Hi all,
In 2007 I published a detailed look at the history of UAP research in South Australia (click here).
In that article, I stated that the "...very first South Australian UFO organisation was started by Frederick Phillip Stone in 1953," It was known as the "Australian Flying Saucer Club.
I also reported that in 1955, the "Australian Flying Saucer Research Society" had Fred Stone as President; P D Thomas as Honorary Assistant Secretary, and the Honorary Treasurer was one L E Hauber.
State Library:
A recent research trip to the South Australian State Library located an article which provides us with additional information on the early days of UAP research in my home state of South Australia.
The article was titled "The Early Days of UFO Research in Australia," and was written by the same P D Thomas whom I mentioned above, namely Peter D Thomas. The article appeared in number 43, May 1989, of the "Australian International UFO - Flying Saucer Research" magazine, pages 6-7.
The article:
"Australia was one of the first countries in the world to investigate UFO reports on the initiative of private citizens.
As early as 1951, Eric Hauber and I formed the "South Australian Flying Saucer Research Society," in Adelaide, the first investigation group in Australia, and with other research-minded colleagues, we held informal meetings to discuss the latest press reports of sightings.
They came mainly from overseas; however there were a few local reports of UFO activity which we pursued where possible, interviewing witnesses and discussing the possible causes. Even at that early stage, patterns were emerging.
We imported Frank Scully's "Behind the Flying Saucers" (1) and Gerald Heard's "The Riddle of the Flying Saucers" published in 1950. They were the first two books ever written on the subject of flying saucers (the term UFO did not come into general use until later,) and we studied and discussed them, in great detail, with relevant material from other sources for comparison.
Scully's book was science fiction come to life, reporting what has since come to be known as "the Roswell Incident," from New Mexico. At that time such reports were literally incredible, but we approached them with an open mind.
Donald Keyhoe's book "The Flying Saucers are Real" (1950) gave us a new aspect of the UFO phenomenon. Keyhoe gave evidence not only that the phenomenon was objective, but that the US Air Force was deeply concerned.
Other books appeared, and the one which triggered an explosion of interest in UFOs was "Flying Saucers Have Landed." Adamski's story was widely publicised in the press and serialized in the "Australasian Post," a magazine which led the way in reporting UFO stories in depth.
In 1954 (2) Edgar Jarrold in Sydney formed the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau and published a small, professional, but short-lived magazine (only one issue appeared) before the Bureau closed down at the end of the year.
The AFSB had one representative in South Australia, the late Fred Stone, who however made no headway in research or organisation during 1954 and had minimal support from Sydney.
In December 1954 he contacted me as a result of a letter which I had written to the "Advertiser" (3) about a series of sightings, advocating a serious explaation. Eric Hauber and I had a meeting with Fred Stone and at that meeting he agreed to my proposal to pool our resources as the South Australian Flying Saucer Research Society and hold public meetings.
The "South" was soon dropped from the name as publicity brought support from all over Australia, and the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society became the first national UFO body. It is still functioning 34 years later as Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research, under the directorship of Colin Norris, which has maintained unbroken the original policy, laid down at the first meeting by Fred Stone, Eric Hauber and myself, of holding regular public meetings to give citizens access to UFO information which was denied them by the official policy of silence.
We published the first issue of the magazine, then named the "Australian Saucer Record," in March 1955, in a limited edition of 100 copies (now collectors' items.) This magazine has also continued publication unbroken, but with a change of name, to the present day.
The first public meeting, held on 4th February 1955, widely publicised by a co-operative press, nationally as well as in South Australia, was a great success with a packed hall, and set the pattern of activities for years to come. It was the first public meeting ever held in Australia on the subject of UFOs.
As well as publicity for the society, the meeting yielded a harvest of enthusiastic member, some of which were active in the society for many years, and also a number of previously unpublished UFO reports which we followed up.
In between monthly public meetings we gave talks to clubs and other groups, and held "saucer sighting days" which were given good publicity by press and radio.
Branches of the AFSRS were set up in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth by the members in those areas, and as those groups expanded their activities and membership they were able to become autonomous and independent, but affiliated, societies.
In 1957 I was asked by the management of radio 5KA to write and take part in a series of documentary programmes titled "Investigation Saucer" based on an interview which I had given on 5KA previously. These ran to eight weekly episodes and included interviews with witnesses, from around the world, and background material. Each episode had a different theme, for instance one introduced the Cartwright magnetic saucer detector, the first practical device intended to register changes in the magnetic field due to a UFO, invented by an AFSRS committee member, Keith Cartwright. (4)
The subsequent history of the organisation is well documented in the quarterly magazine, and is a story of success through the untiring efforts of unpaid but enthusiastic workers.
The support of the media in those early days, when press and radio were locally based, cannot be over looked. These cuttings from the Adelaide "News" are typical of the publicity we received. It is probable that in the 1950's the citizens of Adelaide were better informed about UFOs than those of any other city in the world."
"News" article:
"Sources wrong on saucers."
Bogus flying saucer investigators are operating in Adelaide. A warning against giving information on saucer sightings to unauthorised people was issued today by the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society, Mr P D Thomas."
(The Adelaide "News" newspaper dated 30 June 1955.)
1. The Adelaide "Advertiser" newspaper dated Saturday 31 March 1951, page 6, carried a review of both Keyhoe's "The Flying Saucers Are Real" and Scully's "Behind the Flying Saucers."
2. The 1954 date is incorrect. The "Sunday Mail" Brisbane newspaper dated Sunday 21 September 1952 page 3, mentions that 34 year old RAAF storeman Mr Edgar Jarrold started up the AFSB "...a month ago." In addition, Bill Chalker in a blog post (click here) dates the AFSB as 1952-1955.
3. The Adelaide "Advertiser" dated Monday 27 December 1954 contains a "Letter to the Editor" "Flight of saucers study by SA Association" which mentions P D Thomas.
4. A search through the digitised newspaper collection of the Australian National Library, using the keywords "Keith Cartwright" and "Eric Hauber" failed to locate any newspaper articles which mentioned these two men.
5. I have never before come across a reference to the "South Australian Flying Saucer Research Society." Certainly its formation date of 1951 is a surprise. If this information is indeed correct ( it was not published until 1989) then the SAFSRS may well have been the oldest known civilian UFO investigation group in Australia.
An examination of aspects of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) from a scientific perspective.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
North West Cape 25 October 1973 - an initial "Cold case" assessment
Hi all,
On Thursday 25 October 1973 (3) at 1920hrs (4), a US Navy Fire Captain sighted an unusual object in the sky. His handwritten statement reads:
“Dear Sir, I hereby wish to report a most unusual sighting, whilst on duty on Thursday 25 October 1973 at approximately 1920hrs.
On alighting from pick-up 488, I stood for several minutes & watched this black sphere hovering. The sky was clear, & pale green-blue. No clouds were about whatsoever.
(4) 1920hrs local time. Western Australia is 8 hours ahead of Universal Time (UT) (formerly Greenwich Mean Time). Thus the UT of the event was Bill Lynn (1120hrs) and Lt Commander Moyer (1115hrs plus or minus 5 minutes.) To the question of whether or not Western Australia was using daylight saving time, i.e. some other than 8 hours ahead of UT in October 1973, the answer appears to have been no. See http://alldownunder.com/oz-k/date/australian-daylight-savings.htm and http://www.bcl.com.au/australia/times-daylight-saving.htm
It is hard not to instantly conclude that both witnesses saw
the one object at the same time. However, based on their believed positions, I
cannot reconcile the differences in both angular elevations and azimuth
bearings, as due simply to the two witnesses seeing the one object at the one
time from two different positions.
