Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Defense Intelligence Agency releases two more AASWAP Defense Intelligence Reference Documents


In a blog post dated 14 January 2020, I reported that the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) had published its Freedom of Information Act request log for the year 2018, which extended between 1 October 2017 and 30 September 2018. I noted that the following year's log had not been posted, and as at today, this is still true. 

The 2018 log is full of requests for information about both the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification program (AATIP) and the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (AAWSAP.) One of these FOIA requests was made by U. S. researcher, Anthony Bragalia. Today, in a posting, Bragalia advised that he had received a response from the DIA. Below is an image of part of the DIA request log showing Bragalia's request.

The DIA response

In a letter to Bragalia, dated 8 January 2021, the DIA advised him that it was responding to a request dated 27 December 2017. The letter then went on to say that the request was "Requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace."

Here is a link to an image provided by Bragalia with full details of his request. 

The letter then went on to state that "A search of DIA's system of records located five documents (154 pages) responsive to your request." Some portions of the documents were withheld. 

What was provided?

The letter contained five attachments, namely five of the 38 Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) whose titles and authors have been known for a lengthy period of time. These five documents were:

1. DIA-08-0911-012 titled "Metallic Glasses: Status and Prospect for Aerospace Applications."

2. DIA-08-0912-006 titled "Biomaterials."

3. DIA-08-0912-008 titled "Materials for Advanced Aerospace Platforms."

4. DIA-08_1003-011 titled "Metallic Spintronics."

5. DIA-08-1004-006 titled "Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications."

A search of my files revealed that copies of DIRDs 1, 3 and 5 had been previously released. However, numbers 2 and 4 had not. Checking the list of DIRDs in my files revealed that "Biomaterials" was authored by Dr. Bruce Towe of the University of Arizona, and "Metallic Spintronics" by Dr. M. Tsoi of the University of Texas-Austin.

A second 11 page PDF provided to Bragalia, turned out to be pages 24-34 of the DIRD "Metamaterials for Aerospace Platforms." 

Bragalia is to be congratulated for being one of the first UAP researchers to receive such a response from the DIA. I, like many others, now await responses to our own requests concerning AATIP and AAWSAP material.


  1. Sorry but I beg to differ. Keith, we are talking Bragalia here! Bragalia pushed the Jaime Maussan Roswell mummy hoax as if it was the Copernican revolution. When it was exposed for the hoax it so obviously was, the most transparent hoax in the history of ufology and that's saying a lot, Bragalia had a hissy fit and launched the most lame personal attacks the way of his critics. Plenty more where that came from.

    Bragalia is hands down the biggest idiot in ufology, and that is really something. Nothing he says can be taken at face value. He puts the Bragalia ET is under our beds spin on everything. On a soup can label. His credibility is non-existent.

  2. Is Tony Braglia = Anthony Bragaglia?

    1. Yes. Anthony Bragaglia is the name written on FOIA requests and Tony Braglia is the name that he uses for media (shorter and easier to remember).


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