Sunday, July 18, 2010

"The true believers"

Hi readers

Adelaide's Mediterranean style climate is spot on this winter. A Mediterranean climate is one which has hot summers and rain mainly in the winter. Today it has been raining steadily since the early hours of the morning. Now to the subject of this post.

Belief in the paranormal has been examined from a number of directions. In a recent issue of "Australasian Science" (Volume 31 number 6), Krissy Wilson, who is a Psychologist lecturer at the University of Tasmania, looks at yet another direction.

The article, which is titled "The true believers" poses the question "Are we pre-programmed to believe in weird and wonderful things that lack any significant scientific basis, and are some of us more likely to believe than others." (p.18.)

"...we have recently examined the relationship between emotional intelligence, self-esteem and belief in the paranormal. One hundred and fifty one students from the University of Tasmania between 18 and 49 years of age took part in the study. Each participant completed a battery of self-report questionnaires to assess paranormal belief, self-esteem and the ability to understand, regulate and reason with emotion. We found that paranormal belief correlated moderately with emotional intelligence, which in turn correlated with self-esteem...preliminary findings suggest that belief may act as a coping mechanism enabling modern humanity to deal with the rigours of life..." (p.19.)

I wonder if there is any relevance to abductions here?

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