I am able to add a relevant personal observation in support of this hypothesis. Some years ago I observed a black, stationary, spherical “object” in the late afternoon sky, with an angular diameter I estimated as one half of a degree. After a period of time it moved, and approached me. Only at this point was I able to distinguish that the object was a formation of black coloured birds. Then the formation wheeled in the sky, and turned; and at this point the flock became invisible to me, seemingly just vanishing in the sky.
In about 1975, the UFO group UFOIC of Sydney, received ten
pages of documentation relating to this sighting directly from the RAAF (1). There were two handwritten witness statements;
one sketch of the object; and two three page proformas. (2) The sightings are attributed to a Bill Lynn,
and Lt Commander Moyer. No civilian researcher has ever located copies of these
documents on an official Australian government UAS file. Recently, Bill Chalker supplied a copy of this documentation to Melbourne researcher Paul Dean, who shared it with me. Paul and I decided to conduct a "cold case" assessment of the event. This blog post is solely my own initial assessment of the case, and does not reflect either Paul or Bill's views.
Bill Lynn
Statement:On Thursday 25 October 1973 (3) at 1920hrs (4), a US Navy Fire Captain sighted an unusual object in the sky. His handwritten statement reads:
“Dear Sir, I hereby wish to report a most unusual sighting, whilst on duty on Thursday 25 October 1973 at approximately 1920hrs.
At 1920hrs, I was called by the P.O.W. to close the Officers
Club. I proceeded towards the club in the Fire Dept pick-up 488, when my
attention was drawn to a large black object, which at first I took to be a
small cloud formation, due west of Area “B.” (5)
Whilst traveling towards the Officers Club I couldn’t help
but be attracted by this object’s appearance.On alighting from pick-up 488, I stood for several minutes & watched this black sphere hovering. The sky was clear, & pale green-blue. No clouds were about whatsoever.
The object was completely stationary except for a halo
around the centre which appeared to be either revolving or pulsating.
After watching it for approx. 4 mins, it suddenly took off
at tremendous speed and disappeared in a northerly direction in a few seconds.
I consider the object to have been approx. 30 ft in
diameter, hovering at 1000ft (6) over the hills due west of the base. It was
black, maybe due to looking in the direction of the setting Sun (7). No lights
appeared on it at any time.”
A US Navy Fire Captain at 1920hrs Thursday 25 October 1973,
date and time certain, sighted an object in the sky, originally from a vehicle
and then whilst standing outside an Officers Club. The witness had been
resident at the location for 6.5years.
In a clear and cloudless sky, using his naked eyes, he saw
an object initially due west of Area “B” of US NAVCOMMSTA H E Holt. (8) It was at approx. 12 degrees elevation (guess)
(9) at a bearing of 270 degrees from the Officers Club. The bearing was
established later by use of a compass.
His attention was first drawn to the object which was an
“Unusual black formation in a clear sky.” There was one object, black in
colour. To the question of angular size he wrote “Relative to the full moon.”(10)
And also “2 inches plus halo at arm’s
The object was initially stationary at 12 degrees elevation
and 270 degrees azimuth (i.e. west.)
To the question of ‘any method of propulsion” he write “Halo
pulsating or revolving.” No sound. Height “Approx 1000ft high.”
To the question about maximum and minimum angular velocity,
the response was “similar to insect crossing vision at 5 to 10 ft in scrub.”
It remained stationary for approx. 4 mins. It was
“Stationary except for disappearance.” There was no trail, exhaust, vapour or
light noted.
It was last observed “NW Are “B””, angle of elevation was
“Diminishing 12 degrees” at 320 az. It
disappeared due to “Extreme speed.” (12)
The witness, to a question about skills responded
“Ant-Aircraft (TOCI) Aircraft recognition (AIF).
To the question about any other witnesses to this sighting
he wrote “None.” To the question of witnesses to similar sightings he wrote “Lt
Commander Moyer (USN) has since indicated as above.” To question 29 of if any
conventional explanations would explain the sighting he wrote “Unknown.” To the
question of why exclude this conventional explanation he wrote “The unreality
of such an observation.”
“Distance approx. 2 miles (guess.)
Lt Commander Moyer:
In a hand written document dated (unreadable) Oct 1973 he
“Whom it may concern.
I wish to report the sighting of a large, black airborne
object at approximately quarter past seven (pm) Thursday 25 Oct 1973.
I was traveling south on Murat Road (13) , when I observed
this object at a distance of approximately 5 miles to the west at an altitude
estimated as 2000ft. After about 20-25 seconds the craft accelerated at
unbelievable speed and disappeared to the north. The sky was absolutely clear at
the time.”
At approximately 1915hrs 25 Oct 1973, date positive, time
within 5 minutes, for approximately 20-25 seconds (within 5 seconds) Lt
Commander Moyer reported seeing an unusual object in the sky.
He was “traveling from USNAVCOMMSTA south on Murat Road
toward Exmouth. He said he had travelled the same road twice daily for 21
months. The sky was ‘absolutely clear,
no clouds.” He used his naked eyes.
The object was initially seen “Directly to my right (west)”
(14) at approximately 20 degrees elevation (accurate to within 5 degrees.)
His attention was drawn to “A large black object in the
clear sky.” There was one object, very black in colour.
Its angular size was estimated as “Approx same as Moon when
high in the sky.” Also 1-2 inches at arm’s length. (15)
At nearest approach it was at 20 degrees elevation in the
west. There was no associated sound. He estimated it to be 2000ft altitude. “Hovering
at first, then accelerating beyond belief.” Stationary for 20-25 seconds. No
trail, exhaust, vapour or light. It was last seen “Disappeared to the north”
45-50 degrees elevation, azimuth 165-170 relative to his direction of travel
(south) , i.e 345-350 degrees.) “Accelerated at unbelievable speed and just
To the question on training/skills he responded “Associated
with naval aviation for 11 years as aerial gunner and radar operator.” There
were no other witnesses to the sighting, however to the question about
witnesses to similar sightings he wrote “Only one-Fire Captain Bill Lynn (after
the fact.)
To the question of what conventional explanation could it be
he wrote “Not a thing.” Then “Have never experienced anything like it.”
By a sketch of the object which appears as an oval shape, he
wrote “Details, if any were blurred as I did not have my glasses on (vision
20/40-20/100) but I saw something beyond all doubt in my mind.”
(1) Source was Bill Chalker. For a detailed account of this event, see for example http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case629.htm
(2) Bill Chalker provided these 10 documents to Melbourne
researcher Paul Dean in December 2013.
(3) 25 October 1973 was indeed a Thursday.(4) 1920hrs local time. Western Australia is 8 hours ahead of Universal Time (UT) (formerly Greenwich Mean Time). Thus the UT of the event was Bill Lynn (1120hrs) and Lt Commander Moyer (1115hrs plus or minus 5 minutes.) To the question of whether or not Western Australia was using daylight saving time, i.e. some other than 8 hours ahead of UT in October 1973, the answer appears to have been no. See http://alldownunder.com/oz-k/date/australian-daylight-savings.htm and http://www.bcl.com.au/australia/times-daylight-saving.htm
(5) What was the location of Bill Lynn at the time of his
observation? It appears to have been the North West Cape’s base area “B.” If
this is correct then he was at 21 deg 54mins South latitude, 114 deg 8mins E
longitude. This places him just north of Exmouth, Western Australia which is at
21 deg 56mins S latitude and 114 deg 8mins E longitude. The latitude and longitude of Area “B” is
drawn from http://nautilus.org/publications/books/australian-forces-abroad/defence-facilities/naval-communication-station-harold-e-holt-north-west-cape/#axzz2mweTfjrq
(6) These values are simply guesses.
