I found in the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) database on the website. Unfortunately, that database was subsequently removed from that website. Howver, before it disappeared, I made notes on a number of the cases mentioned in the BAASS database. 

November 2004 USS Nimitz incidents

What did that database say about the 14 November 2004, USS Nimitz encounters? Here, are the details presented there.

14 November 2004

On the 14 November 2004,  off the South California coast; a single, oblong shaped object was observed by military pilots, on a clear sky day. They reported that they saw an oval/oblong, "Tic Tac" shaped object.It appeared to be 14-15m in size, the size of an AV-88 Harrier jet aircraft fuselage. It hovered and had controlled movement in all planes. When initially seen, it moved both fast and slow. It's height was 10 feet AGL to 20,000 feet MSL. It was seen from above, level; and from below as it departed. The summary also mentions FLIR video; and multiple objects captured on military radar over several days.

Two other startling reports

However, also present in the database are two other, very interesting incidents.

1. 10 October 2002

In the W-291 OPEAREA, off the coast of California/Mexico, on a clear sky day, a military pilot experienced an unusual occurrence. Looking down at a 78 degree look down angle, and seen from a 7230 feet visual slant range, they saw a submerged (estimated 20-50 feet below sea level); opaque or white, egg-shaped object, stationary, below the sea surface. The estimated size of the object was 40 by 60m. There was no disturbance of the surface water. As regards to the surface features of the object, it was recorded as solid, with distortion  blurrring around its edges. There were no physiological effects to the pilot. 

Comment: When I first read the above details I thought I had mistakenly loooked at the 14 November 2004 Fravor encounter. A second look showed that it was a completely different incident, which very closely matched the event of 14 November 2004.

2. 27 October 2004

While in the R-2508 restricted airspace, near NAS China Lake, California., a military jet's air crew (one named Vieley) observed a high speed, highly manouverable object at high altitude.

The sky was clear, and it was daytime. The object was shaped like an egg, but had a more pointed nose than an egg. They estimated the dark grey/black, solid looking object to be approximately 19m in size. The look up angle was about 83.5 degrees. The estimated altitude of the object was around 45,000 feet MSL, and its estimated speed was in excess of 500 knots. The distance to it, at the closest point of the observation was 5.15 (KB-no units given-nm?) visual slant range. 

It was tracking east, then made an aggressive turn into the vertical (arced turn profile with small radius compared to known fighter aircraft. The pilot thought it might have been an advanced US jet such as a F-22 Raptor, but didn't believe that fitted their observation.

Comment: As with the 10 October 2002 incident, I had never, to the best of my knowledge, come across details of either of these two observations before now. Has any blog reader either heard of them, or can provide further details?

In conclusion, it would be worth the time for other researchers to take a look at what is available on the website. 

Update: 15 May 2022

Following a comment from Robert, I revisited my notes on the three cases above. I incorrectly stated that restricted airspace R-2508  was over the Pacific, whereas the BASS database, states it was near China Lake, California. Likewise, I have deleted that the 14 November 2004 Nimitz incident happened in R-2508, when it actually happened off the California/Mexico coast in the Pacific. I have amended the blog post. I see no reference to South Carolina.

Although the BAASS database has gone from the website; it has been captured at where you can read the details of the three reports for yourself.


  1. Great work! It looks like the site is still offline? -TOM

    1. That's just a typo. works for me.

  2. I'm missing something. The Nimitz event of 11/14/2004 occurred in the Pacific, southwest of San Diego. The above description that occurred on 11/14/2005 is in the Atlantic, east of S. Carolina. Are these two different incidents or did someone get the case information incorrect?

    1. I revisited my notes on the three cases above. I incorrectly stated that restircted airspace R-2508 was over the Pacific wheras the BASS database states it was near China Lake, California. Likewise, I have deleted that the 14 November 2004 Nimitz incident happened in R-2508 when it actually happened off the California/Mexico coast in the Pacific. I have amended the blog post. I see no refernce to South Carolina.

  3. Thank you, Keith. Very interesting about the less known two cases than the Nimitz encounter.

  4. Hi I'm ufologist for years in belgium, my pseudo is anakin_nEo, first of all I want to thank you for your tremendous contributions to ufology for decades ! :-)

    I have compiled "uso- water" cases in the east and west coast of usa from databases for the fun

    I have listed 512 cases for usa from 1985 to 2022 and the list of uss is

    USS America
    USS carl vinson
    USS Comstock
    USS GG-67 Shilo Missile Cruise
    USS Harry S. Truman.
    USS Intrepid
    USS John Finn
    USS Kearsage
    USS Kidd
    USS Nimitz
    USS North Carolina
    USS Omaha
    USS Paul Hamilton
    USS Pinckney
    USS Princeton
    USS Rafael Peralta
    USS Ralph Johnson
    USS Ronald Reagan
    USS Roosevelt
    USS Russell
    USS Spruance

    and graphic of cases

    1. Hi, do you havr a sharable database or catalogue of these cases? My email addfress is

    2. Hi, do you havr a sharable database or catalogue of these cases? My email addfress is

    3. I have send you a mail with datas :-)

  5. for the fun I have extended my searches for all countries around, and I have found 640 uso cases

    an "alien view" for 1985-2012 so far, I will update this later

    there is a nimitz case in between Philippine and Mariana Islands too aug 9 1991

  6. hi .. i am interested in military use reports


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