Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Diana Walsh Pasulka's forthcoming book - one of her new book's participants revealed

"UFO Classified"

On 26 November 2021, U.S. Professor of Religious Studies, Diana Walsh Pasulka appeared as a guest on Erica Luke's podcast "UFO Classified." During that interview, Pasulka was asked about her new project, a book which she was working on. The following is an extracted transcript of that part of the show.

“I have different people now, who’ve had experiences and their experiences are, have caused them to understand the world in the light of something like urgent. Like something needs to be done now. Some of these people, none of them will have pseudonyms. So, they are all people you can search engine them and find out who they are.

They are doing things that they believe are basically in contact. They believe they are in contact. Contact doesn’t look like what we think it is. It doesn’t look like the greys as the, you know, that type of thinking of what these beings are like, or what not. It’s more like something that we can’t even conceive of, but they’ve developed technology to, the best way I can describe it, and I have to go back to pop culture as an example, because everybody has probably seen the movie “Arrival.” If they’ve watching you Erica, they’ve probably seen the movie “Arrival,” okay? In that movie this woman has to devise technology kind of like. She has to crack the code in order to have this. Well, I’ve found the real life, the person in real life, and she’s. She’s with the space program, not here, but in another country and she’s a space psychologist. She’s the Director of Space Medicine. She’s basically created this technology to, and tested it first. She’s tested on, believe it or not, she tested it on insects, and she was able to get a language that was coherent. So, you know, that kind of person I’m featuring in the book. I’m basically just talking about the technology that would be the bridge to contact. Again, it’s like a never-ending journey of just expanding my mind, you know.

This person does this. Her day job is this. She helps identify; you know when astronauts are in space they get anxious, but a lot of the time they actually don’t know they’re anxious, and the further away from Earth they get, the more anxious they get. Sometimes this is debilitating, because, and of course it always comes down to money. The governments that put these crafts up there, they spend a lot of money, billions of dollars on these craft, right? So they don’t want a human messing up their craft. So these people like her, who have, can identify by using technology the anxiety in people’s voices even if you sound super calm, right? And she can identify that anxiety and they can treat the anxiety before it gets out of control. There’s a syndrome that happens to astronauts when they’re up in space, when the further away they get, the more of the type, ne type of anxiety. So you know, we are in a different environment these days. You know our technology has placed us in an environment that people 50 years ago would never have believed they’d be in.”

Who is the "space psychologist?"

From the details which Pasulka gave out, it was possible for two of my colleague to independently deduce who she was speaking of, when she discussed "a space psychologist."  Pasulka stated that she was not going to use pseudonyms in her new book, unlike when she wrote the book "American Cosmic." 

I attempted to contact this individual via her email (an automated response advised she was on annual leave); via her public Face Book page; and her Twitter account (Pasulka follows her); sent her a copy of the interview extract above, and asked her:

1. Whether or not you are the "space psychologist" of whom Pasulka speaks? (Pasulka stated that she would not use pseudonyms in the new book.)

2. If so, what specific interest do you have re the UFO phenomenon?

3. If so, what conclusions have you arrived at concerning the UFO phenomenon?

4. If so, have you had any "contact" experiences of your own? And if so, would you care to share them with my readers?

5. If so, is there anything else you would care to share?

As at the date of this post I have received no response.

For the record, as I have been unable to confirm she is the individual concerned, all I will say at this point is that Dr. W. lives in a non-US country; is a space psychologist and Director of Space medicine; and online details indicate she was involved with technology to monitor anxiety in astronauts. So, she fits Pasulka's statement.

It looks like we will have to wait for the arrival of Pasulka's new book to see if the above deduction is correct or not.

Update: 26 January 2022.

Twitter user Mark@hackthesim advises me that on 29 November 2021, Pasulka herself in a tweet stated that the "space psychologist" was Dr. Iya Whiteley. Thank you Mark, it is increasingly difficult to keep up with the information flow these days. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

New Luis Elizondo interview - Coast to Coast - 16 January 2022

Luis Elizondo was interviewed by George Knapp, on 16 January 2022, on Coast to Coast AM. They were discussing recent events, and taking a look at "what next?" I was particularly interested in any new pieces of information. The following are my notes of what was new to me, which I took while listening to the show. 

Inspector General's Office. Their job is to make the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) "run better." Luis said that originally DoD spokesperson Dana White had stated that Lue was running AATIP and it was about UFOs. Later, other spokespersons changed the narrative. People in Under Secretary of Defesne for Intelligence (USDI) were upset with Lue. Lue submitted documents to the Inspector General's office which substantiated his role and findings. The IG office was responsive to his material. They are now looking into Lue's claims about the USDI. The investigation could take months or years. Lue said that during some of that time, he was briefing Chris Mellon on the topic. Mellon took the material to higher levels of the DoD.

Names. Knapp said that he had previously asked Lue the name of his immediate supervisor. Is he still there? Lue replied, that yes that person is still there. He also said there were a couple of other individuals who were not helpful. George stated that he had done a bit of research and suggested to Lue that his immediate supervisor was named Garry Reid. The response from Lue, was he did recognise the name, but that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything. Then, "probably not saying anything." 

A little later, Lue asked George if he recognised the term "r-Space"? It was not classified, although classified work does get done there. It is a collaborative space for analysts in the intelligence community. One of the biggest enclaves there on "r-space" devotes time to UAP. The "cats out of the bag." Momentum is building.

2019 events. Knapp asked were there any attempts to take down and object? Lue responded that he couldn't talk to that. Then went on to talk about the minimum distance one could get to a U.S. warship before it took defensive action. Knapp said he had heard that the U.S. Navy was trying to "snag" an object. Lue stated that we only know about 5% of what went on, and that he hoped to tell more in his forthcoming book.

New Congress mandated UAP study group versus the DoD announced study group. Lue - "maybe only one of them will exist." The USDI which is now the USDI and Security, will create the office within the DoD. "It's my old office." However, its an oversight office, not an operational office. Avril Haines DNI also has a mandate from Congress. She is not under the yoke of the DoD - I suspect Haines will not hitch her wagon to the DoD train. Don't know what USDI will do. The Deputy Secretary of Defense is a smart lady. Don't know if she has a complete picture of USDI's involvement in UAP.

2022. Lue - what I personally proposed and what we are creating are civilian advisory boards - academic, scientific and technological, best and the brightest to advise our senior policy people on this topic. Talking to an individual who may head our academic board. Sociology is important.

Also in 2022, looking at more government involvement. Plus international cooperation - more countries wanting to share their UAP data with the U.S. The question is not are UAP real, but what to do if first contact? There will also be increased media interest in the topic.

Lue also then mentioned the name Jim Lacatski for the first time on air.

Update 20 January 2022. 

I now believe Lue was saying “R-Space” not “Our space.” Found a reference to it at

which refers to

R-Space: (JWICS)

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...