(7) Looking at the Fourmilab sky chart http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Yoursky
for UT 1120hrs 25 October 1973, this shows that the Sun was
11.5 degrees below the horizon at this time.
(8) What was the name of the base on 25 October 1973? According
to http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/exmouth.htm it was “US Navcommsta Harold E Holt.”
(9) A sketch on the proforma shows how he estimated it was
at 11.25 degrees elevation.
(10) An estimate of angular size is usually much better than
an estimate of height/distance. Here there are two estimates. The first
“Relative to the full moon” suggest an estimate of half a degree. The second
““2 inches plus halo at arm’s length” suggests an estimate of 2 degrees. Thus
we have suggestions of half a degree to two degrees. For comparison purposes
the full moon subtends an angular size of half a degree. Thus Bill Lynn’s
estimate of the object’s angular size is from one to four times the diameter of
the full moon in the sky.
(11) The object was initially stationary, therefore this
angular velocity estimate must relate to the apparent angular velocity as it
moved away.
(12) I am unsure what” Diminishing 12 degrees” actually
means. Does it mean that the object remained at 12 degrees all the time and
merely diminished in size? Does disappearing at “Extreme speed” mean it merely
shrank in size?
(13) Murat Road seen on a Google map today, runs between Area
“A” of the base at 21 deg 49mins s latitude, 114 deg 10mins E longitude and
Exmouth at 21degs 56mins s latitude and 114deg 8mins E longitude (see http://www.street-directory.com.au/wa/north-west-cape/murat-road)
According to maps, it runs roughly, but not exactly due south for most of its
length, but from about Area “B” it runs due south.
(14) Unlike the compass direction of 270 degrees ascribed by
Lynn, Moyer’s direction is roughly west.
(15) Moyer’s estimate of angular size varies from 0.5 degree
to between 1-2 degrees, i.e. from the same angular size as the full moon to
between twice to four times the angular size of the full moon.
Comparison of
Bill Lynn
Lt Cmd. Moyer
25 October 1973
25 October 1973
Approx. 1920hrs local (accurate)
Approx 1915hrs local plus or minus 5 minutes, i.e. 1910-1920hrs
NW Cape, area “B”
NW Cape, on Murat Road north of Exmouth
Sky conditions
Clear, pale green-blue
Bill Lynn
Lt Cmd. Moyer
Object shape
Sphere, with halo
Object size
Between one to four times the angular size of the full Moon
Between one to four times the angular size of the full
Object colour
Very black
Initial position
12 degrees elevation.
270 degrees azimuth.
20 degrees elevation plus/minus 5 degrees.
West of witness
Last observed position
Diminishing 12 degrees el.
320 deg. Azimuth
45-50 deg. Elevation.
345-350 deg. Azimuth.
Any associated sound
Any trail, vapour, exhaust or light
If Moyer was closer to the object then it could well have
had a greater angular elevation in the sky, initially 20 degrees (plus or minus
5) for Moyer as opposed to 12 degrees for Lynn. However the greater discrepancy
for the final elevation of 45-50 degrees for Moyer as opposed to 12 degrees diminishing
for Lynn, is hard to explain.
Likewise the final azimuth figures are 320 for Lynn and
345-350 for Moyer (assuming he was indeed heading due south as he said.) He
actually says he first saw it 90 degrees to the right of his direction of
travel and last saw it at 160-170 degrees to his right relative to his
direction of travel. If he was on the portion of Murat Road which travels
slightly west of south then his estimates place the object he saw in an even
more different position to Lynn. I am unable to reconcile the two sets of data.
Despite the fact that Fourmilab sky chart tells us that at
1120hrs UT on 25 October 1973, the Sun was 11.5 degrees below the horizon,
Lynn’s written testimony is that he was looking in the direction of the setting
Sun. How far away in degrees, from the Sun was the object? Neither witness
tells us. Lynn says the object was at
270 degrees azimuth, Moyer says it was to his west (ie roughly 270 degrees
azimuth.) Where did the Sun set that night? According to Fourmilab, it set that
night at 12 degrees south of west, ie 258 degrees azimuth.
Therefore, if Lynn’s estimate of the azimuth of the object
was accurate at 27O degrees, and the Sun set at 258 degrees, then the object
was only 12 degrees to the right of the setting Sun. A difficult position to carry out any
visual observation.
One other possibility is that the observations were not
simultaneous. Could Moyer’s observation have followed Lynn’s? The differences
in angular elevations and azimuths noted above might be resolved by proposing
that Lynn saw the object stationary, then move and disappear; then it became
visible to Moyer in a roughly similar position, then moved off to the elevation
and azimuth Moyer records.
Nevertheless, let us agree that a black object of apparent
large angular size was indeed seen in the western sky from North West Cape at
about 1915hrs on Thursday 25 October 1973, very close to the setting sun. Can we allocate any conventional explanation
to such a sighting?
Having had access to all the raw data contained in the two
statements and two proformas, and despite the fact that we do not have any
detailed investigation notes by someone other than the two witnesses, I believe that there is one conventional
explanation which could just fit the data. Could the “object” reported by the
two witnesses have simply been a formation of birds?
The idea at first glance may appear to be highly unlikely. However,
consider the data points:
1. The “object” was
initially reported by Lynn as “an unusual black formation.”
2. Lynn described it as a “black sphere.”
3. Lynn said it had a “halo” around the centre which
appeared to be either revolving or pulsating.
4. Its angular size was between half a degree and two
5. The “object” was reported over land, near sunset.
In Allan Hendry’s classic 1979 research volume “The UFO
Handbook”, Hendry cites the following, which after detailed investigation he
concluded was due to birds. “In other examples, fifteen to twenty golden point
sources holding a roughly spherical formation the width of the full moon were observed
to exhibit considerable graceful ‘internal motion.’ This spherical formation
proceeded over railroad tracks for five minutes.” (page 53.)
On a later page Hendry wrote “Only one case in 1,158 IFOs,
was ascribable to birds seen under daylight conditions. They were reported to
fly in a randomly shifting “sphere” at sundown…” (page 66.)I am able to add a relevant personal observation in support of this hypothesis. Some years ago I observed a black, stationary, spherical “object” in the late afternoon sky, with an angular diameter I estimated as one half of a degree. After a period of time it moved, and approached me. Only at this point was I able to distinguish that the object was a formation of black coloured birds. Then the formation wheeled in the sky, and turned; and at this point the flock became invisible to me, seemingly just vanishing in the sky.
In summary:
After examining the
raw data concerning the 25 October 1973 North West Cape incident, I would like
to see the flock of bird hypothesis further explored, before I can support the
concept that the object was indeed a “UFO.”
Over to blog readers to discuss and debate.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
A reference catalogue of UAP reported from the Nullarbor Plain region of Southern Australia
are numerous references in books and Internet websites, about unusual aerial
phenomena being reported from the Nullarbor Plain region of Southern Australia.
