Sunday, September 15, 2024

What's new in Elizondo's book


Courtesy Amazon Books

"Imminent" (2024. William Morrow. New York) is the name of Luis Elizondo's book about his time looking at UAP.  I would recommend the book to any member of the general public who wishes to find out what has been going on in the field of UAP research in recent years, as well as for those who have long studied the topic. I have delayed posting this piece, so that by the time you read it, you will most likely have had time to read the book for yourself.

The following extracts are pieces of information that were new to me. They are in no particular order, and I have grouped some items which appear at different parts of the book, together under one heading, e.g. "cases." 

Great Skills

'Great skills was a long-running program that Army intelligence used to recruit young soldiers whom they had identified as having special talents and that they could train and use as soldier spies.' Comment: Essentially Elizondo was trained to "remote view." 

Interloper- circa 2015

Comment: There had long been rumors that at some point the AATIP attempted to "bait" a UAP. In the book Elizondo confirms that there was such a plan. 

"The plan for interloper was to use one of our nuclear-powered strike groups as bait. We would pick a designated spot in the Atlantic and drop in a large nuclear footprint, one irresistible to "our friends from out of town" as they were later called...the trap would be set. Nukes and water, irresistible...Our partner agencies would allocate hidden collection assets in the vicinity..."

"The NSA and CIA offered to provide assets as well."

Comment: The plan was never put into place. 


"I once handled one of these implants myself, provided to me by a hospital in the Department of Veteran Affairs, where it had been removed from a US military servicemember who encountered a UAP. The material, no longer or wider than a joint of one of your fingers, looked more like a microchip encapsulated by a slimy translucent casing of tissue. It looked very similar to mother-of-pearl. Under a microscope it was still moving somehow... AAWSAP/AATIP had also obtained photographs of these sorts of tiny objects from living foreign military pilots."

Biological samples

"Eventually, after relentlessly pushing, I learned that nonhuman biological samples, had moved many times and some were now either at Fort Derick, Marland or with the US Food and Drug Administration...I had no way of getting these or other samples which only increased the frustration we all felt."

Crash retrievals

"We were told specifically that a defense contractor, associated with the Legacy Program, was in possession of UAP materials of nonhuman origin, made by some civilization from some distant planet. When Jay went to enquire, the contractor acknowledged that, yes, they were in possession of the material. They said they could give us access to it but first we needed to get permission from the Secretary of the US Air Force."

Senior officials told me continuously and confidentially that big aerospace companies had been part of the Legacy Program to retrieve and reverse engineer crash materials. The big names included Lockheed Martin, TRW, McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Graumann, Boeing, Raytheon, BAE Systems, and the Aerospace Corporation. ...It was also told that Monsanto a biotechnology corporation, absorbed by Bayer in 2018, may have historically been involved, most likely with biological specimens."

"Devon Woods"

"In 2010, a man I'll call Devon Woods...became a senior director at DIA." Devons told Elizondo that "It's demonic...They are deceivers. Demons." 

Comment: Two possibilities for the identify of "Devon Woods.": a. David Shedd Aug 2010-Aug 2014, or b. Douglas Wise Aug 2014 to 2016. Most likely Shedd.

Time effects

"Some pilots who were debriefed insisted that a particular encounter lasted only five minutes, but the clock indicated that thirty minutes had in fact elapsed." Aircraft consumed 5 minutes of fuel.


a. 2013 -Los Alamos, New Mexico. Several orbs seen - moved towards the test site, hovered over a specific "device" and then zipped away. Later, others saw a formation of disc like objects in the same area.

b. Predator drone surveilling a nuclear facility in a potentially hostile country when its cameras picked up three luminous objects. Just three dots. The dots began to fly in a regimented formation. A perfect triangle. As the dots approached the Predator they became more distinguishable. They were not only flying they were solid in structure. For 23 minutes these craft tormented the Predator.. They traversed sixty miles in the blink of an eye, travelling to the horizon, only to dart back and shadow the Predator within a few hundred feet. If that were not amazing enough, the three craft would reorient themselves switching from a wedge formation to a linear formation. 

c. A senior CIA official and his wife - UAP backyard. Awoke lying on the ground. CIA officer had a small hole at the back of his neck. A small metallic object was recovered from the wife's nose when she sneezed. CIA examined the couple. Fascinating but Elizondo and Stratton agreed to focus on the nuts and bolrs.

d. Video from a naval aviator. Routine mission. cockpit camera. "The pilot is trying to get a visual on what the radar is seeing.... just then a wedge-shaped object craft zooms by the cockpit as close as fifty feet."


"Credible sources, including those involved with AATIP, told me the facts from several historic UAP crashes from which non-human bodies were recovered by the US, in addition to the Roswell crash."

William Livingston

Comment: One consultant to Elizondo, was one William "Will" Livingston. For years presided over the CIA "weird" desk. Medical doctor and surgeon. Based out of Detroit. Seems to refer to Christopher 'Kit' Green, without naming him. 

2004 Tic Tac event

Comment: Elizondo says Fravor's WSO was Jim Slaight. However, this is incorrect. Slaight was Dietrich's WSO. 

Medical effects

a. "People would be surprised to learn that the US government has awarded multiple servicemen 100 per disability in writing, due to medical issues relating from their close encounter with UAP."

b. "Two colleagues in particular were under medical care for both cutaneous and visceral injuries that were sustained from interacting with UAP while working with AAWSAP/AATIP."

c. "While I am not at liberty to go into details here, I learned of military servicemen and intelligence officers who succumbed to their injury and lost their lives due to the biological effects of UAP encounters."

Who is talking about UAP these days?

Diversity Once upon a time, the only people talking about the subject of UAP were those individuals engaged in "UFO research." In ...