However, I have never yet seen a catalogue of such events. This work is the
draft version of such a catalogue. I have included extended versions of some
case, where I have been able to locate information additional to that which is
commonly known (such as the 1985 Ooldea train stop incident.) On the other hand for such well known cases as
the 20 January 1988 Mundrabilla event, I have only provided scant details. I
welcome additional cases, which may be directed to me via email at keithbasterfield@yahoo.com.au
The cases:
1. 24 September 1949. Wigunda, South
Australia. 1100hrs IFO?
flying disks. Aborigines report on meteorite. Norseman Sep 27.
at Wigunda, which is 36 miles east of Koonalda and 65 miles south of Cook have
given further information concerning the meteorite which fell in the vicinity
of Cook on Saturday morning.
they told Mr Cyril Gurney of Koonalda that they had seen two disks flying
through the air at terrific speed and several minutes later they had heard a
crash and had seen a big cloud of dust rise from the ground in a north-westerly
direction from Wigunda. It is now evident that the meteorite fell somewhere
within the triangle of country between Cook in the north and Wigunda and
Koonalda. Mr Gurney and men working the Eyre Highway will search for the spot next
Sunday. The Adelaide University has communicated with Mr Gurney seeking all
available information.”
“The West Australian” newspaper, Wednesday 28 September 1949, page 20.)
West Australian” dated Tuesday 27 September 1949, page 9 reports that Mr Cyril
Gurney of Koonalda about 11am hear a roaring sound, followed by the earth
vibrating. Three minutes later he felt a gush of hot wind come from the
2. 26 October 1951 Transcontinental railway
line, South Australia. 0400hrs 3mins 1M
driver of a train on the east-west transcontinental railway line between
Adelaide and Perth, stated that he saw an object illuminating the countryside
like the full Moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, appeared to
land in the desert, then took off and disappeared.
Vallee, J. “Anatomy of a Phenomenon.”) Note: a check of the Australian National
Library’s Trove digitised newspaper collection failed to locate any newspaper
articles about this event.
3. April (Easter) 1954. Eucla, Western
young men travelling by car, related that they were followed by a saucer shaped
object for some eighty kilometres. At times it was low enough that they were
able to see portholes. Five cameras were used to take some ninety two exposures
of the object. The men reported their observations to police, and they were
interviewed by the authorities who flew in by helicopter, and who allegedly
took away their cameras. Later the cameras were returned minus the films.
“Australian Saucer Record, “Volume 5, Number 3, 1959, page 13.)
4. 27 June 1954. Near Eucla, Western
saucer. Perth. Three East-West motorists have reported seeing a flying saucer
manoeuvring in the sky near the Nullarbor Plain. They watched it for 15 minutes
as it flew about obviously under control. It appeared as a brilliant white
light against a background of dark storm clouds and disappeared suddenly.
their arrival at Kalgoorlie late last night, the motorists Mr T A Mulhrean, his
wife and 23 year old son (Paul) of Sydney, said the saucer appeared north-west
of Eucla on Sunday night. They thought they saw fins or elevators, on each side
move up and down when it came within five miles of them at no more than 1000
party of motorists reported a similar object over the sea half an hour earlier
the same night.”
(Source: 1. “Barrier Miner” Newspaper Broken Hill,
Tuesday 29 June 1954, page 2. 2. “The
West Australian Thursday 1 July 1954 page 1.)
5. 1955
Near Eucla, Western Australia. 3 males.
CE 3/photo
now! You don’t have to believe it.
from outer space.
young men returned to Melbourne with the picture (above) of what they said was
a flying saucer pilot. One of them took the photograph about 14 miles from
Eucla, on the South Australian border.
is the story that Max Clow, 23, Alex Rose, 29 and Peter Johnson, 25 told:
were driving through flat country covered by scrub and tall trees when they
thought they heard what they thought was a blowout and stopped to look at the
tyres. Then Johnson pointed out a shiny object falling to the ground about
three miles away. After an hour’s search they found jagged pieces of shining
metal and then saw a moving figure 50 yards away. They went closer and watched
the figure for about 25 minutes.
said: “It was like a frog from the back and a semi-human from the front, with a
green cloak hanging to just above its knees. The two curved horns on each side
of the head gave it a devilish appearance. Its feet and hands were armour
plated, and to make it worse, it was wriggling and swaying like a fish out of
then plucked up his courage, moved nearer and took photographs. “Then to our
amazement, it began to disintegrate before our eyes” said Clow.”
“Daily Telegraph” newspaper. 2 August 1955.)
6. Sep/Oct 1957. Maralinga, South Australia. Dusk 15 mins Murray + others DD
RAF Corporal Derek Murray and
colleagues observed a hovering object. Described as silver/blue in colour and
having a metallic lustre. It had a line of ‘windows” or “portholes” along the
edge. The object could be seen so clearly that they could make out what
appeared to be plating on the object’s surface. The duty Air Traffic Controller
reportedly checked with Alice Springs and Edinburgh Air ports but they reported
no sightings. After about 15 minutes, the object left quickly without noise.
Murray stated that “I swear to
you as a practising Christian this was no dream, no illusion, not fairy story
but a solid craft of metallic construction.”
(Source: Chalker, B. (1996.)
“UFOs Sub Rosa Down Under: The Australian Military & Government Role in the
UFO controversy.” http://project1947.com/forum/bcoz2.htm Originally reported by Murray to UK
researcher Jenny Randles.)
Note: Date sometimes given as
2 November 1957; e.g. Spencer, John. “World Atlas of UFOs, Smithmark, New York.
1992. ISBN 0-8317-9498-4.)
7. 30 July 1965 Cook, South
Australia. 0835hrs 10mins 5M DO
The Establishment Security
Officer, Woomera advised:
Commonwealth railways
Port Augusta reports that gang working at 639
miles (approximately 70 miles west of Cook) saw UFO between 0835 and 0845 30 July 65 . to south of
railway link. Appeared hovering silver colour reflecting Sun’s rays. Watched
for ten minutes by five men. Disappeared with a flash ESO MARA may be able to
obtain more information from road master Cook.”
(Source: Digital copy of
National Archives of Australia. File series A703, control symbol 580/1/1 part 4
page 76.)
8. 22 August 1968. Zanthus, Western
Australia. 1740hrs 10mins 2M Smith &
Gardin DO
VH-RTO was flying a charter run between Adelaide and Perth. Was at 8000 feet,
190-195 knots, tracking 270 degrees magnetic. Gardin saw a UFO and woke Smith.
Ahead of the aircraft at the same level and 50 degrees to the right of Smith’s seat, Smith said “I saw, a
formation of aircraft. In the middle was a large aircraft, and formatted to the
right and left and above, were 4 or 5 smaller aircraft. ”Kalgoorlie DCA advised
them there was no traffic in the area. Then radio communications were lost.
“Main ship split into two sections still maintaining the same level, and the
smaller aircraft then flew out left and right…At this time there appeared to be
about 6 smaller aircraft taking turns of going out and coming back and
formatting in the two halves…Sometimes the two halves joined and split, and the
whole cycle continued for 10 minutes…smaller craft had a constant cigar shape…At
0950 GMT the whole formation joined together as if at a single command. Then
departed at a tremendous speed…departed in about 3 or 4 seconds, diminishing in
size till out of sight.” Weather was
fine, no haze above 5000 feet, 2/8 alto stratus to the south. Immediately after
the departure of the objects radio communications resumed. (1. The West
Australian 24 Aug 1968 p.13. 2. NAA file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1
part 10 pp 145, 160, 218-223. 3. Flying
Saucer Review 24(5):9-10 4. 5. The Daily News, Perth, 23 Aug 1968. 6. Interview
with Gardin 2011, by Keith Basterfield.) [Not in RAAF summary]
9. 15 Jul 1960. Maralinga. Ca. 1900hrs
7.15pm Constable H D Scarborough saw a light of “…approximately the power of bright
moonlight, playing on the ground.” The white light was moving from East to
West. It grew larger in size and turned red. The duration was estimated at 30
seconds. Scarborough was located 15 miles from
Maralinga village
7pm. Constable R H Maxwell was 13 miles from the
village and saw a light which appeared to come from the direction of Wewak-a
place 2.25 miles away
7pm Maralinga
Village . Witnesses Ross,
Hoskins, Kingsley and Haskard saw a light over the REME workshop building in
the village coming from Wewak. Duration estimated between 2-15 seconds
7.10pm Mrs Fuller at a homestead 500 miles NW of
Woomera reported a bright light and heard two loud “bangs” seemingly from the
light travelling SW to East. It changed colour from white to red. The “bangs”
occurred two minutes after the light was seen
Between 7.30 and 8pm. Giles weather station.
Observer saw a light bearing 100 degrees true at 15 degrees elevation. Reddish
glow which faded and then came on again
Also seen from Ernabella, Kenmore Park
and Kulgera.
Explanations ranged from St
Elmo’s fire; a meteor; to a “…reflection
of distant vehicle lights on a low inversion layer” to a “flying saucer.”
The flying saucer explanation is worth elaborating on, for the opinion came
from none other than Harry Turner, the ex Joint Intelligence Bureau officer
whom we interviewed last year. “Mr Oliver
Harry Turner, Health Physics Officer, who possesses an inquiring mind, made an
independent investigation and extensive calculations. He is of the opinion that
the light was not the result of a natural phenomenon but caused by an
unidentified flying object, either a cone from a satellite or a “flying
(Source: File series A6456,
control symbol R029/284 located in Canberra titled: “Weapons Research
Establishment (WRE) Salisbury-Department of Supply-Maralinga
Project-General-Policy and Administration.” In its 45 pages there are 7 which
relate details of the sighting.)
File note:
recently speaking to a friend of mine who used to work in the RAAF, he told me
the following account. A RAAF helicopter pilot told my friend that in the early
1970’s he, the pilot, had on one occasion, flown a helicopter over a tourist
bus on the Nullarbor Plain at night. After hovering over the bus, the pilot
moved away from the bus, circled and came back over the bus. The pilot then
landed his copter at a roadhouse and when the tourist bus passengers arrived at
that roadhouse, he listened to them talking about seeing a UFO over the bus.
10. October 1970. Nullarbor Plain.
people were driving in a panel van, when they noticed a bright, white light
over their vehicle. The driver found they had no control over speeding or
speed. The vehicle seemed to be up in the air. Finally, they somehow found
themselves back on the road. Some 32 hours of missing time occurred, and their
watches stopped.
Basterfield, K. “Australian Abductions: A Catalogue of Cases.” Very brief personal
communication to author.)
11. September 1973. Nullarbor Plain.
truck driver who had travelled the Nullarbor many times related that once he
saw “…a white light zig zag in front of his truck and all over the road.” He
also stated that once as he slept in his truck in the parking area outside the
Mundrabilla roadhouse, something violently shook his truck a number of times.
He got out but there was no one around.
12. Sep 1973. Ivy Tanks, South
Australia. 0300hrs 1F Ringer CE3
A thirty two year old woman
was a passenger in a semi-trailer travelling across to Perth . She had been asleep for about an hour
when a "voice" called her name and told her to look out the window.
She did so and saw an egg shaped surrounded by a "force field" on the
ground. The figure of a man was walking towards the egg, while another man was
sitting inside the object. The first man entered the egg; the glow died down,
leaving only one white light on. The driver pulled up the truck but when asked,
said he had seen nothing. They did not go back to check the spot.
(Source: Keith Basterfield
& Vladimir Godic. 1973interview with witness Astrid Ringer.)
13. 1974. Nullarbor Plain, west bound train.
A hoaxed film was taken from
the train window during the say. The hoaxer stated that he cut a piece of paper
into a lens shape, shaded the top part grey and the bottom black, stuck it to
the window and took an 8mm movie film.
(Source: http://home.connexus.net.au/~bruce42/ufo/ufo02.html
accessed 12 November 2013. Bruce Barnes.)
14. Ca.
1977. Near the South Australian/Western Australia Border. CE2/retrieval
source told me he knew of at least 3 separate UFO crashes in Australia. They
were allegedly the focus of an operation devoted to retrievals of the objects
and any beings present. Australian and US military teams intent on
"contact" apparently used individuals with histories of UFO encounters
to help identify possible event locations. My source claims these individuals
apparently come from military ranks. One alleged incident was described in
great detail.
source describes the following extraordinary incident, in which he claims to
have been a direct participant. I have not been able to verify this story due
to concerns that any attempt to check his bonafides may draw unwanted attention
to him - a frustrating or convenient Catch 22 depending on your point of view.
While the details seem unbelievable, I have heard various elements of the story
as features in other unrelated episodes. This does not validate the story but
it makes it at least a fascinating yarn that may yet yield confirmatory
about 1977 a UFO, first seen as a purple green "fireball", was
observed to "crash" near the South Australia - Western Australia
border, some distance north of the Eyre Highway. A retrieval team was on
location within hours and confirmed the presence of a large damaged object,
completely unlike any conventional aircraft. Smaller than a Boeing, it had
something of a triangular appearance. There was charcoal coloured debris
team quickly verified that two men had already entered the crashed UFO. One of
them, indicating he was with the transport division of the Australian army, had
emerged from the craft in a somewhat dazed condition. He stated that one of the
UFO occupants was still alive. He was subjected to immediate decontamination
procedures. The man's companion was apparently determined to be a US citizen.
was separated from the Australian and taken into custody. Allegedly he was
determined to be AWOL and was taken back to the US. The Australian army
transport driver was subjected to standard interrogation procedures. He was returned
to his vehicle and escorted to his destination and then relocated to Exmouth
for two weeks of intensive interrogation and debriefing designed to ensure he was
not a security threat to the operation.
retrieval group verified the presence of two beings inside the craft. One was
deceased. The other indicated signs of life uttering a slight squealing noise
possibly indicative of being in pain. Both appeared to be pot bellied, with
arms that seemed thinner and longer than normal. They were both about 4'6"
to 5' in height. Their eyes appeared to be wider than normal and looked black.
No ears or hair was noticed. My informant did not participate in the actual
removal of the beings and craft but verified that the site was totally cleaned
up leaving no evidence of any crash incident.
The retrieval operation was allegedly part of a joint US Australian operation to recover alien technology and life forms. Military personnel who had been assessed and determined to have a history of verified UFO sightings, were used in an "outer cell" operation to locate apparent sighting "hot spots". Once the site was verified as active the retrieval/contact team was sent in. Operations of this nature were alleged to have occurred in the Nullarbor area and near Marble Bar. My source claimed he was aware of 4 apparent UFO crash events.
The retrieval operation was allegedly part of a joint US Australian operation to recover alien technology and life forms. Military personnel who had been assessed and determined to have a history of verified UFO sightings, were used in an "outer cell" operation to locate apparent sighting "hot spots". Once the site was verified as active the retrieval/contact team was sent in. Operations of this nature were alleged to have occurred in the Nullarbor area and near Marble Bar. My source claimed he was aware of 4 apparent UFO crash events.
source insists that what he told me and an associate is true. A certain
bitterness enters his recollections given what he claims to have gone through.
There is much that I cannot describe because of concerns about his well being
if the stories are true. He said to me, "You might think this shit, but it
is true... All my stories would be verified." When I indicated that I
would like to air these stories for the purpose of possible verification, and I
indicated concern about possible repercussions for him, he had some misgivings.
was concerned that there were things he had said that perhaps he should not
have said, particularly to my associate who first heard his story in a non
investigative setting. But then finally he concluded, "If they get wind of
me, stiff shit!" This might be mere bravado or a nice flourish for a yarn
spinner. Which is appropriate I cannot yet be certain. There was much in this
story that troubles me.”
Chalker, Bill. “UFO crash/Retrieval stories: The Australian Experience.”)
15. 5 February 1978. Balladonia, Western
Australia. 0400hrs 3 hours 1Male
driving west approximately 20-30 miles east from Balladonia, I observed a large
spotlight coming towards me, coming from the west going east. I thought it was
another vehicle, so I put my high beam on and off several times, but the other
light did not change. Then I could see a large diamond shaped light coming
towards me. It had red, blue, green and yellow lights reflecting off the road directly
below it. The white light momentarily blinded me, so I don’t know whether it
went directly overhead or veered to one side of me.
I stopped the truck and got out. But I couldn’t see anything. After a couple of
minutes I started driving again. I started looking around when I noticed a
round dull white light or object on my right hand side which was approximately
2-3 inches in diameter, also travelling the same speed as my truck. I then
stopped and the object stopped. I started driving again, then the object moved
again. Then it disappeared when I drove into Balladonia. About five minutes, it
reappeared on my left hand side. I stopped, then another truck stopped which
was coming from the west to see if I was alright. I asked if he could see
anything, but the object had disappeared.
started driving, then it reappeared left again. I switched my truck headlights
off (while driving) then the object went from a round shape to an elongated
shape which was approximately 17 inches by 6 inches high. It was a dull white
colour with black segments (windows?). About one or two minutes later I
switched my headlights on again, then the object disappeared. About ¼ to ½ an
hour later, it reappeared on my right hand side as a round shape again. About
4.30am as the sky grew brighter, the object disappeared:
I left Border Village I was fully clothed. When I drove past through Madura,
but I couldn’t remember anything between …east of Balladonia except for, I
remember talking to somebody about inventing something (somebody wanted me to
take credit for their invention but I wouldn’t agree) also I remember speaking
with two voices. Next thing I remember was 4 miles east of Balladonia when I
stopped my truck to refuel it, when I noticed that I still had on my tee-shirt
and Amco jacket and only my jockets, but my shorts were elsewhere in the truck
cab. I didn’t pick up any hitch hikers or have anybody else with me on the trip
from east to west.”
Bell, UFO researcher from Perth, Western Australia.)
16. 16 May 1981. Cocklebiddy, Western
Australia. 1915hrs 2wits Winsome
Mr H
J Winsome and his wife were driving by car when they approached a stationary
bright red, glowing structure apparently on the ground, not too far from the
road. As they came level with it, it disappeared. Through their car window they
saw a pink glow high in the sky. They experienced an uncomfortable perspiring
effect on their bodies for a short while, although the outside air temperature
was cool.
UFO Research South Australia.)
http://www.strangedayz.co.uk 25
September 2007 item titled “UFOs on the Nullarbor Plain” has the date as May
1992 and the location as 50 miles west of Cocklebiddy. Their account reads:
“Two people
travelled across the Nullarbor, on an inky-black chilly night. They were
shocked to see a dome-shaped object on the roadside just a few metres ahead of
their vehicle. The stationary, silent vehicle glowed a bright red colour. As
they drew alongside it totally vanished. When they glanced in their rear vision
mirror they noticed a pale, pinkish glow high up in the sky, which rapidly
headed westwards, before fading from view. The witnesses both stated that they
had become uncomfortably hot, despite the chill of the night.”
17. 16 January 1985. Ooldea siding, 150kms
east of Cook, South Australia. Night. 2M
(a) The
driver of a freight train was said to have seen strange lights in the sky and
reported them to train control in case they were from an aircraft in distress.
In addition a story circulated that the “train had been stopped by a UFO.” Mr
John Beatty, spokesman for the train company advised that there had been
trouble with the engine and the crew had to uncouple some wagons on the long
incline to Ooldea. (Source: The “Canberra Times” newspaper, Friday 18 January
1985 page 8.)
(b) “UFO
disables freight train. Drivers claim mysterious light reduced power.
drivers claim a UFO stopped their freight train on an outback trip. Police and
Australian National Railway authorities are trying to find out why the train
was drained of power while crossing the Nullarbor Plain. Two locomotive
engineers watched as a mysterious light hovered for several minutes above their
freight train, which had lost power. The men were forced to uncouple some of
the wagons to get to the top of a steep embankment.
spokesman John Bettie said an investigation was under way into the incident
which occurred last Wednesday night on the Trans-Australia line which links
Adelaide and Perth. Mr Bettie said the men, experienced drivers, reported the
light while heading west from Port Augusta in South Australia. “It appeared
they sighted something several kilometres overhead as they neared a remote
railway siding at Ooldea, 740kms north-west of Adelaide,” he said. “We don’t
know what it was or what caused them to lose power as they climbed the hill.”
Mr Bettie said the men had to uncouple most of the wagons to reach Ooldea.
stretch of line where the incident took place is near the restricted Woomera
military base and only a short distance from Maralinga. (Uncited newspaper. 18
Jan 1985.)
It was to my surprise finding your scanned newspaper articles,
NSW-Australia-1983-1992. Article on the above subject. Why? In 1985 I was the
Station Assistant on duty the night the UFO incident occurred. In the station
we had a radio telephone with the sound always switched on. Hearing everything
relayed to and from Train Control in Port Augusta to Train Drivers. In saying
this, I heard the whole event take place. However, what the newspaper article
failed to mention is that the “UFO” also had a problem (after hovering over the
engine) and quote “went up steeply at height and crashed into the sand hills”
as described by the driver and fireman. (email communication between Anthony Clarke
(UFO Research NSW) and witness Gary Edwards, July 2013.)
Clarke then spoke by telephone with Gary Edwards on 28 July 2013. Additional
information gleaned was:
The event occurred on 16 January 1985 between 10pm and midnight.
At the time Edwards was 24 years of age and a Station Assistant at the locality
of Cook,
Gary was on the radio telephone to the train driver at the time the incident
was occurring for over 5 minutes.
He has never forgotten the event as it left him, the train driver and the
fireman on the train quite terrified to speak about it. Their voices sounded
terrified over the telephone. The event was not talked about with the train
driver or fireman afterwards, everybody kept quiet because it was so out of
their normal reality.
Immediately after the event Edwards telephoned Pine Gap and spoke to the Duty
Officer at approximately midnight or 1am on the 17 January. He reported the
vent wanting to let the authorities know.
Edwards stated that the National Railway Museum may have a copy of the Beattie
Gary stated that the UFO hovered over the train causing it to malfunction. The
UFO appeared to rise up and crash into the sand hills near the train line.
Gary is not aware of the names of the two men on the train.
checked with the National Railway Museum which is in Adelaide who advised him
that they did not hold copies of any ANR Incident Report on the event.
information from Gary:
was stationed at Cook. On the night I was waiting for freight train No. 1117 to
arrive at approximately 0100hrs so I could change the crews and refuel. I
finished my shift at 0130hrs (Thursday) As I recall the freight train did not
arrive until approximately 0430hrs…And there was also a guard in the Break Van,
cannot recall a “word” from him…I have found a copy of an old “Train Order”
sent to me by the Museum Port Adelaide in 2010…with train No. 1117, as signed
by me at 2300hrs travelling from the east…I must say approximately 1 hour after
the event I telephoned Pine Gap, USAF Space Base near Alice Springs, from the
Telecom public phone booth where I was stationed at Cook. Why contact them?
Because they, the Americans, had the capability to search…”
According to the Fourmilab Internet star chart, the planet Venus, at 2230hrs on
that night, was 3 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 83 degrees, i.e. 7
degrees south of west. The train track at that location points westwards to an
azimuth of roughly 75-0 degrees, i.e. very close to the position of Venus.
(d) An Internet website has a post dated 27
December 2012 by “Soul-drifter” with essentially the details as provided by
emails between Clarke and Edwards. However, the date of the event is given as
December 1984 time 2330hrs. Points not in the above text but in this version
The train driver is quoted as saying “There is a bright light above us and we
are losing power…It has moved beside the engine, went up and down a steep dive
to the right…” The engine power then came back on.
“According to Gary the train driver and firemen were clearly shaken up by the
incident. So much so, that both men shortly thereafter quite their jobs and
“The event occurred at the Barton railway siding which is close to the Woomera,
joint USA/AUS prohibited area. “
“Local rumours after the incident spoke of a crashed flying saucer recovered at
the site and taken into the Woomera area.”
“The News” Adelaide, newspaper dated 18 January 1985 has the following article.
train claim false.
National has denied claims that a UFO had drained power in a freight train
travelling across the Nullarbor Plains. The train lost power last Wednesday
night while climbing a steep embankment near remote Ooldea railway siding on
the main Adelaide-Perth line, about 740k, north-west of Adelaide. Two
locomotive engineers were forced to detach most of their wagons to climb the
embankment, and returned later to pick them up. A spokesman for Australian
national in Adelaide today said mechanical troubles and not mysterious lights
had caused the power failure. “There were no mysterious lights hovering over
the train and no flying saucers,” the spokesman said. “The drivers remarked
that they saw some sort of car lights out in the bush.” There were suggestions
the UFO claims were a joke among railway workers. According to Australian
National the train had later continued its journey to Perth. The mechanical
failure was reported to Australian National train control ‘for the records.”
18. 30 June 1985. Between Ceduna and
Clayton was driving between Ceduna and Balladonia when he saw a perfectly round
white light in the sky through the passenger window. It followed his truck for
several hours. It gradually went behind trees and disappeared. Gary said that
when he arrived in Perth the local television stations had received film that
was taken by a farmer in the general area of where he had seen the ball of
light which followed him.
“Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research” magazine Number 30,
February 1986 page 3.)
19. Pre 1986. Nullarbor Plain.
working on a road construction project on the Nullarbor Plain I had an unusual
experience when working a night shift. I was driving a truck at about 3am when
I saw to the right of me three bright lights very close to the ground. They
were travelling at high speed very close together. They crossed the road in
front of me and disappeared. I stopped where I believed they crossed the dirt
road but I was unable to find any tracks which would have existed had they been
a normal vehicle, especially as they was no road! Also my dog began barking and
became upset when these lights appeared, otherwise I would have thought I had
imagined them.” (D.L. Clovelly Park.)
“Australian International UFO Flying Saucer Research” magazine, number 32, Aug
1986 page 19. Citing the “Adelaide Advertiser” newspaper, Wednesday 2 April
20. 6 January 1988. Eucla, Western
Australia. 2000hrs
glowing object hovered for one minute. It then went over the horizon. One witness. Total duration four minutes.
Good, Timothy. “The UFO Report 1990.)
21. 20 January 1988. Between Penong and
Ceduna. 0240hrs
man (resident of Burnie Tasmania) and his girlfriend were travelling along the
Eyre Highway between Penong and Ceduna when he heard a loud thump come from
above the vehicle. “At first I thought it was the gas bottle on top of the car,
but there’s no way it could come off because it’s screwed down.”
then saw a series of white flashing lights coming towards the earth over a
fifteen minute period. The vehicle was simultaneously buffeted by near
gale-force winds that shook parts of the roof and completely bent the aerial,
but caused minimal damage. The wind lasted for about one hour and they were
blown all over the road. “It frightened the living daylights out of me,” he
said he woke his girlfriend up and continued driving, stopping only to refuel.
“Advocate” newspaper, Burnie, Tasmania. 25 January 1988.)
22. 20 January 1988. Near Mundrabilla,
Western Australia. 0410hrs
Knowles family, while driving their car between Perth and Melbourne,
encountered a mysterious light approaching their vehicle along the road. They
believed this object picked up their car and dropped it back onto the road. One
car tyre burst. They travelled on to the Mundrabilla roadhouse where they spoke
to two truck drivers who had also been on the same road at about that time. A
forensic detective took a sample of dust off the roof of their car several
hours after the event. Half this sample was analysed in the USA and found to be
simply clay and salt particles. Another sample analysed via US researcher
Richard Haines found that black dust on the vehicle was simply brake dust.
Investigation by Ray Brooke, Keith Basterfield, Bill Chalker, Steve Bolton,
Vladimir and Pony Godic.)
23. 5 February 1988. Mundrabilla, Western
Australia. Night 2mins
bus driver reported seeing a light in the sky. There was also CB radio
Good, Timothy. “The UFO Report” 1990.)
24. 17 October 1988. Near Mundrabilla,
Western Australia.
flew beside bus, says driver. Perth. An upset bus driver has told police of
being “buzzed” by a UFO in outback Western Australia. Pioneer Express driver Mr
Peter Chapman said he and seven passengers saw a bright light flying alongside
their bus on the Eyre Highway near Mundrabilla, about 100 kms from the South
Australian border.
sighting was close to where a Perth family claimed their car was picked up by a
spaceship, carried down the road and dumped earlier this year. Seargent George
Johansen of Eucla police said his friend Mr Chapman was at first reluctant to
report the sighting, early on Monday morning.
“He was a bit upset about it – it was pretty hair-raising for him,”
Seargent Johansen said “He also thought people would say he was a bit of a
Seargent Johansen said he took seriously Mr Chapman’s report of a bright light
with another one revolving around it, which he said appeared over an
escarpment. “If he reported it, it would not be a hoax. He is not one of those
people who makes things up,” Seven other people saw it.
Chapman of Ceduna, said the light had come up behind the bus, then flown beside
it about 50 metres away and about 100m off the ground.”
“The Canberra Times” newspaper. Thursday 20 October 1988 page 4.)
25. 9 September 1989. Nullarbor Plain and
other locations. 2230hrs
reports were received of a nocturnal light. Mr Phillip Bott, of Quorn, SA, was
on the Nullarbor Plain when he sighted an “incredible fireworks display”.
Initially seen as a small orange light, it then became two or three lights and
finally broke up into about twenty pieces altogether as it passed overhead.
Reports also came from Port Augusta, Port Patterson, Stirling North, the
Flinders Ranges, Whyalla, Freeling and Streaky Bay. Accounts were also noted
from Merredin, and Bencubbin in WA. It seems to have been a piece of space
debris re-entering.
(Source: UFOR(SA) UFORS89046. , “Adelaide
Advertiser “11 September 1989, & West Australian 11 September 1989.)
September 1989 Nullarbor Station 2230hrs
On Saturday
the 9th September 1989 at about 2230 hours Mr and Mrs Hennessy and their son
Deanne were travelling westwards in a Commodore station wagon, heading home to
Perth, Western Australia. They were at a point some 35km west of Nullarbor
station. Mr Hennessy was driving. They first noted a cluster of about a dozen
lights in the sky some 10-15 degrees above the north-western horizon. These
lights were visible through the car windscreen to their right.
The lights approached the car. At first he thought it might be an aircraft, then that if it was it was going to crash. His wife said: “It s a UFO!” He stopped the car, left the engine running and got out to look at the object. He had a Minolta 7000 camera with him and he took a picture of the object. However, when he received the film back the neqative was completely blank.
The object passed by him seeming to parallel the road, and at its closest point, estimated as only 50-80 metres away, it passed through a point about 30 degrees above the northern horizon. It then moved quickly into the distance and-was lost to sight at a point some 10 degrees north-east.
He described the object initially as a large number of dull yellow coloured lights on what appeared to be a metallic shape which was visible between the lights. Basically it was a rectangular shape with the ratio of length/height about 5 or 6 to 1. Its angular length was judged to be about half a degree. The lights were bright in intensity but not so bright as to hurt their eyes. There was no noise associated with the object at all. There were no noticeable effects on the Commodore s engine, lights etc. and the three observers suffered no ill effects at all. The sky was clear at the time with stars visible.
The lights approached the car. At first he thought it might be an aircraft, then that if it was it was going to crash. His wife said: “It s a UFO!” He stopped the car, left the engine running and got out to look at the object. He had a Minolta 7000 camera with him and he took a picture of the object. However, when he received the film back the neqative was completely blank.
The object passed by him seeming to parallel the road, and at its closest point, estimated as only 50-80 metres away, it passed through a point about 30 degrees above the northern horizon. It then moved quickly into the distance and-was lost to sight at a point some 10 degrees north-east.
He described the object initially as a large number of dull yellow coloured lights on what appeared to be a metallic shape which was visible between the lights. Basically it was a rectangular shape with the ratio of length/height about 5 or 6 to 1. Its angular length was judged to be about half a degree. The lights were bright in intensity but not so bright as to hurt their eyes. There was no noise associated with the object at all. There were no noticeable effects on the Commodore s engine, lights etc. and the three observers suffered no ill effects at all. The sky was clear at the time with stars visible.
(Source: Joan Johnston & Keith
September 1989 Zanthus Western Australia 2100hrs
According to a report on ParaNet, sourced from the Melbourne
Truth, the crew of a passenger train westbound for Kalgoorlie WA reported an
unusual observation, which included smoke “blacking out passenger windows” and
causing the train driver to cough. Driver Lou Beccarelli was interviewed by
Keith Basterfield and stated he was driving the train 14km east of Zanthus WA
at the time. He initially saw a pencil-shaped light in the western sky which
appeared to come over the horizon and approach the train. It grew in size and
appeared to be a series of lights with a white trail behind them. It passed to
the north of the train. At closest approach it was visible as a line of six
white lights with a white “smoke” trail behind it. It was completely silent.
Lou had enough time to walk over to the right hand window of the driver s
cabin, and roll down the window for a better view. He also had time to call on
the two way radio to the guard. Lou lost the object to sight when it continued
to travel eastwards behind him. The total duration according to Lou was about a
minute but the white “smoke” hung in the sky for about 20 minutes altogether.
Lou said that Greg, the guard, said it “just disappeared” i.e. did not go over
the eastern horizon.
Lou radioed Rawlinna, some 180km to the east but no-one there saw it. Later he heard that it was seen from:
a. 80km north of Kalgoorlie, some 200km to the west of his position, and
b. At Merredin, some 550km west of Lou.
It was visible from all these locations at approximately 2100hrs, with the same visual description, and again no sound.
Lou radioed Rawlinna, some 180km to the east but no-one there saw it. Later he heard that it was seen from:
a. 80km north of Kalgoorlie, some 200km to the west of his position, and
b. At Merredin, some 550km west of Lou.
It was visible from all these locations at approximately 2100hrs, with the same visual description, and again no sound.
Lou was asked if the “smoke” made him cough or covered
passenger windows as stated in the ParaNet item. He said this was completely
untrue. There had been no interaction between the object and the train or crew.
If view of the data uncovered it would appear that the object was some distance away from the train, and high up. As in other reports of this nature, the indications are that it was a bright meteor entering the atmosphere.
If view of the data uncovered it would appear that the object was some distance away from the train, and high up. As in other reports of this nature, the indications are that it was a bright meteor entering the atmosphere.
(Source: Keith Basterfield).
26. 1 January 1993. Madura, Western Australia. 2150hrs 30mins
Three nocturnal lights paced a
car. Fast manoeuvres. One witness.
(Source: Hatch, Larry. *U*
computer database,)
27. Jul 1995 Balladonia WA
2000hrs 2wits CE1 (32:28, 123:52)
light was noted by a man and his daughter as they were driving. As they approached
they saw that the object had stopped at the side of the road. They drove past
it at a distance of ten to twenty metres. It hovered just above the ground
stirring up dust. The silent object had no effect on their vehicle. (Barry
28. 1998. Nullarbor Plain.
woman recalled falling into a dissociative state. She suffered a sense of
violation and began menstruating unexpectedly. Her other memory of that event
was of a very bright light following and pacing the car.
29. 20-24 March 1999. Nullarbor Plain.
of a UAP sighting on the Nullarbor Plain. “Apparently three stranded aliens and
their 2km wide UFO had crash landed 160km north of Haig. A Sydney woman raised
more than $50,000 from benefactors and proceeded to Kalgoorlie to go out in the
desert and find the aliens. She was convinced they need help in the form of
lifting gear, water and welding gear.”
UFO sightings on the Nullarbor. J Johansen. Investigator 66. May 1999.)
details, plus the woman’s name was Margie Parker.
The “West Australian” newspaper, Saturday 20 March 1999.)
30. Pre 2004. Nullarbor Plain. 0300hrs
29mins 2 wits 1M 1F
of my good friends and his wife drove into Perth in the early hours of the
morning after having been followed for 20 mins on the Nullarbor Plain…At about
3am they were a few hours from Perth when they noticed a small red light.
Thinking it was an aircraft they didn’t take any notice. 5 mins later the light
was over their car although it wasn’t very bright.
the next 20 mins Gary travelled from between 80km/hr to 150, all the time the
light kept perfect formation over the car. His wife apparently was really
scared but a short time later the light winked out and that was that.
got to Perth at around 7am and checked into the hotel. When they got out of the
car the paint on the roof had been bubbled and some of the window rubbers had
Internet post 2 Sep 2004 “Friend has a
ufo encounter Nullarbor Plain, Australia.” “Above Top Secret” website http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread77293/pg1)
31. February 2006. Near Eucla, Western
women were travelled by vehicle across the Eyre Highway. With them was a baby
and two young boys. “The passenger entered into a peculiar, dissociative state,
much of which she cannot recall…recalled being force backward onto her seat and
inflammation in her vagina…” She began unexpectedly menstruating. “Another
memory was of her friend screaming at something outside their stationary car. The
friend claimed she could see blue-skinned men with small, peculiar looking
noses…They came to from their dissociative state, to discover they were no
longer travelling, but simply sitting in their vehicle at the side of the
32. Undated. Nullarbor Plain.
travelling across the Nullarbor in a ute, their vehicle’s engine and lights
suddenly cut out. They got out of the vehicle to find that their torch would
not work. Above them they saw “…a large, silent, airborne object suspended an
estimated 30-60m overhead. Red, green and yellow lights rotated around the flat
underside.” Ten minutes later it slowly moved off then accelerated at speed and
left. Right after it departed the ute’s lights came back on and they were able
to start the engine.
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